Water Margin people

Chapter 1122 Three-Dimensional Defense

"Privy Councilor, why don't we leave quickly?"

Huang Zhongfu looked at Lu Zhishen and asked. Ever since the army approached Taiyuan Mansion, its marching speed had slowed down.

"Why panic? The most important thing to avoid during a march is impatience!"

Lu Zhishen looked at Huang Zhongfu and the others with a smile. These young people were really full of energy and made him see himself in his youth.

"Master Lu, the enemy is building a dam on the river and wants to attack with water!"

Lu Fang walked into the camp to report.

"Who do you think I am? A mere water attacker wants to deal with me?"

Lu Zhishen smiled scornfully. He was not a foreigner. He had traveled across Kansai for more than ten years, from Hedong to Kansai. The floods could not even touch his feet.

"Set up camp!"

Lu Zhishen looked at the sky and said directly that it was getting late and he was not going to march any more.

"Aren't you leaving now?"

Huang Zhongfu and others were even more puzzled. The enemy was blocking the water and building a dam. It was time to kill them and catch the enemy by surprise.

"Boys, when I first joined the military camp, a veteran told me that newcomers should talk less and watch more, obey orders and do things seriously!"

Lu Zhishen said with a smile and left.

"You are too young and have never been on the battlefield. You don't know the ferocity of the Jin army. This place is still ten miles away from Taiyuan Mansion. The Jin army has long surrounded Taiyuan Mansion. The siege and fortifications have been completed long ago. We are now There was no advantage in the past.”

"What's more, the most powerful thing is that we stand still now. The pressure is directly put on the Jin Army, leaving them trapped in place."

Zhu Wu smiled and explained to Huang Zhongfu and others.


Huang Zhongfu and others still want to argue.

"The Privy Councilor said, speak less and read more, obey orders and do things seriously!"

Zhu Wu reminded these young people that the army was not as casual as those in Liangshan.

At a distance of ten miles, the army can arrive in half an hour.

"I have to say, these brats really know something about military matters!"

Lu Zhishen looked at the formation of the Jin soldiers and nodded slightly. Although he didn't like these barbaric aliens, the Jin army was really unique in military terms.

"Occupying all the commanding heights, there are catapults, crossbows, and cavalry on them, and the infantry is arrayed between the highlands. It is a three-dimensional defense and a troublesome military formation. It is difficult to fight hard!"

Zhu Wu frowned as he looked at the Jin army's formation. This was the most troublesome military formation he had ever seen.

"No matter where you attack from, it won't be easy unless you call Ling Zhen and use the artillery to push it flat!"

Lu Fang and others also shook their heads. If they did not rely on artillery to push forward, and just charged with military formations, the casualties would be huge.

"Set up camp!"

Lu Zhishen gave another order. He had no intention of attacking. Facing a three-dimensional echelon defense, a forceful charge would cost lives. Not to mention that he currently had fewer troops than the opponent, even if he had more troops than the opponent, he would not do such a thing.

On the high slope, Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zonghan looked annoyed. They had prepared the defenses all night with the intention of killing the enemy, but the enemy camped far away and could not move.

"Damn it, these guys are playing tricks again!"

Wanyan Loushi said bitterly.

"Don't be afraid, they will always fight since they come!"

Wanyan Zonghan said, he didn't believe that this group of people came here without starting a fight.

"But I always feel uneasy. This group of people is too insidious."

Wanyan Loushi said that he always felt that something big was going to happen, but he just couldn't imagine what it would be.

"What's so scary? Our defense won't be afraid of even an army of 100,000, let alone 20,000 troops!"

Wanyan Zonghan said, they were not idle outside Taiyuan Mansion. This three-dimensional echelon defense formation was something they had to think about for a long time, otherwise they would not have dared to go deep alone.

At Taiyuan Mansion.

"Those are...Qi...Liangshan...thieves!" Zhang Xiaochun stammered as he looked at the army with black flags waving in the distance.


