Water Margin people

Chapter 1124 Super Dynasty

"Then Prince Jin must know how many people there are on the grassland!"

Wan Yanchang held the wine glass, shook the turbid liquid in it, and said, he still likes Liangshan's strong wine, which is the wine that men drink. Unfortunately, the wine he bought has been finished long ago.

"How many people? It depends on how you calculate it! If you only count the grasslands, there are still five million!"

Brother Richard frowned and said, Yelu Dashi, who fled to the west, had just established Xiliao. In just over half a year, hundreds of thousands of people had been recruited. Except for a small number of Khitans, most of the other grassland tribes were included.

"Haha, King Jin is really awesome!"

Wan Yanchang said.

"This is nothing. I have been in Xixia for many years and have close contacts with all the ethnic groups in the grassland. I know the situation in the grassland very well!"

Brother Richard said, Xixia can be considered a grassland nation, and the grassland is even unfathomable. Those in the Central Plains thought that the grassland only had about two million people.

But Brother Richard knows that this is not a problem in the Central Plains. The Central Plains have not penetrated into the grasslands for more than a hundred years, and the only connections are through the Liao Kingdom and Xixia.

The grasslands are vast and endless, and each tribe lives in close proximity to each other. It is impossible to count the nomadic tribes who live in no fixed places.

Furthermore, the people of the Central Plains are arrogant and arrogant. They always think that the Central Plains is the center of the world and the most fertile land. The grasslands are nothing more than remote areas and cannot support people.

"Does King Jin know how many tribal people are participating in this Naadam Conference?"

Wan Yanchang looked at Brother Richard again and asked.


Brother Richard didn't answer. The five million people in the grassland plus the three million in Xixia are less than 10 million.

"A rough estimate is that there are 20 million!"

Wan Yanchang said with a smile that the Jin Kingdom replaced the Liao Kingdom and occupied most of the Liao Kingdom's territory. Naturally, it also ruled most of the Liao Kingdom's people, as well as the large and small ethnic groups that had previously surrendered to the Liao Kingdom.

"Twenty million people!"

Brother Richard's expression changed slightly. This was not a small number. He understood something instantly.

"The Kingdom of Jin wants to unify the grasslands!"

Brother Richard became more vigilant. If the Jin Kingdom wanted to unify the grassland, then their Xixia would be in danger. Now besides the Jin Kingdom, they, the Xixia, were the strongest on the grassland.

Of course, there is Yelu Dashi to the west who wants to revive Daliao, and that Western Liao is also a threat.

"Compared to Prince Jin, he also guessed it!"

Wanyanchang asked with a half-smile.

"This...I don't know what Wanyan Dutong means!"

Brother Richard started to act stupid.

"Prince Jin, you can be considered a figure on the grassland. Our grassland has not been able to completely conquer the Central Plains for more than a thousand years. The Xiongnu, Xianbei, Rouran, Turks, and Khitans have all fought against the Central Plains. But in the end, King Jin should Know."

Wan Yanchang looked at Brother Richard.

"Although the people of the Central Plains are not as good at fighting as us, they are good at using equipment and have various workshops to make weapons and armor. The climate of the Central Plains is pleasant, the land is fertile, and the population is large..."

Brother Richard said.

"Prince Jin, you are on to the point. We have a large population. When our grasslands are fighting against the Central Plains, how often have they not dispatched five or ten times our troops? They just bully us because we have few people! This time at the Naadam Conference, our country, the Jin Kingdom, will The next step is to invite the entire grassland tribes to establish a super dynasty and take over the Central Plains, and then all tribes will enjoy wealth forever!"

Wan Yanchang looked at Brother Richard and directly stated the purpose of their Jin country's hosting of the Naadam Conference this time.

"Super dynasty? Taking control of the Central Plains? Enjoying eternal wealth? Does this mean that we, Xixia, will join the Kingdom of Jin?"

Brother Richard looked cold. They, Xixia, were a real country, not those tribes on the grassland. The Kingdom of Jin could not even think of annexing them.

