Water Margin people

Chapter 1123 Psychological Warfare

"If you want to save Taiyuan Mansion, then it depends on how capable you are!"

Wanyan Zonghan pointed at Taiyuan Mansion behind him and said.

"Ha ha!"

Lu Zhishen and others laughed.

"What's so funny!"

Wanyan Zonghan asked with a cold face.

"Who told you that we are here to save Taiyuan Mansion? How stupid!"

Lu Zhishen looked at Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zonghan as if they were fools.

"Everyone says that my family doesn't tell lies. You, a monk, are full of lies. Are you not afraid of going to the 18th level of hell?"

Wanyan Zonghan didn't believe it, looked at Lu Zhishen coldly and said.

"Since you know that monks don't tell lies, you should know that I'm not really here to save Taiyuan Mansion. I'm just here to kill you vassals!"

Lu Zhishen pointed at the Jin army opposite and said.

These words instantly angered those golden soldiers. They had been invincible all the way, but now only 20,000 enemies dared to look down on them like this.

Seeing that the soldiers around him were furious, Wanyan Loushi immediately stopped the soldiers who were about to attack impulsively.

"Full of lies!"

Wanyan Zonghan said in disbelief.

"Don't believe it? You can go and attack Taiyuan Mansion now. See if I will react!"

Lu Zhishen looked at Wanyan Zonghan and said.

"Wait and see!"

Wanyan Zonghan ordered the army to withdraw with a cold face. Now they have killed nearly half of the Song Dynasty's reinforcements. They have enough food and grass, but they are just depleting it. I don't believe that the Qi army can bear it.

"That's it!"

Huang Zhongfu, who had already picked up the sword in his hand, looked at everything blankly. He was ready for a battle, but the two armies just "quarreled" for a while and it ended.

"This is called psychological warfare. Privy Master Lu is showing that she doesn't care about Taiyuan Mansion, leaving the enemy with nothing to rely on!"

Zhu Wu said with a smile that Sun Lei asked him to take Huang Zhongfu and others to educate a few people.

"But what if the enemy really goes to attack Taiyuan Mansion?"

someone asked.

"They don't dare! Our army is on the flank, how can they dare to gamble?"

Zhu Wu smiled. The risk of this gamble was too great. Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zonghan were not stupid, so they would not be like this.

"But they are still building dams to block the water! If the dams are built, we will be passive!"

Someone said again that Jin Jun didn't really do nothing.

"You'll understand later!"

Zhu Wu smiled enigmatically.

Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zonghan looked at the Qi army standing still in the distance with gloomy and uncertain expressions.

"Are they really going to get involved with us like this?"

Wanyan Zonghan looked at the Qi army that had already buried pots and made rice, and was very puzzled. The enemy came but did not start a fight, which made him a little unpredictable.

"The dam has been built, and we will let them know how powerful the water attack will be when the time comes."

Wanyan Loushi said, if the enemy doesn't attack, they can just wait for the water to rise.



The Qi army marched south.

"Hurry up!"

Li Kui roared and urged the soldiers around him.

"Tie Niu, we are infantry, there is no way we can compete with the cavalry in speed!"

Bao Xu reminded Li Kui.

"If there's anything you can't compare with, just run for me. If you run too slowly, you won't even be able to drink the soup! The guy with the green face likes to eat alone the most!"

Li Kui said angrily. "Tieniu, Coach Lin and the others are still behind, what you said is unfair!"

Xiang Chong said.

"Where are you from? Why are you talking to the cavalry? I think you want to ride a horse!"

Li Kui gave full play to the characteristics of a gangster, and he always quarreled with everyone he met!

"Tieniu, if you let everyone get tired from running, what will you do if there is a big battle? Yang Zhi and Tang Bin are the vanguard cavalry. They are not going to fight, they are going to explore the road."

Li Gun reminded Li Kui.