Ma Kuo looked fiercely at the position of the Qi army, his face full of hatred, and his fists clenched tightly.

"what happened to you?"

Zhang Xiaochun saw that Ma Kuo was looking wrong and asked doubtfully, although Liangshan was a rebel bandit, he didn't have to be like this. It was like he was going to eat his flesh. How much hatred does this have?

"I'm going to kill them all! I'll crush them all into ashes!"

Ma Kuo roared.


Zhang Xiaochun looked at Ma Kuo warily. Ma Kuo's sudden change made him a little worried. Now Ma Kuo has been blinded by hatred and can do anything. It is not impossible for Kaicheng to join the Jin army.

"My father... was killed by these thieves!"

Two lines of clear tears fell from the corners of Ma Kuan's eyes.

"Your father?"

Zhang Xiaochun asked with a frown.

"Ma Zheng, the doctor of Wuyi, was ordered to go to the Kingdom of Jin. As a result, the mission disappeared halfway in Hebei without a trace. I tracked it for a long time and finally found out that it was robbed by Sun Lei. My father must have been robbed by that evil thief. harmed!"

Ma Kuo cried and said that he originally wanted to go to the Kingdom of Jin with his father, but he was left behind by his father. Unexpectedly, that would be the last time he met.

"General Ma, the hatred for killing my father is irreconcilable, but now we still have to put the overall situation first!"

Zhang Xiaochun reminded Ma Kuandao.

"I know, I won't do anything stupid!"

There is a way to expand your horse.

Zhang Xiaochun said no more, but the guard in his heart did not relax at all.

"Why is life in Taiyuan Prefecture so miserable!"

Zhang Xiaochun thought in his heart, first Tian Hu rebelled and occupied Taiyuan Mansion, and then Liangshan attacked Taiyuan Mansion and took away the people, turning Taiyuan Mansion into an empty city.

He still didn't understand that Taiyuan Mansion had been rebuilt. When everything was in ruins and waiting to be rebuilt, the Jin soldiers came again. They defended until the reinforcements arrived, but the reinforcements were defeated in a battle.

And Liangshan's army came again. By coincidence, Liangshan and Ma Kuo, whom he relied on, had a grudge against his father.

After Lu Zhishen completed setting up the camp, he led his troops and horses slowly to the outside of the Jin army's formation.

"Someone to talk to!"

Lu Zhishen looked at the high slope with the most flags and shouted.

Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zonghan also arrived in front of the formation with their people.

"Du Chong, it's really you bitch!"

Lu Zhishen looked at Du Chong next to Wanyan Lou's room and said with a murderous look on his face.

"Lu Zhishen, are you bringing these people here to die?"

Wanyan Loushi glared at Lu Zhishen and shouted, after several defeats, the Kingdom of Jin also became wary of Liangshan and carefully collected information about Liangshan.

Lu Zhishen is the sworn brother of Sun Lei, the emperor of Qi. Now the privy envoy of Qi, he can be regarded as the second-ranking figure in Qi. He served in the Western Army before, became an official, and later became a monk. He is straightforward and has a hot temper.

Wanyan Loushi just wanted to anger Lu Zhishen. As long as Lu Zhishen attacked, they could rely on their formation to strangle the enemy.

"It's enough to collect the corpses for you! Little brats, when the Sa family went into battle to kill the enemy, you still wore crotchless pants and played in the mud! Playing tricks with the Sa family? You two little brats are not qualified!"

Lu Zhishen looked at Wanyan Loushi and smiled. He had a hot temper, but he was not stupid. He could see through Wanyan Loushi's little tricks at a glance.

"The master's discernment is like a torch, even a mere barbarian dares to play tricks!"

Jiao Ting pointed at Wanyan Lou's room and started yelling. The enemy wanted to anger them, so why didn't they want to anger the enemy?

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