Water Margin people

Chapter 1143 A big net

"Capital, gunpowder is just a problem, there is not much food and grass!"

Wanyan Zongwang lowered his voice and said, without gunpowder they still have bows, crossbows, and swords and guns, but without food and grass, everything is empty talk.

"What? There isn't much food and grass left?"

Wan Yanchang had no idea that there was also a problem with food and grass.

"This period of fighting has consumed too much, and we only have enough food and grass for five days!"

Wanyan Zongwang opened his mouth and said.

"Five days!"

Wan Yanchang's heart sank. He only had enough gunpowder for two days, which meant that the decisive battle would have to take place within two days. It would no longer be the current state of bombardment. However, there was only enough food and grass for five days, which meant that he was forced to end the battle within five days.

"Go ahead, I got it!"

Wanyanchang nodded and asked Wanyan Zongwang to leave. He saw Brother Richard coming from a distance.

"Prince Jin, there's a lot of artillery fire outside, why are you here?"

Wan Yanchang looked at Brother Richard and smiled and said, the enemy has been attacking fiercely in the past few days, but Brother Richard has been watching from the sidelines, and the Xixia army has not yet climbed up the city wall.

"Capital, I'm here to ask when we will break out of the encirclement. Our Xixia army is willing to be the vanguard!"

Brother Richard looked at Wan Yanchang and said.

"Breakthrough? How do you say this?"

Wan Yanchang looked at Brother Richard and said.

"Wanyan Dutong, if you don't tell secrets, your equipment and food will not last long, right? There is no need to deny it, because we don't have much left!"

Brother Richard said, "We are all cavalry, there are many people and horses, and the food they can carry is about the same."

"Wanyan Dutong, actually I don't understand why you want to defend Yuzhou City. You Jurchens also grew up on horses. Riding horses to kill is your strength. Defending the city is the specialty of the Central Plains people. The Central Plains people They say that you should make the most of your strengths and avoid your weaknesses, so why are you doing the opposite?"

Brother Richard saw that Wan Yanchang was silent and asked straight to the point.

"The enemy's artillery fire is too fierce, so we can only break out at night!"

Wan Yanchang said, he thought Brother Richard would be better off, but who knew he was almost at the end of his rope.

"But if we just break through, we may not be able to get out. We have to kill the enemies for a while and disperse them before we have a chance to break out!"

Wan Yanchang added.

"Well, yes, we should fight for a while, but I'm afraid it's too late tonight. Let's do it tomorrow morning and evening!"

Brother Richard said, Breaking out requires careful planning, and the army also needs to be prepared.

The bombardment outside the city continues, but today is strange. The artillery attacks have not stopped after dark. Although the artillery fire has become sparse, it still makes the defenders in the city panic and worry that the enemy's abnormality is a prelude to the attack.

In the mountains.

"Oh, how long do we have to go!"

Li Kui, who was carrying the bed crossbow, complained that although he was strong, it was not easy to walk in the mountains carrying the bed crossbow.

"We've just reached the foot of the mountain, what are you calling for!"

Su Sheng looked at Li Kui and smiled.

"How did I know I had to go so far? How about we fight here!"

Li Kui said quickly.

"You took the initiative to ask for help, and I didn't force you to come. This place is too far away from the enemy's food and fodder. You must go up the mountain!"

Suisheng shook his head.

Taking advantage of the darkness, the group went directly to the mountain behind Yuzhou City.

"The view here is really good, but the terrain is too narrow and can't accommodate many people!"

Sui Sheng looked at Yuzhou City at the foot of the mountain with a telescope and sighed.

"What are you feeling? Let's start the fight!"

The panting Li Kui urged, he was sweating profusely and almost fell down from exhaustion.

"Observe first, what's the hurry!" Suisheng said. Although the darkness helped them, it also helped the enemy. With the darkness shrouded in darkness, he couldn't see clearly what was going on in the city even from a high position.

"We have to wait until daytime!"

After observing for a while, Sui Sheng finally spoke.

"What are you waiting for? It's over if you don't fight!"

Li Kui was even more angry when he heard this. He worked hard to carry the crossbow up, but Sui Sheng said he would have to wait.

"We didn't come here just to play! We came here to give the enemy a beating!"

Sui Sheng glanced at Li Kui and said.

"I don't know what you are doing. There are so many of us, we should have destroyed them long ago!"

Li Kui said unconvinced.

"Our goal is to force them out, then drive them into an ambush, and then annihilate them all. Do you think we are joking? Master Lu and the others are still waiting over there!"

Fu Sheng pointed to the west and said, this time they have gathered a hundred thousand troops, and every step is important.

"If I had known I wouldn't have come!"

No matter how stupid Li Kui was, he realized it at this time. He was annoyed and found out that the main battlefield was at the foot of the mountain.

"If you had walked faster, you could have caught up! If you hadn't been so mouthy, Coach Lin and the others wouldn't have chased you here!"

Sui Sheng said with a smile, Li Kui has been quite annoying recently, he just yells to kill the enemy every day, without caring about the overall situation. This time, Li Kui was made a force just because he was tired of it.

When the sky was dark, smoke was rising from the kitchens in Yuzhou City. Sui Sheng observed the movement in the city with a telescope. The enemy started cooking as expected. At this time, he could best observe the location of the enemy's food and grass.

"It turns out that they are placed in these private houses, so they are quite careful!"

With the faint light, Suisheng confirmed the location of the enemy's food and grass.

"Get up and move!"

Su Sheng shouted to Li Kui who was snoring like thunder. Fortunately, he was far away from the city, otherwise he would have been discovered by the enemy.

"What's going on? Is there a fight?"

Li Kui woke up and quickly touched the ax under his butt.

"Moved, prepare to attack!"

Su Sheng patted Li Kui. Everyone had stayed up all night, except for Li Kui, who was heartless and his snoring was as loud as the roar of a black bear.

The bed crossbow was moved to a suitable position and fixed, and Su Sheng directly ordered the bombardment.

Ten bed crossbows fired at the same time, and the crossbow arrows loaded with gunpowder were shot at the target house.

The defenders in Yuzhou City were defenseless. They yawned, ate breakfast, and complained about being bombed for another day.

"Boom boom boom!"

A violent explosion sounded in the city, frightening the defenders who were eating and froze. How come there was an explosion in the city, and it was from the rear.

The defenders had also experienced a high degree of combat these days, and they quickly reacted and hurriedly entered the combat position.

The crossbow attack occurred silently. Although there was chaos in the city, the defenders thought the attack was coming from enemy positions outside the city.

"A bunch of idiots didn't even notice us!"

Li Kui burst out laughing. He was now condescending and looked at the city defenders in a hurry. He just felt like he was watching a show, which was very funny.

"It's indeed food. Keep shooting and finish shooting all the gunpowder crossbows!"

Su Sheng was not in the mood to watch any jokes. He looked at the houses that had been bombed just now with his binoculars. The roofs had been blown apart, exposing the food inside.

The crossbows began to fire continuously, and the houses were blown down. The explosion of gunpowder ignited the food, and the fire broke out.

"Quick, protect the food and grass, the enemy is in the back mountain!"

Wanyan Zongqian pointed to the back and shouted.

"Trebuchet, push it over quickly!"

Wanyan Zongwang quickly took command. They were unable to reach the back hill for a while and could not stop the enemy. They could only fight with trebuchets. (End of chapter)

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