Water Margin people

Chapter 1118 The war begins on the third front

"Don't be rude to the old man. This old general has been fighting in Kansai and Xixia for many years!"

Sun Lei's voice sounded, and the dragon boat had quietly sailed into the waterside pavilion.

"His Majesty!"

The young soldier looked at Sun Lei and bowed with enthusiasm.

"This old guy bullies me when I'm young, always trying to trick me, he's evil-minded, he's not a good person!"

The young soldier pointed at Zhongshidao and reported to Sun Lei. He said it was a report, but it was more like complaining to a parent.

"You did a good job. This guy is just an old man. Go get ready!"

Sun Lei held back his laughter and said.

"Old General Zhong, young people are just outspoken, don't take it to heart!"

Sun Lei looked at Master Zhong and finally laughed.

"Are you trying to make me look embarrassed on purpose? This trick is of no use to me!"

Zhong Shidao believed that the young soldier just now was sent deliberately by Sun Lei.

"Old General Zhong, we are all old acquaintances. It's your fault that you doubt me so much! If it were me, the scene would be much bigger than this."

Sun Lei put away his smile and said with some displeasure, he would not resort to such petty tactics.

Zhongshidao suddenly agreed, and he still knew Sun Lei's character.

"A young and old general is like this. This is not the kind of training I know!"

Sun Lei looked at Master Zhong and said.

"I'm not here to chat! You are an enemy of the Song Dynasty, but the people are innocent. Countless people have been affected by the Yellow River bursting its embankments. The embankments must still be blocked!"

This was not the first time Zhong Shidao had greeted Sun Lei. He knew that Sun Lei was full of nonsense, but he could always make people speechless, so he directly talked about business.

Zhong Shidao wanted to catch Sun Lei off guard with such abrupt words, like a sudden punch.

Sun Lei seemed not to hear, holding the wine glass and tasting the wine inside.

Zhongshi Dao is like a punch hitting the water. Although it is powerful, it can only hit nothing.

The young soldier ran back again, holding some papers in his hand.

"Read it."

Sun Lei waved his hands.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The young soldier saluted Sun Lei and then looked at Master Zhong with a serious face.

"On the 21st of last month, Du Chong, who was left behind in Kaide Mansion, proposed to Tong Guan a plan to dig up the Yellow River and flood the Seventh Army..."

"Tong Guan did not dare to take responsibility. Although he did not adopt it, he did not deny it. It is said that Tong Guan acquiesced in private..."

"On the 22nd, Du Chong dug up the Yellow River, and the flood flowed southward to where it is now at Liangshan Mountain, and then diverted to Tokyo."

"So far, the affected farmland in Qi is mainly located near Yuncheng, about 500,000 acres."

"In the direction of the Song Dynasty, the area along the Wuzhang River was the hardest hit, with about 2.8 million acres. Near Tokyo, there were about 4 million or 10,000 acres! About 3.5 million acres of farmland in the lower reaches were affected."

"As for the people, about 1.8 million people were affected. This was just the houses destroyed by floods, mainly concentrated in the Wuzhang River and near Tokyo."

The young soldier looked at the document in his hand and read it directly.

Tanashidao was livid when he heard this. This was the first time he heard such accurate disaster information. He had asked about it when he was in Tokyo, but the answer he got was that he didn't know.

"What do you mean? Do you want to watch millions of people suffer!"

Zhong Shidao looked at Sun Lei and asked.

"It's not like I dug the Yellow River. Du Chong is an official of your Song State! What he did is naturally your Song State's responsibility. What does it have to do with our Qi State? What's more, we are still in a hostile relationship. You are suffering from disasters, and I shouldn't. Are you clapping your hands and cheering?"

Sun Lei said as he should.

"Oh, by the way, you still don't know where Du Chong went, right? Let me tell you now, he ran all the way to Taiyuan and defected to the Jurchens!"

Sun Lei added. Zhong Shidao's face changed slightly, but he still didn't answer. He knew that if he followed Sun Lei's words, he would be defeated.

"Take him to see the collapsed river bank!"

Sun Lei looked at the young soldier and said.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The young soldier saluted Sun Lei with respect, then instantly changed his face and looked at Zhong Shidao rudely.

"Let's go!"

The soldier shouted to the master impatiently.

"Your Majesty, isn't this a bit too much? Zhong Shidao is a veteran after all, and he is treated like this by a young man!"

Zhu Wu whispered.

"You've been in jail for more than a month. Do you still care about this?"

Sun Lei waved his hand indifferently.

"Your Majesty, the latest urgent report."

A soldier ran from outside and saluted Sun Lei.

Sun Lei took the letter and read it.

"These guys are really weak! Now they want to cede territory and seek peace?"

Sun Lei shook his head and handed the letter to Zhu Wu next to him.

"This... this ceding territory to seek peace! Aren't you afraid of being cast aside by the world?"

Zhu Wu was stunned. It was already embarrassing for the Song Dynasty to ask for peace with annual coins, but now it wanted to cede territory to ask for peace.

"Someone said that after I die, I won't care about the flood. I'm afraid these people have the same idea! They just want to maintain the stability of the current short-term station. As for the consequences, as long as it doesn't delay their enjoyment, it doesn't matter."

Sun Lei said.

The information was urgently sent by Shi Qian, and the content was about what was discussed in the morning in Tokyo today. Many people were in favor of ceding Hedong in exchange for a short-term peace with the Kingdom of Jin.

"Your Majesty, if the Jin soldiers gain a foothold in Hedong, the next step may be to attack us in Hebei!"

Zhu Wu said.

"Is it possible? Why cross the Taihang Mountains? Instead of going south to Guanzhong? Or the Central Plains?"

Sun Lei shook his head and pointed his finger.

"This... the Jin Kingdom's real target is Song Ting?"

Zhu Wu's expression changed slightly. He had always thought that they would fight the Jin Kingdom first, but after Sun Lei said this, it seemed that the Song Dynasty was going to have trouble first.

"The fear of difficulty is just like that of my boy. Letting him drink medicinal soup is like killing him. Seeing that the big chicken leg can rotate three times, he wants to play all day long, but he doesn't want to study!"

"The Jurchens are human beings too. If they fight with us, they have little chance of winning, but if they fight with Zhao Song, they can easily do it. What do you think they will choose in this situation?"

Sun Lei said.

Zhu Wu nodded. In this case, even if there is an order from the top, the soldiers will object. Anyway, they are going south to plunder. Who is robbing? Why not pick something simple and rich?

"Your Majesty, we cannot let the Jin soldiers go south again, otherwise the casualties will be immeasurable!"

Zhu Wu opened his mouth and said, Hedong was disturbed by Tian Hu, and the population was depleted. They also took away a large number of civilians. Although the Jin Kingdom has captured many cities so far, the gains are limited, and the losses in Hedong are also limited.

"Tell Master Lu that he can take action, and Zhuozhou will cooperate with him!"

Sun Lei nodded. He had no intention of letting the Jin Kingdom continue to go south. This was not to protect the Zhao and Song Dynasties, but for the innocent people.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Zhu Wu nodded solemnly.

"After a fight in the west, it's time to start a fight in the northeast. Tell Lin Chong that it's time to take back Shanbei Jiuzhou!"

Sun Lei looked at Zhu Wudao again. This time he wanted to start a war on three fronts and completely crush the Jin Kingdom's wishful thinking.

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