Water Margin people

Chapter 1120 Sheep-taking Ceremony

Huanglong Mansion.

Yue Fei is sleeping in the tent.

"Warrior! Warrior!"

Alan Duo's low shout sounded outside the tent, waking Yue Fei from his deep sleep.

"What are you doing? It's still early!"

Yue Fei looked at the starry night sky outside and said impatiently.

"Warrior! The Jurchen leader is back today, and they are recruiting us to greet him!"

Alan Duo said quickly.

"Why don't you just bring a few people to deal with it? I said I was coming back a few days ago, and it was a waste of time to go there several times."

Yue Fei looked at Alan Duo and said, he was let go a few times and he was impatient anymore. He had already explained this matter, why did he still bother him now?

"Warrior, this is not possible. The Jurchen tribe just came to inform us that they are really coming back today and they want us all to go over!"

Alan Duo explained.

"Everyone is going? Just your tribe?"

Yue Fei suddenly woke up a little, looked at Alan Duo and asked, this time it seemed to be true.

"All the small tribes in this area will go there, but I don't know about the big tribes!"

Alan Duo said, he only knew the situation nearby.

"Okay, clean up and everyone goes over!"

Yue Fei called to the soldiers around him and said, now the entire Wei clan has been taken over by his special forces.

"it is good!"

Several soldiers immediately went to call for people to gather.

"It's still dark, will the Jurchen chief come back at this time?"

Yue Fei looked at the sky. It would be at least half an hour before dawn. If he went to greet him at this time, could it be that Wanyan Wu came back at night to beg for money? This is not consistent with the status of an emperor.

"I don't know, I just said let's go gather!"

Alan Duo didn't know anything about the etiquette of the emperor returning to the palace. Their eldest family, the Wei tribe, had lived in Beihai for a long time and had not had any contact with the south for many years.

"You go get ready too!"

Yue Fei nodded. He picked up a deerskin hat and put it on, then put on a deerskin vest and a huge white bear cloak. This is what the first warrior of the Wei tribe in Dashi should wear.

"You can't even see people in this broken mirror!"

Yue Fei looked at the bronze mirror by the firelight and was very dissatisfied. This bronze mirror was the treasure of the Wei clan in the big family. He bought it in Huanglong Mansion and planned to take it back to Beihai. Because Yue Fei became their number one warrior, he contributed Gave it to Yue Fei.

Yue Fei didn't look in the bronze mirror again. The mirror in Liangshan was much clearer than this one. He actually brought a small mirror with him when he came out this time, but this kind of thing could easily reveal his identity, so he left it outside the city.

"Are you all ready? Once Wanyan Wu comes back from begging for shopping, it won't be so easy to get in and out of Huanglong Mansion."

"Don't worry, General, everything has been brought in, and the brothers outside the city are also ready!"

A soldier lowered his voice and said, the special forces outside the city had already captured a small stronghold, and now they are pretending to be a thief, Panjin.


Yue Fei nodded.

There was also movement in the surrounding tribal camps, and the fire gradually lit up.

"The small tribe is really not a human being!"

Yue Fei shook his head helplessly. The Jurchens obviously wanted these small tribes to come to welcome Wanyan Wu to beg for money, creating a scene of thousands of tribes coming to court. As for how long these small tribes would stand there, this was not what the Jurchens would think about.

Outside the city of Huanglong Mansion, tribes wearing various animal skins stood along the road. The Jurchens did not ask for an orderly formation, but just let the tribes stand in groups.

Yue Fei looked around and found that all the small tribes were standing outside, while the leaders of the big tribes were at the gate of the city. There was a shed there with carpets inside, and they were all sitting and chatting. "The treatment is really different!"

Yue Fei shook his head.

"Warrior, are you hot?"

Aranduo asked, looking at Yue Fei who kept wiping his sweat.

"Then what's wrong with your Wei tribe, that your warriors have to wear white bear skins? It's so hot in this summer."

Yue Fei complained that he was already afraid of heat, and now he was even more irritable.

"Warrior, we have lived in the North Sea for generations. There is no summer there at all, and it's still cold at this time!"

Alan Duo said helplessly.

"Okay, just take it first! No one is paying attention to me anyway!"

Yue Fei threw the white bear cloak directly to Alan Duo. Now the sun was out and the temperature was rising, so the white bear skin couldn't be worn.

From dawn until noon, the horn sounded, indicating that Wanyan Wu had bought something.

A group of elite cavalry arrived first, chatted with the Jurchen defenders at the city gate and took over the defense.

Not long after, Wanyan Wu Qimai came slowly on a yellow gelding. Behind him was a prison car. Inside the car was a naked Yelu Yanxi, wearing a white sheepskin and a rope tied around her neck. One end of the rope was in Wanyan Wu's begging hand.

"That's the Khitan leader!"

"The former emperor of Liao!"

"Sheep-taking Ceremony!"


A group of tribesmen immediately became commotion. They had prepared their best attitude to welcome the Emperor of Jin today, but they did not expect that the Emperor of Jin would actually come back with the Emperor of Liao.

Many of the tribes present knew about the dispute between the Khitans and the Jurchens. Back then, the Khitans were powerful and ruled the entire grassland. At that time, the Jurchens were just slaves of the Khitans and were oppressed.

Not only did the Jurchens pay a large amount of tribute every year, but the women of the tribe were also humiliated by the Khitans. Wanyan Aguda, the founding emperor of the Jin Kingdom, was even forced to dance by Yelu Yanxi at the fish banquet.

But now, the arrogant Lord Yelu Yanxi of the Liao Dynasty has been treated like a lamb. This has only happened in ten years. This has made many tribes sigh with emotion. The rise of the Jurchen tribe is really a grassland myth.

"Yelu Yanxi!"

Yue Fei's face changed slightly when he saw all this. He was not a grassland person, but the humiliation of this sheep-leading ceremony was the ultimate. It not only humiliated Yelu Yanxi in front of all the tribes, but also humiliated the entire Khitan tribe.

Yue Fei looked at Yelu Yanxi who was curled up like a lamb and shook his head slightly. The grassland barbarians were really ruthless. Although there was a change of dynasty in the Central Plains, they would save some face to prevent it from happening like this.

As Wanyan Wu came begging for goods, various tribes began to cheer, and the women in the tribe also sang and talked. For a while, the entire city gate was bustling with activity. However, because each tribe was acting independently, it seemed very chaotic and a bit noisy.

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at all this with a smile. He was very satisfied. With all the tribes coming to court, their Jurchen tribe could completely dominate the grassland.

Wanyan Wu Qimai stopped the team, but he still held Yelu Yanxi in his hand and had no intention of letting go.

The tribes began to circle and dance around the entire team, and it took a long time before it ended.

"Is this your welcome ceremony?"

Yue Fei asked Alan Duo in a low voice, "It was an eye-opener for him today."

"This is the highest etiquette in the grassland, which means that all tribes obey the Jurchen tribe! Surround the Jurchen tribe!"

Alan Duo whispered.

After Wanyan Wu Qimai accepted the gifts from all the tribes, he led Yelu Yanxi back to the city.

"Is this the end?"

Yue Fei looked at the dispersed tribes and asked Alan Duo.

"Everyone, the big leader is tired from traveling. He won't see any guests in the afternoon. He will be hosting a banquet for the tribal leaders in the evening! The Naadam Conference will be held tomorrow!"

On top of the city wall, a Jurchen tribesman loudly announced.

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