"Anyway, we can't be slow, we can't let the feudal lord run away. My brother said that we will regain Shanbei Kyushu!"

Li Kui shouted reluctantly.

The rear of the army.

"The infantry of Tieniu can run faster than the cavalry?"

Li Yan looked at the fast-moving infantry in front of him with a strange expression. If the cavalry didn't speed up a little, they would probably be separated from the infantry.

"This Iron Bull is sick again!"

Lin Chong said with a headache, Li Kui is really a careless guy. The most important thing in this march is discipline. Each team must control the speed and maintain a good distance.

"That's fine, otherwise I'm afraid the enemy won't attack. I hurt the enemy last time!"

Gongsun Sheng said with a smile that they had killed more than 10,000 enemies in one battle outside Juyong Pass. After that, the Jin army retreated to the vicinity of Yuzhou and never approached Juyong Pass again.

"These vassals, if you don't hurt them, they think they are invincible!"

Yuan Lang said, their Qi army is not comparable to that group of losers from Zhao and Song.

"Your Majesty wants us to take back the nine states in Shanbei. We must not let these vassals go, not even if the Xixia people come!"

Fengtai said in a low voice.


Yuzhou City.

"His Royal Highness King Jin, come and have another drink!"

Wan Yanchang smiled and raised his glass to look at Brother Richard, King of the Jin Dynasty of Xixia.

"You're all welcome!"

Brother Richard also raised his glass and smiled.

"This time many Jin kings have brought troops to help. If we take over the Central Plains one day, our Kingdom of Jin will not forget the Kingdom of Xixia!"

After finishing a glass of wine, Wan Yanchang looked at Brother Richard with a smile and said, Brother Richard is now the number one man in the Xixia army, so it is very important to win over him, not to mention that their Jin country really needs Xixia's help now.

"Wanyan Dutong, I'm not a spoiler, but Sun Lei's Qi country is not simple!"

Brother Richard was silent for a moment before speaking.

"Prince Jin, aren't you trying to embolden others and destroy your own prestige?"

Wanyan Zongwang immediately spoke, his face a little gloomy, and his back began to itch unconsciously. Although the injury was almost healed, it would still itch for a long time, especially when he thought of those hateful Qi people.

"Zong Wang, don't be rude!"

Wan Yanchang spoke, but his tone was not reproachful.

"Prince Jin, if our two countries cooperate, what does it mean to destroy Song and Qi?"

Wan Yanchang looked at Brother Richard and said, he is very interested in cooperating with Xixia.

"Wanyan Dutong, the Song State is nothing, but the Qi State is very troublesome. I met Sun Lei once. This person is thoughtful and thoughtful, acts casually, and does not stick to common sense. He is a very difficult character. His subordinates The army is even more elite, the Central Plains is densely populated, and Sun Lei has grown bigger..."

Brother Richard said his own opinion. He actually didn't want to have anything to do with the Kingdom of Jin, let alone fight with the Kingdom of Jin. However, the Emperor of Xixia, Li Qianshun, listened to the villain and insisted on uniting with the Kingdom of Jin to invade the Central Plains.

"I know King Jin's worries, and our Kingdom of Jin has also suffered from that insidious villain, but as long as we work together, it won't be difficult to destroy him!"

Wan Yanchang looked at Brother Richard and said.

"What kind of backup plan does Wanyan Dutong have?"

Brother Richard looked at Wan Yanchang and asked, he also wanted to take the opportunity to find out some information.

"Prince Jin, Naadam Assembly must know about it!"

Wan Yanchang looked at Brother Richard and asked.

"Of course I know. Your Jin country has invited all the grassland ministries this time. It is a grand event that has not happened in decades!"

Brother Richard nodded and said, this time the Naadam Conference and Xixia also sent people to Huanglong Mansion. Now that the Jin Kingdom has destroyed the Liao Kingdom and has become the new grassland overlord, who dares not to give face to this conference.

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