Water Margin people

Chapter 1127 Come down and collect the corpse

The screams suddenly started louder, but then stopped suddenly!

The dense arrows instantly shot the approaching Jin cavalry into sieves, blood mist filled the air, and the men and horses fell to the ground.


Wanyan Lou's eyes were filled with jealousy. This was another trick of the enemy. The enemy had deliberately shown weakness several times before, just to paralyze them. As expected, their soldiers were paralyzed, and when they got a little closer, they were hit by a dense barrage of arrows. Shoot with an arrow.

"That rain of arrows...why are there so many, like ten thousand crossbowmen!"

Wanyan Loushi reined in his horse and looked at the enemy camp in the distance. Everything happened too fast just now. He didn't see clearly where the enemy shot the arrows, but now looking at the arrow clusters on the ground, he roughly estimated that there were nearly ten thousand.

"What do you think?"

Wanyan Loushi looked at the only remaining soldiers around him and asked. These had just heard his orders and did not approach the enemy camp.

"How can we kill more than 2,000 cavalry without 10,000 crossbowmen!"

"Yeah, let's shoot them all!"

All the soldiers expressed their opinions. They all believed that the enemy had tens of thousands of crossbowmen.

When it comes to this, the soldiers all have frightened faces. There are ten thousand crossbowmen, but they don't have an iron pagoda here, so they can't break through this hard crossbow array.

"Stupid, the enemy only has 20,000 people, how can there be 10,000 crossbowmen!"

Wanyan Loushi looked at the frightened soldiers and said sternly, the crossbowmen did not come just when they were promised. Not everyone can master the crossbow. There are only five thousand crossbowmen at most in the 20,000 army.


Wanyan Loushi quickly retreated to the mountain with the remaining several hundred soldiers. Their attempt was considered a failure.

"what happened?"

Wanyan Zonghan looked at Wanyan Lou's room who retreated in defeat and asked, why did the promised tentative attack turn into a huge defeat?

"I fell into the enemy's trick. They have a large number of crossbowmen! Although I don't know why there are so many, they can shoot more than ten thousand arrows at a time!"

Wanyan Loushi shook his head and said.

"How is that possible! Where did so many come from?"

Wanyan Zonghan looked in disbelief and shot out more than ten thousand arrows in an instant, which were more than ten thousand crossbowmen. This was completely a crossbow formation.

"How do I know? You can't count it yourself! There are just so many!"

Wanyan Loushi was also very annoyed. The number of arrows on the ground just now was clear and he couldn't bear to deny it.

"This...this is amazing!"

Huang Zhongfu and others looked at the battlefield littered with corpses for a while, and it took them a long time to react.

Although they were new recruits, they had not been on the battlefield. When Tokyo attacked Liangshan, they had seen a real battlefield and seen dead bodies on the ground.

But they had never seen a scene where more than two thousand people were killed instantly. Those two thousand enemies were killed almost instantly.

Lu Zhishen was speechless for a while. He originally wanted to educate these young people and let them know the consequences of disobeying military orders, but these young people only saw sharp weapons for killing people.

"This repeating crossbow can only achieve surprise at close range! It cannot be used as the main firepower on the battlefield!"

Lu Zhishen coughed.

The dense arrows just now were not shot by the crossbowmen, but by the new repeating crossbow, which could fire ten shots at a time, loaded the arrows very quickly, and was almost invincible at close range.

But the crossbow also has a shortcoming, that is, the distance is too close, which is much worse than ordinary crossbows.

The crossbow is a long-range weapon, its purpose is to shoot the enemy from a distance and prevent the enemy from getting close, but the repeating crossbow is meant to keep the enemy close.

This is very contradictory. Once the enemy is close, no matter how fast the Liannu is loading arrows, it will be in vain. This makes the Liannu can only act as a "surprise soldier" and cannot be a force sufficient to deter the enemy.

"The power of the equipment is so terrifying!"

Huang Zhongfu and others clapped their hands and praised. At this moment, they saw how terrifying the equipment was on the battlefield. It was something that could influence the battlefield. "You guys, follow Jiao Ting to pick up arrows!"

When Lu Zhishen saw that these people completely ignored his teachings, he became furious and directly assigned them hard work.

"Oh, you little boys!"

Jiao Ting smiled bitterly and shook his head, thinking that he was being implicated.


"Captain, the enemy is collecting arrows!"

The soldiers pointed into the distance and shouted. They saw several carts parked near the battlefield just now. The Qi soldiers were picking up the arrows they had just shot. Many of the arrows were inserted into the ground, and it was still difficult to pull them out.


Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zonghan frowned at the enemies.

"With only a hundred people, it's not worth attacking!"

Wanyan Zonghan immediately ordered that the enemy's crossbows were too powerful and they could no longer approach rashly.

"What should we do with the order from the Governor? They are facing 50,000 enemies over there, but we are only facing 20,000 people. It is our turn to fight this battle!"

Wanyan Loushi said that they had received orders from Wanyanchang.

"Golden Dog, come down and collect the body! Otherwise, I will take you to feed the dog!"

Jiao Ting and his men collected arrows for a long time, and several large carts were filled with arrows, but he was also full of complaints. At this moment, he finally couldn't help it and shouted at the Jin Army on the slope.

This voice ignited the Jin Army's anger again. Every one of the Jin Army was furious, clamoring to tear the enemy into pieces.

"Let's collect the corpse first!"

Wanyan Loushi gritted his teeth, but still resisted the urge to rush out. These are the warriors who died fighting for the Kingdom of Jin. They cannot be allowed to expose their corpses in the wilderness, let alone feed wild dogs. That will chill the warriors. Heart.

"Get the trebuchet ready. Come forward and attack the enemy's camp later!"

Wanyan Loushi ordered to several close soldiers.

"I will bring the cavalry to help you raid the formation then!"

Wanyan Zonghan said, he knew that Wanyan Loushi wanted to find out the enemy's weaknesses. This was also the order Wanyanchang gave them. Although the order only allowed them to attack tentatively, there was an urging in every word.

"You two and others will sort the arrows into categories and clean them!"

Lu Fang looked at Huang Zhongfu and others and ordered.

"Why? Just support the soldiers to do these things! We are here to fight the enemy! We are not doing hygiene!"

Huang Zhongfu and others were immediately angry. They had just picked up the arrows and were full of complaints, and now they had to do chores. This was unacceptable to them who thought they were the proud ones. They were all top students who graduated from the school.

"Why? Just because you are just new recruits! Newbies who don't know anything! You all don't know the heights of heaven and earth, and treat the battlefield as a child's play. If you don't do it, get back! Don't call yourself a soldier of Qi from now on!"

"Besides, there are only brothers Paoze in our army, and there are no auxiliary soldiers. No one is born to do hard work!"

Lu Zhishen's voice sounded.

"Then why did we do it! We already picked up the arrows!"

One person spoke.

"Because you are new recruits, you have to start with the simplest ones. Once you show your ability and value, you will naturally have something to do!"

After Lu Zhishen finished speaking, he left, and the direction he went was right in front of the military camp.

"I want to write to Your Majesty that Privy Lu is bullying others!"

Huang Zhongfu and the others whispered with some resentment.

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