Water Margin people

Chapter 1126 Test Attack

"Master Dutong, the enemy has taken control of the entire Hebei area, and we don't know how many troops there are in the rear. The two deputy commanders are worried that the enemy has a conspiracy!"

The soldier quickly explained.


Wanyanchang's face was uncertain. He could understand the caution of Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zonghan, but now the two places were in confrontation, which had become a deadlock. If they wanted to break the situation, they had to fight first.

"Lin Chong has an army of 40,000 to 50,000, but Lu Zhishen has only 20,000?"

Wan Yanchang frowned as he looked at the enemy camp outside the city. The best enemy to defeat was Taiyuan Mansion.

"Tell the people over at Taiyuan Prefecture not to worry about Taiyuan Prefecture. If you attack the enemy tentatively, you must find out the enemy's purpose!"

Wan Yanchang looked at the soldier who reported the news and said, he did not directly order the Taiyuan Mansion to start a battle, but asked them to attack tentatively. He was also worried that the enemy might actually have an ambush.

"Du Tong, let's fight here too!"

Wanyan Zongwang looked at Wanyanchang and said, "There are many soldiers and horses on their side. They have nearly 40,000 troops. Xixia has another 30,000 troops. With a total of 70,000 troops, there is no need to worry about the 40,000 to 50,000 enemies outside."

"Well, let's test it tonight!"

Wan Yanchang nodded, but only agreed to test it out.



Pang Wanchun, Sui Sheng, Qin Ming, Hao Siwen, Ma Tao, Jie Zhen, Jie Bao, Gong Wang, Ding Desun, Han Tao, and Peng Qi were marching in the mountains with an army of fifty thousand.

"The enemy probably never dreamed that we would go around to their rear!"

Hao Siwen rarely smiled. Taihang Baxing has been an important transportation route in Taihang Mountain since ancient times. Puyinxing is just north of Jingxing. Along the Hutuo River between Wutai Mountain and Hengshan Mountain, you can reach Xinzhou, the northern gateway of Taiyuan.

"How do these Jin people know the terrain?"

Pang Wanchun laughed loudly. The Jin Kingdom was a newly rising foreign race, and it mainly relied on cavalry. It did not understand the terrain of the Central Plains at all.

"Now Coach Lin is leading the troops to contain the enemy in Yuzhou. We must march quickly and not be discovered. There is Hengshan Mountain between us!"

Fu Sheng reminded that although Hengshan is also a big mountain, they don't know if the enemy has any spy. Their march this time is to weave in and out of the rear, so it is very important to march in a concealed manner.

"It's a bit difficult. This is an army of 50,000 people. There's no way to hide!"

Qin Ming looked at the army behind him. With more than ten thousand people, it was like a roaring mountain and a tsunami. There was no way to hide the 50,000 army.

"Well, speed up! We have defeated the enemies in Taiyuan Prefecture quickly, and we have to go to Yuzhou!"

Pang Wanchun nodded.


Taiyuan Prefecture.

Zhang Xiaochun and Ma Kuo had not slept for several nights. They stayed on the city wall and stared at the two armies outside the city. Neither of them were friendly and they were their enemies. No matter who won or lost, Taiyuan Prefecture would still The meeting must be surrounded and attacked.

"Zhifu Zhang, the Jin Army's dam has been built, and those Liangshan thieves dare not come here!"

Ma Kuo pointed to the Fen River outside the city. The water level had begun to rise, and the Jin army occupied the high ground. As long as the Qi army started fighting and the Jin army opened the dikes, the flood would cut off the Qi army's retreat.

"They only have 20,000 people, they can't defeat the Jin Army!"

Zhang Xiaochun also expressed his opinion. Liu Kai's 60,000-strong army could not defeat the Jin army. How could the 20,000 Qi army be the opponent of the Jin army?

"The Jin Army is also strange. Why do they only defend but not attack?"

Ma Kuo felt very complicated now. He hated Jin Jun and wished that Jin Jun would be killed, but the person who came was his father-killing enemy.

"It would be great if both sides died!"

Ma Kuo suddenly had an idea. Enemies and enemies would perish together. This was the result he wanted most.


A blast of horns sounded from the Jin army camp.

"I'm going!"

Wanyan Loushi put on his horse and rushed down the mountain with three thousand light cavalry, heading towards the Qi camp.

"Kill!" Wanyan Loushi roared, and the army behind him also roared in unison.

The shouts of killing echoed in the sky, but there was no movement in the Qi State camp. The entire camp was quiet, with no intention of leaving the station.

"Huh? Won't come out? Give me fire attack!"

When Wanyan Loushi saw no response from the enemy camp, he was furious. He remembered what the enemy had done to them in the past, and immediately called on his soldiers to attack with rockets.


After a round of arrows rained down on Wanyan Loushi, he immediately led his cavalry in a roundabout way to avoid the enemy's counterattack.

A hail of arrows hit the Qi camp. The rockets were nailed to the wooden fence, and many of them were shot into the camp. The flames quickly ignited, but were quickly extinguished.

"What's going on?"

Wanyan Loushi reined in his horse and stopped the cavalry. He looked at the enemy camp with wisps of smoke rising. He saw that the counterattack he had expected did not appear. The damage caused by the rockets was also very small. The enemy seemed to have been prepared.

"General, the enemy is too scared to fight us!"

A soldier said excitedly to Wanyan Lou's room that what they like most are enemies who are weak and dare not resist.

"Follow me to take a detour and charge again. Remember, don't be too eager to fight or rush forward!"

Wanyan Loushi spoke to the soldiers beside him.


Wanyan Loushi led the army back to the east, charged with another burst of rockets, and then quickly retreated.

The result was still the same. There was no response from the Qi camp, not even a counterattack.

Seeing that the enemy did not dare to resist and only dared to act like a turtle in the camp, the Jin army laughed wildly and arrogantly, their laughter full of pride and ridicule.

"No, something is wrong! It shouldn't be like this!"

Only Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zonghan looked strange. The smoother the battle went, the more uneasy they felt.

"Deputy Commander, charge again, this time go there!"

A soldier looked excitedly at Wanyan Lou's room and charged several times in succession. Although the fight was relatively smooth, the results were not many. This made the soldiers a little unwilling to face such a coward who could not fight back. Enemies, how can we not beat them hard?

"Follow me and kill again!"

Wanyan Loushi looked at the crowd and said, he already wanted to withdraw his troops, but Wanyanchang's order was to let them attack tentatively to find out the enemy's purpose, but he has not produced any valuable information so far.

This time Wanyan Loushi aimed at several flags beside the Qi State camp. Burning down the camp was unrealistic and would not cause any substantial damage, but burning the flags was different. It could effectively lower the enemy's morale, especially There is a big flag with the word "Lu" in it.

"Rocket ready!"

Seeing that the enemy camp still didn't respond, Wanyan Loushi shouted in a low voice.

The soldiers behind him fired their bows and arrows excitedly, staring at the flags.

But at this moment, those flags began to move into the camp.


When Wanyan Loushi saw it, he immediately became vigilant and ordered the army to withdraw.

But those soldiers were unwilling to give up. They were all staring at the big banner with the word "Lu".


Wanyan Loushi shouted, but the soldiers continued to approach the enemy camp like crazy.

"Don't leave once you're here!"

Lu Zhishen suddenly appeared on the high tower in the middle of the camp and laughed.

There was a dense sound of bowstrings, and an overwhelming rain of arrows shot at the approaching Jin Army cavalry.

"On the battlefield, this is the fate of those who disobey orders!"

Lu Zhishen looked at Huang Zhongfu and others around him and smiled.

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