Water Margin people

Chapter 1129 Siege

After a bombardment, the Qi State military camp fell into a disadvantage. This made the Jin State camp feel morale boosted when they saw that the attack was effective, and they shouted to continue the bombardment.

"You can't hit like this. There is a block in front of the enemy's trebuchet. You have to hit the parabola at an elevated angle!"

When Zhao Dang and Ding Xianghui saw that the bed crossbow attack was blocked, they immediately said to the veterans.

"There is not enough light on the enemy's side, so it is difficult to see clearly and it is difficult to shoot. And you see, the sandbags in front of the enemy's trebuchet are very high. Can the parabola of our crossbow be as high as the trebuchet?"

The veterans naturally know how to overcome obstacles, but the enemy is very cunning. The trebuchet is hidden behind the bunker and the bed crossbow cannot do anything.

"Then hit them, they're not all behind the bunker!"

Zhao Dang said, it is not an option to be beaten passively all the time.

"Hang this up and raise the elevation!"

Ding Xianghui hung a gourd on the crossbow arrow.

"Kerosene! Yes, use kerosene!"

The veterans reacted immediately.

"Catapult, put on some kerosene!"

Zhao Dang reacted immediately and shouted to the catapult.

"Fire oil! Add fire oil!"

Ruan Li and Huang Zhongfu also realized that the gunpowder in the catapult bucket was tied with a kerosene gourd.

"Young people have better brains."

Lu Zhishen looked at all this and said with a smile. He looked at the retreating army in the rear and sighed, there must be no light on their side, and they must not let the enemy know that their main force is withdrawing.

As long as there is light on one side, it is enough. If they cannot have it on this side, then let it be on the opposite side. It is also an advantage to use light in a dark place.

The catapult and the crossbow fired at the same time, and explosions sounded in front of the Jin Army's formation. The fire oil was ignited in the fire, and little by little explosions came. In an instant, the front of the Jin Army's formation was filled with flames.

Screams rang out at the same time, and the Jin soldiers who were splashed by the ignited kerosene howled in pain.


Seeing the enemy's side of the Qi camp full of fire, the fire illuminated everything clearly. They roared excitedly, and catapults and crossbows continued to attack.

The Jin army was in chaos, and the trebuchets were destroyed one after another. The Jin army at the forefront was so frightened that it retreated.


Wanyan Zonghan was angry when he saw it. He was defeated by the enemy as soon as he started to gain momentum. This temptation failed again.


Wanyan Loushi ordered that the attack failed and now they can only retreat first.

The Jin army left in panic, the fire oil burned out, and the night returned to tranquility.

Lu Zhishen arrived at the front line, looked at the camp walls destroyed by the enemy, and just sighed.

"What are you doing with your head hanging down? Weren't you very brave just now?"

Lu Zhishen looked at Huang Zhongfu, Ruan Li and others. The few young men who were clamoring before the war now had their heads drooped, like defeated roosters.

"Because someone died in the battle? Someone was injured?"

Lu Zhishen saw that several people were looking at the wounded soldiers camp not far away, and looked at the blood stains on their bodies, so he knew what had happened to these boys.

The dead are no strangers, and whoever has been on the battlefield has never seen the dead, but the death of someone close to you is completely different from the death of a stranger.

"When you join the army, you have to get used to life and death, and continue to live with the share of your dead brothers."

After Lu Zhishen finished speaking, he left. He was going to the injury camp to visit.

Several people saw Lu Zhishen going to the injury camp and followed him. They didn't dare to face this themselves, but it was different with Lu Zhishen.

The Jin army tried it out for a whole day, fighting from morning to night. This stunned the defenders of Taiyuan Mansion, and they almost forgot which side was the most dangerous.

"What happened to them?"

Zhang Xiaochun looked at the battle in the distance and couldn't understand it at all. The Qi army just couldn't defend, and the Jin army just tried and didn't attack. Both sides were weird.

"Prefect Zhang, why don't we break out of the encirclement!"

Ma Kuo suddenly spoke. His voice was very low and he was close to Zhang Xiaochun. Only the two of them could hear the voice.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Zhang Xiaochun scolded Ma Kuo sternly, he was the prefect of Taiyuan, how could he abandon Taiyuan?

"Zhifu Zhang, more than half of the reinforcements are dead and wounded and unable to come back! What's the point of holding on? Break out and conserve your strength to fight back!"

Ma Kuang said, he was not afraid of death, but he didn't want to make unnecessary sacrifices. There was no need to guard Taiyuan Mansion anymore.

"What will happen to the people of Taiyuan Prefecture if I leave? I promised them when I gathered them that I would let them live and work in peace and contentment in Taiyuan Prefecture!"

Zhang Xiaochun pointed to the Taiyuan Mansion behind him. The people in the mansion were all recruited by him, and he had made a promise.

Zhang Xiaochun looked at Taiyuan Mansion, which was where his heart was, but then looked back at the enemy, and finally just shook his head.

"Let's go! You don't belong in Taiyuan Mansion!"

Zhang Xiaochun looked at Ma Kuo. He also knew the current situation. Taiyuan Mansion would be destroyed sooner or later. He could live and die with Taiyuan Mansion, but Ma Kuo did not.

