Water Margin people

Chapter 1130 Encirclement and Breakout

In Taiyuan Mansion, the defenders who had been prepared to withstand the enemy's violent attack were stunned. The enemy withdrew directly and reached a high hill five miles outside the city.

"What is this for?"

Zhang Xiaochun, who had a smoky look on his face, poked his head out to find out what was going on, but the Jin army withdrew completely, leaving no one behind.

"Cheer up, everyone, the enemy must have a conspiracy!"

Zhang Xiaochun yelled at the defenders. He didn't know what the situation was now, but it was always good to be careful.

"It seems like they really evacuated. Were they frightened by something or someone?"

Ma opened his mouth and spoke.

Zhang Xiaochun looked towards Qi Guo Camp unconsciously, but there was no movement at Qi Guo Camp.

The area around Taiyuan Mansion became quiet, and the three forces maintained an eerie silence.

The sound of galloping horses broke the silent battlefield.

"Cavalry! Lots of cavalry!"

The Jin army and the Taiyuan defenders looked to the north in horror. Black flags fluttered in the wind, and black armored cavalry surged in like a flood.

"Hit me! Blow up the dam first!"

Fusheng took the lead and yelled an order. They had received information in advance and knew the details of Taiyuan Prefecture.

"Boom boom boom!"

The dam built by the Jin Army was quickly exploded, and the torrential floods rushed to the high hills where the Jin Army was stationed.

"No! We are downstream!"

Wanyan Loushi's expression changed greatly. The place they chose to garrison was in the lower reaches of the Fen River. The low slopes on both sides of the high hill were exactly the path that the flood must pass through.

"That's too late!"

Wanyan Zonghan's face looked ugly. The flood was already coming, and it was too late for them to evacuate now.

The Qi army quickly formed an array on the outer highlands, looking at the Jin army that was besieged by the flood.

"Master Lu, how should we fight?"

Pang Wanchun looked at Lu Zhishen and asked, this flood is not enough to submerge the Jin army's high hills, it can only slightly block the enemy's evacuation. When the flood passes, the Jin army will definitely run away.

"Hit him head-on!"

Lu Zhishen said with a smile, now that they have more people here and better equipment, they don't have to worry about anything.

"Array up!"

Pang Wanchun and others immediately called on the soldiers to think about the Jin Army's outskirts, blocking the Jin Army's possible evacuation route.

"Want to surround us?"

Wanyan Loushi had a murderous look on his face. They were clever but were mistaken. Instead of killing the enemy, the flood became an obstacle that trapped them.

"This water should pass after dark, and we will break out then!"

Wanyan Zonghan thought for a moment and made up his mind.

"Where to go?"

Wanyan Loushi asked.

"Go to the west! If Taiyuan Prefecture can't be captured, then take down their Guanxi Prefecture Prefecture!"

Wanyan Zonghan pointed to the west and said, the enemy's main force is in the east, and the enemy's reinforcements are coming from the north. The south is the hinterland of the Song Dynasty, and the only place they can go to is the west.

"Okay, we'll set off after dark!"

Wanyan Loushi nodded, now that the enemy is strong and we are weak, they cannot stay for long.

"Damn it, they delayed us for so long, Taiyuan Prefecture should have been captured long ago."

Wanyan Loushi whispered viciously again, he regretted it now.

"Next time you fight these people, you must use thunderous methods!"

Wanyan Zonghan nodded and said that their defeat this time was due to hesitation.

It was getting late, and the Jin army did not hesitate at all. Taking advantage of the flood to recede, they rushed down from the high hills and headed towards the mountains to the west.


Qi State had no intention of letting go of the Jin army, and everyone rushed out together.


Wanyan Loushi and Wanyan Zonghan led their troops to break out in two groups.

"I want to run away!" Pang Wanchun drew his bow and fired an arrow, and the arrow hit Wanyan Lou's room.

At this moment, Wanyan Loushi was very energetic. He had already noticed Pang Wanchun, and he also fired an arrow, and the two arrows hit the ground.

"Keep rushing!"

Wanyan Lou's room did not have Pang Wanchun, so he continued to break through with his soldiers.


Pang Wanchun ordered the army to shoot. The Jin army was quite numerous. In this dark night, if the two armies fought together, their advantage would be gone. At this time, destroying the enemy was the most important thing.

Arrows roared down, and large areas of the fleeing Jin army were shot down. The Jin army had no intention of stopping and continued to flee westward under the cover of night.

Sui Sheng, Qin Ming, Hao Siwen, Ma Yi and others also led troops to intercept the Jin army, and the sound of fighting resounded throughout the night.

A melee involving nearly 100,000 people broke out, and various departments of the Jin Army had already received orders to break out to the west regardless of the enemy.


Huang Zhongfu and others followed closely behind Lu Zhishen. Lu Zhishen killed the enemy in front to clear the way, and they followed behind to assist.

"Master Lu, if we continue to fight like this, the enemy will break out!"

Wang He reminded Lu Zhishen in a low voice that they were now fighting with the Jin Army. The Jin Army's combat effectiveness was extremely strong. They could not stop the Jin Army when the strength of the two armies was not much different.

"Don't worry, they won't run away that easily! Even if they run away, some people will die!"

Lu Zhishen smiled and waved the water mill Zen staff, knocking a golden soldier in front of him off his horse.

"General Jiao Ting and the others!"

Several people quickly realized that their main force was hiding outside and had not appeared yet.

"They're right between those mountains, they'll block us!"

Lu Zhishen smiled and said, on the plains, it is difficult to encircle and annihilate the enemy without an absolute advantage in military strength, but it is different in the mountains.

The Jin Army quickly broke out of the encirclement with its strong combat power, and the main force headed towards the mountains. In their mind, the main force of the enemy was here, and they would be safe once they entered the mountains. If the enemy pursued them again, they would still be able to Use the mountains to kill enemies.

"You take people into the mountain first! I'll cover them."

Wanyan Loushi called the army to enter the mountain and said to Wanyan Zonghan.


Wanyan Zonghan only said two words. Now is not the time to be pretentious. They paid a heavy price to break through. There can be no hesitation at this moment.

Wanyan Loushi led people to guard the intersection into the mountain, directing the soldiers to rely on rocks and trees for defense.

The shouts at the foot of the mountain gradually became unified, indicating that the lone Jin army had been killed.

The Qi army quickly rushed towards the mountain pass.


Wanyan Loushi yelled immediately.

The sound of intensive bow strings sounded, Pang Wanchun also came with the crossbowmen, and both sides started shooting with crossbows.

The Jin army occupies a high position, and the Qi army is also covered by shields. After the two sides shoot at each other, they are evenly matched.

"Catapult, bed crossbow!"

Sui Sheng roared, Jin Jun's archery skills are very good, if he charges forward forcefully, he will definitely pay a high price.

The fire and explosions quickly defeated the Jin army defending the mountain pass.


Wanyan Loushi gritted his teeth, the enemy's attack was too fierce, and the cooperation of various arms was also extremely skillful.


Wanyan Loushi called the remaining soldiers into the mountain. Once they entered the mountain, the enemy's catapults and crossbows became a burden.



Just before Wanyan Lou entered the mountain, explosions and shouts of death were heard one after another.


Wanyan Loushi looked at the flames burning in the mountain in disbelief. The explosion was obviously caused by gunpowder.

"There's an ambush in the mountains!"

A thought suddenly appeared in Wanyan Loushi's mind.

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