Water Margin people

Chapter 1119 Huang Zhongfu

By the Yellow River.


Zhong Shidao looked at the endless ocean, his face was livid. If it weren't for the fact that some mountains could still be identified, he really thought this was another piece of water.

"That's...the place where the breach occurred?"

Zhong Shidao looked at the young soldiers beside him and asked.

"This is the evil you have done!"

The young soldier glared at Zhongshi Dao fiercely, as if all this was done by Zhongshi Dao.

"Nearly ten miles...here!"

Zhong Shidao finally understood the horror of the Yellow River bursting its banks this time. This was no longer a breach, but a complete diversion. Now the water in the east channel of the Yellow River hardly enters the Bohai Sea, and all flows southward.

"Don't think about it. The dikes here are already loose. They often broke in the early years. This time they collapsed immediately after they were dug up. Unless we wait until the dry season, no one can stop them! Even if Dayu comes!"

The young soldier looked at Zhong Shidao and said, if you want to block the collapsed embankment, you will have to wait until after the autumn flood at least.

"What's your name? You don't talk like ordinary people!"

Master Zhong was silent for a long time before he spoke.

"Come here, you!"

The young soldier quickly called to the people around him, and without waiting for Zhong Shidao's reaction, he stepped forward and tied Zhong Shidao tightly with ropes.

"Old man, do you want to commit suicide by drowning yourself in the river? How can I explain to His Majesty that you are going to die? Do you want to harm me?"

Several people fiercely held Master Zhong down.

"Tell you, my name is Huang Zhongfu! You old guy, if you want to die, don't contact our brothers!"

Huang Zhongfu looked at the tightly tied Master Zhong and said.

"Brother Huang, why are you talking nonsense to him? He asked your name. He must have wanted to jump into the river after asking. How will we explain to His Majesty if he dies?"

The other young people looked at Huang Zhongfu and said.

Zhong Shidao's face turned red. He had indeed thought of committing suicide just now. He had been fighting for many years, but in the end the enemy was not able to stop him. He was defeated and lost ground. He had accomplished nothing. Now that the Yellow River burst its banks and the people suffered, he was considered treason. In despair, I really wanted to drown myself.

But these young men didn't care about martial arts, so they tied him up like rice dumplings. They had been practicing Taoism for five years, and their own martial arts skills were not bad, so they were not helpless, but he was caught off guard and couldn't react at all. , coupled with his current physical weakness, he was directly subdued by these boys.

"Take him back to deliver! Open his mouth and don't let him bite his tongue!"

Huang Zhongfu was a little worried, so he picked up a stone and stuffed it into Zhong Shidao's mouth, and then tied his mouth with a rope.

"The teachings taught by the veterans are really useful!"

Huang Zhongfu looked at Zhong Shidao, who was struggling desperately but was helpless, and nodded with satisfaction.

"What are you doing?"

Sun Lei, who was reading the memorial, looked astonished when he saw Master Dao being tied up as an adult pig. These boys are really bold.

"Your Majesty, this old man wants to commit suicide by diving into the water, this is all we can do!"

Huang Zhongfu saluted Sun Lei.

"Those don't have to do this. This is a way to deal with prisoners! Let go!"

Sun Lei shook his head.

The rope around Zhong Shidao's body was untied, and Zhong Shidao's face turned livid after he regained his freedom. He wanted to get angry, but he didn't know how to get angry in front of several young people in his late teens.

"General Zhong must have seen it too. It's not that I won't let you seal the breach, but it's that you can't seal it now!"

Sun Lei saw Master Zhong's sad and angry look and said with a smile.

"If you don't want to talk, forget it. I have a letter here, which I am going to give to Zhao Huan. If it's convenient, can you help me take it back?"

Seeing Zhong Shidao's bad expression, Sun Lei picked up a letter and looked at Zhong Shidao and said.

"You asked someone to write that letter, right?" Zhong Shidao looked at the letter in Sun Lei's hand and finally asked the question in his heart.

"It's just a joke!"

Sun Lei admitted with a smile.


Zhong Shidao's face was full of murderous intent. Sun Lei's joke ruined the reputation he had accumulated throughout his life, and also ruined the reputation of the Zhong family for generations.

"Of course it's just a joke. If I were serious, your head would already be hanging on the flagpole."

Sun Lei nodded.

"Don't look at me like that. You're already so old. You can't beat me with your fists!"

Seeing Master Zhong's expression as if he wanted to eat someone, Sun Lei's eyes almost burst out with fire, he spread his hands helplessly and said.

Huang Zhongfu and others have already stood in front of Sun Lei. The young men looked excited. It is unlikely that they will be able to escort Sun Lei and make another wave of achievements today.

"Old General Zhong, why do you still care about your posthumous reputation at your age? Look at those people in Tokyo. It doesn't matter if they cede territory and ask for peace! This is what will really make you be despised by the world! But do you think they care? Still Not living well!”

Sun Lei pointed to Tokyo to the west and said.

Zhong Shidao's face was gloomy, but his murderous aura had dissipated a lot. Compared to what those people in Tokyo had done, his "stigma" was nothing at all.

Zhong Shidao took the letter, glanced at Sun Lei and left.

"Your Majesty, do you want us to follow this old man?"

Huang Zhongfu looked at Master Zhong leaving and asked Sun Lei.

"No need, it's just an old man!"

Sun Lei shook his head. In Tokyo now, a cultivator can't do anything.

"Haven't you always wanted to go to the battlefield? Now you have the chance!"

Sun Lei looked at Huang Zhongfu and others and said, these people are all outstanding graduates of Liangshan School this year. Sun Lei did not let these people directly become officials, but let them experience in the military.

Sun Lei is very fond of these graduates and will arrange them according to their personal abilities and wishes. Some want to study to be officials, some want to study various affairs, while Huang Zhongfu and others only want to join the army.

"Zhu Wu will deliver a batch of supplies to Zhending Mansion later. You can go with him."

Sun Lei looked at Huang Zhongfu and said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Huang Zhongfu and others were overjoyed and quickly bowed and saluted.

"Although you are allowed to go, your status is just a recruit beside Zhu Wu. You are not allowed to go to the battlefield without permission."

Sun Lei also warned, these young men are all newborn calves and are not afraid of tigers. They tend to be enthusiastic when doing things. This cannot be the case on the battlefield.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Huang Zhongfu and others agreed one after another.

Zhending Mansion.

"Liu Kai is also experienced in combat. How could he advance so rashly and end up defeated!"

Lu Zhishen looked at the detective in front of him with a very ugly expression. Liu Kai had made great achievements in the Western Army back then, but now he rushed in rashly even though he knew there was a problem, leading to a huge defeat. This was not the Liu Kai he knew.

"Advancing rashly is one thing, but more importantly, the Song army's combat effectiveness is too poor. Half of the more than 50,000 people are local soldiers, and the rest are made up of various troops. Most of these people have poor military discipline and lack of training, and they have never been able to fight. Never participated in a real war."

"And now we are facing the Jin Army. This is a tough fight. A battle with the wind is fine, but a battle with the headwind will be defeated without a fight."

Zhu Wu looked at Lu Zhishen and analyzed. He rushed to Zhending Mansion overnight with supplies.

"The Jin Army has already rushed back, let's take action, otherwise Taiyuan Mansion will fall into the hands of the Jin Army."

Lu Fang looked at Lu Zhishen and said, the first thing the Jin army will do when they return to Taiyuan is to attack the city.

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