"Zhifu Zhang, I'm not afraid!"

Ma Kuo opened his mouth and explained that he was not a person who was greedy for life and afraid of death. If he was afraid, he would not come to Taiyuan Mansion at all.

"I know, there is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices to drive away the golden man while you are alive!"

Zhang Xiaochun raised his hand to stop Ma Kuo. Of course he knew that Ma Kuo was not greedy for life and afraid of death.

Early the next morning.

Lu Zhishen led people to patrol outside the camp, seemingly checking the damage caused by the enemy.

All this was seen by Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zonghan. When they saw Lu Zhishen walking back and forth outside the camp for a long time, their frustration instantly dissipated a lot. They finally achieved some results, but the enemy did not dare to come out of the camp to fight hard. .

"We actually played pretty well!"

Wanyan Zonghan said.

"But we still can't drive the enemy away, and we can't attack Taiyuan Mansion with peace of mind! They are trying to contain us!"

Wanyan Loushi frowned and said, now it seems that the enemy just wants to contain them, and they are really being contained.

"If I had known this, I should have rushed towards the enemy when they first came!"

Wanyan Zonghan regretted a little. They came this time with light cavalry, and with the well-equipped Qi army in front of them, they could not capture the camp.

"Attack Taiyuan Prefecture first, I don't believe Lu Zhishen will watch us capture Taiyuan Prefecture!"

Wanyan Loushi opened his mouth and said that they had no good solution now. They tried several times but failed, and the losses they suffered seemed to be greater.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away!"

Wanyan Zonghan also agreed. Since the enemy did not come out, they would not be polite. After entering Taiyuan Mansion, they would slowly confront each other.

The Jin army quickly gathered. More than 20,000 troops gathered outside Taiyuan Mansion, and more than 10,000 troops continued to defend on the high slopes.

In the Taiyuan Mansion, Zhang Xiaochun and Ma Kuo looked very ugly. Ma Kuo was planning to break out of the encirclement when the enemy fought again today, but he didn't expect that the Jin Army would not go to the Qi Army today, but would go straight to their Taiyuan Mansion.

"Quick, stay hidden!"

When Zhang Xiaochun saw the Jin soldiers rolling out the trebuchet, he immediately loudly reminded the soldiers that they had seen the power of this trebuchet yesterday.


Wanyan Zonghan didn't hesitate at all. If they couldn't defeat Qi Guoying Village, how could they not defeat Taiyuan Mansion?

The trebuchet continued to throw explosive packets. The city of Taiyuan was ablaze, and a large amount of smoke, dust and gravel were blown away.


Wanyan Zonghan didn't dare to raise his head when he saw that the city was bombed, and he sneered in his heart. If it weren't for the Qi army, they would have captured Taiyuan Mansion by now.

Wanyan Loushi watched everything on the high slope. He led the cavalry in formation on the high slope, serving the entire area around Taiyuan Mansion.

"Let's see how long you can endure it!"

Glancing at Taiyuan Mansion, which was beaten and unable to fight back, Wanyan Loushi looked coldly at the Qi State camp and thought, he has fifteen thousand Qingqi here, and as long as Lu Zhishen dares to lead his troops out of the camp, he will rush down to kill him. . In the Qi camp, everyone was watching Taiyuan Mansion being attacked.

"Don't these people have any equipment? It's not like they just shrink their heads and get beaten!"

Huang Zhongfu said, so far he has not seen any effective counterattack from Taiyuan Mansion. Although there is a city, it will not work if it continues like this for a long time.

"You think everyone is like us! In Tokyo, except for the stupid kings, there are corrupt officials! No one is good!"

Ruan Li said.

Just when everyone was getting excited, Lu Zhishen also came.

"Xiang Lu! What should we do?"

When Huang Zhongfu and others saw Lu Zhishen coming, they all stepped forward excitedly.

"What is Mr. Lu! Stop talking nonsense!"

Lu Zhishen immediately said with a straight face.

"The privy envoy can build a palace and build teeth, so he can naturally be called a prime minister!"

Several people said with a smile that after last night, they had become familiar with Lu Zhishen, and they knew that Lu Zhishen was a sharp-tongued person.

"Just call me Master!"

Lu Zhishen was rarely embarrassed and waved his hands.

"Master, let's go out and fight for a while?"

The few of them didn't joke too much. Lu Zhishen was their commander and their elder. It was not good to be too casual.

"Get out? Look, the enemy cavalry is arrayed on the high slope, just waiting for us to get out!"

Lu Zhishen pointed to the Jin cavalry on the other side.

"Master, we have equipment, repeating crossbows in formation, bed crossbows and trebuchets to open the way!"

Zhangqiu said.

"Then what? Let's push through? We only have five thousand people here. If we go out, our secret will be exposed!"

Lu Zhishen shook his head.

"Then we just watch the enemy attack the city?"

Ruan Li was a little anxious. The state of Taiyuan Mansion was not very good. If they really didn't save it, they would be captured by the Jin people. When the enemy had the city, they would be the ones who were passive.