Brother Richard is not a fool. It is the dream of all grassland peoples to conquer the Central Plains. The Central Plains has a pleasant climate and fertile land, which cannot be compared with the bitter cold grasslands.

But the Central Plains is so big, and there is so much wealth and honor, how can it be enjoyed by everyone? When the time comes, priority will definitely be given to Jurchens.

"King Jin has misunderstood! This is all negotiable! Alliance is also an option! Currently, Goryeo is willing to form an alliance."

Wan Yanchang shook his head and said, although they really want to unify the grassland, the grassland is vast and dotted with various tribes. It would be time-consuming and laborious to use force to unify the grassland.

The Jin Kingdom does not have that much time now. Now that the Qi Kingdom in the Central Plains is rising and the Song Kingdom is weak, it is the time of great chaos. They must take advantage of the chaos in the Central Plains to invade the Central Plains.

"Gaoli? Those people have the courage again?"

Although Xixia is thousands of miles away from Goguryeo, Brother Richard is well-read in history books and knows about the war between Goguryeo and the Tang Dynasty in the Central Plains hundreds of years ago.

"Prince Jin, this opportunity only lasts once. If you let it go, the Central Plains will probably miss you."

Wan Yanchang looked at Brother Richard and smiled.

"This is not something I can decide. You should send someone to Xingqing Mansion!" Brother Richard shook his head and said. This kind of matter is considered diplomacy and should be discussed by the emperors of both parties, not by him, the Jin King of Xixia, and the six tribes of the Jin Dynasty.

"Who doesn't know that the King of Jin of Xixia is in charge of the military power of Xixia..."

Wan Yanchang narrowed his eyes and said, but his words did not make it clear.

"Then I will disappoint Wanyan Dutong. I, Brother Richard, am the Jin King of Xixia and will never betray Xixia!"

Brother Richard interrupted Wan Yanchang and said coldly that it was impossible for Wan Yanchang to want him to betray Xixia.

"Haha, just kidding, let's not talk about these things!"

When Wan Yanchang saw Brother Richard saying this, he could only laugh.

"Report, Lord Commander, the enemy army is coming to Yuzhou!"

A soldier ran into the hall and said.

"The enemy is coming?"

Wan Yanchang looked at Brother Richard, wanting to see his expression.

Brother Richard seemed to have heard nothing and just drank silently with his glass in his hand.

"How many people came?"

Seeing Brother Richard didn't respond, Wan Yanchang looked at the soldier and asked.


The soldier only answered two words.


Wanyanchang, Wanyan Zongwang, and Wanyan Zongqian all changed their expressions. The enemy's entire army was coming for a decisive battle.

The three of them all looked at each other. The last time the enemy attacked in full force, they killed more than 10,000 of them in one battle, which seriously damaged their vitality.

"There must be a conspiracy!"

The three of them all had an idea in their minds. The enemy had a conspiracy every time he took the initiative to attack.

"How long until the enemy arrives?"

Wan Yanchang continued to ask.

"The enemy's vanguard cavalry is fifty miles away, and the Chinese army is eighty miles away!"

The soldier replied.

"Order, the entire army is on alert!"

Wan Yanchang ordered.

"Wanyan Dutong, how are you going to face the enemy?"

Brother Richard then looked up and asked.

"Defend the city! Does King Jin have any other plans?"

Wan Yanchang looked at Brother Richard and asked.

"I was ordered to assist Wanyan Dutong. I only help but don't say anything!"

Brother Richard smiled and stood up to leave.

"This guy is ignorant! He is so ignorant!"

Wanyan Zongwang watched Brother Richard leave and said coldly, they tried to win over Brother Richard, but Brother Richard didn't even give him face.

"If he doesn't want to, then find someone else!"

Wan Yanchang sneered and said, Xixia is not monolithic, and Li Qianshun's position is not stable.

"The enemy?"

Wanyan Zongqian was worried about the sudden arrival of the Qi army.

"Let's see first, if we have a city! If not, we can use cavalry to charge!"

Wanyanchang said, Yuzhou City is backed by mountains and faces the plains, which is an excellent terrain for defending the city.

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