"Look at how anxious you are! Attacking the city is not that easy! The Jin people seem to be fighting vigorously, but in fact they are still far from destroying the city!"

Lu Zhishen shook his head.

"Isn't this about to break?"

Several people pointed at Taiyuan Mansion. The Jin's bombardment had stopped. Taiyuan Mansion was in a mess. The Jin's attack was very targeted. Their trebuchets targeted the exact spot and hit the worst spot. The towers were all knocked down.

"Look, the enemy is pushing a siege truck!"

A few people with sharp eyes saw equipment such as goose carts and ladders again.

"Take your time and watch! Attacking and defending a city are a matter of great learning!"

Lu Zhi smiled deeply and said nothing.

Outside Taiyuan Mansion, the Jin army relied on a goose cart to reach the city wall, put up a ladder, and began to climb up with their shields in hand.


Just when the Jin army thought victory was in sight, a large number of defenders suddenly appeared on the city, and they greeted them with rolling stones, logs, hot oil, and golden juice.

The golden soldiers in front suddenly screamed, and those on the ladder were so shaken by the hot oil and golden juice that they fell down one by one.

"Go forward on the goose carriage, suppress it with the trebuchet!"

Wanyan Zonghan immediately ordered that he was not surprised by the enemy's resistance. If Taiyuan Mansion didn't even resist, what was the siege for such a long time?

As soon as the trebuchet came out, the city wall was immediately bombarded with corpses everywhere. Many defenders were blown away by the explosion and fell off the city wall.

After another bombardment, the goose chariot once again covered the approach of the soldiers, and the soldiers who ascended first held up their shields again and began to climb the city.

The defenders on the city also appeared again, and used the same method to repel the Jin army attacking the city.

"Just like this?"

Seeing such a brutal siege for the first time, several young people were stunned.

"My brother has protected you so well. No one will die in a battle! This has been the case in sieges since ancient times. They will continue to be consumed until the defenders are exhausted!"

Lu Zhishen pointed at Taiyuan Mansion and told several people that Sun Lei didn't like this kind of consumption of human life, so there were never any major casualties on their side.

But this is not possible. Soldiers do not have to die, but they must know and feel the horror of the battlefield so that they can persist and not give up when faced with desperate situations.

"There are at least three thousand defenders in Taiyuan Prefecture, and they have also mobilized thousands of civilians. The Jin army has us to contain it, so attacking the city is not decisive. With this kind of attack, Taiyuan Prefecture can defend it for at least two or three days!"

Lu Zhishen looked at Taiyuan Mansion in the distance and said, he already knew the defense strength of Taiyuan Mansion from Sun Xu.

"Master, are we waiting for something?"

Several people looked at Taiyuan Mansion and then at Lu Zhishen, and then asked in a low voice. It is actually not difficult to guess that Lu Zhishen only brought 20,000 people to confront the enemy, and now he is still dividing his troops into two groups. This is obviously waiting. What.

"Wait for reinforcements! Don't underestimate the Jin people. Although this group of people are barbarians, their fighting ability is not bad. If we really fight head-on, without equipment, our chances of winning are not good!"

Lu Zhishen did not hide anything. Only the generals knew about this situation.


Several people had happy faces.


The Jin army attacked for a whole day, but still failed to capture Taiyuan Mansion. The defenders were very determined. No matter how fiercely the Jin army attacked, they gritted their teeth and persisted.

"Damn it, I'll kill you all!"

Wanyan Zonghan pointed at Taiyuan Mansion and cursed angrily, but he did not order another attack on the city, but asked the soldiers to retreat and rest.

"There is no movement from Qi State. I saw Lu Zhishen. He is also paying attention to Taiyuan Prefecture, but he has not sent troops!"

Wanyan Loushi said to Wanyan Zonghan.

"Taiyuan Prefecture can be captured in two days!"

Wanyan Zonghan also talked about the situation on his side.

"Two days? Well, I will be more careful tomorrow!"

Wanyan Loushi said, there are still two days to break the city, and tomorrow is the most critical day. If Lu Zhishen can still hold back, then Taiyuan Mansion will be theirs, and they will win this war.

A group of high-level military officials discussed for a long time. They analyzed various possibilities and studied corresponding strategies.

the next day.

"Report, Deputy Commander, fifty thousand enemies are coming from the north, less than fifty miles away from here!"

A cavalryman hurriedly ran into the Chinese camp and shouted.

"What? Fifty thousand!"

Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zonghan were so frightened that they rolled off the cot. They had been discussing the war in the latter half of the night. They thought everything was going according to plan. Why did such bad news come so early in the morning?

"Blow the horn!"

Wanyan Loushi roared.

The trumpet sound suddenly sounded, and the entire Jin army camp was in chaos. The camp seemed to explode. The soldiers thought that the Qi army was coming to kill them.

But when the army was assembled, there was no movement at all in the Qi camp in the distance.

"Let's go to the highest place!"

When Wanyan Loushi saw that the army had gathered, he immediately pointed to the highest hill outside Taiyuan Mansion and said.

Although the soldiers didn't know what happened, they still followed the order and evacuated quickly.

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