Water Margin people

Chapter 1144 Forced to break out

Just as the Jin army pushed the catapults towards the north of the city, the Qi army outside the city also began to attack. Artillery and catapults continued to bombard the city walls. Even the soldiers lined up to attack the city in an all-out manner. posture.

The defenders who were about to dare to go to the North City hurriedly returned to defend. The city wall was already very dilapidated. If the enemy was allowed to get close, the city would be broken.

After bombarding for a long time, Sui Sheng finished shooting all the gunpowder crossbows he brought, burned the crossbows with fire, and retreated into the forest with his men.

"I finally carried it up, why did you burn it?"

Li Kui glared at Sui Sheng and said, he worked very hard last night to carry it up.

"The enemies are here, are you still going to carry them away? Hurry back, the decisive battle is about to begin. If it's too late, you won't be able to catch up!"

After Sui Sheng finished speaking, he walked down the mountain road to the city, and Li Kui had no choice but to follow in a hurry.

In Weizhou City, Wan Yanchang looked at the burned grain and grass in front of him with a livid face. The enemy's sneak attack burned 30% of the grain and grass. Originally, it was only enough for five days, but now only three days are left.

"Call the army to prepare and fight out of the city tonight!"

Wanyanchang looked at the people around him, Wanyan Zongwang and Wanyan Zongqian, and said.

The siege of the city continued, and the city continued to fight back, preventing the Qi army from approaching.

Night fell again, and the city of Weizhou was quiet, illuminated only by sporadic firelight.

But the army in the city was well-armored and arrayed in position.

"Wanyan Dutong, after breaking out of the siege, why not go to our Xixia to rest, I'm sorry he won't dare to attack our Xixia!"

Brother Richard looked at Wan Yanchang and said, after breaking out of the siege, he will definitely go back to Xixia. If Wan Yanchang and others want to go back to the Jin Kingdom, they are afraid that if they have to flee to Liaodong, the entire Yanyun Jin Kingdom will give up.

This is not good news for Xixia. The Jin Kingdom suddenly shrank into Liaodong, so wouldn't Xixia become the target of Qi Kingdom? It would be best to bring these Jin people together.

Wan Yanchang squinted his eyes and began to think. He still preferred to go to Liaodong. It would be safest to return there, but the enemy would definitely be pursuing them. Now that they had insufficient food and grass, it would be difficult to complete the journey of thousands of miles.

In comparison, Xixia, which is hundreds of miles away, is a good choice, and it can also divert disaster to the west and prevent the war from burning to Liaodong.

"Thank you so much, Prince Jin!"

Wan Yanchang smiled and said to Brother Richard.

"Wanyan is so polite!"

Brother Richard quickly returned the gift.

At midnight, a crescent moon rose above the head, the city gate of Yuzhou opened wide, and the light cavalry charged out.

As the sound of horse hooves broke through the quiet night, the horn sounded in the Qi National Formation.

"Finally couldn't bear it anymore!"

Lin Chong, Gongsun Sheng, Sui Sheng, Yuan Lang, Qin Ming, Li Yan, Li Kui, Feng Tai and others were all standing in front of the formation on horseback. They had been waiting for a long time.

"Don't get out of formation and survive the enemy's first wave of charge!"

Lin Chong shouted to the people around him.

The enemy on the opposite side did not hold a torch, and it was impossible to see the situation in the distance clearly in the dark night, but from the sound of horse hooves, one could tell that they were all armored cavalry.

"Something is wrong. The sound of the horse's hooves is lighter than that of the Iron Buddha, but also heavier than that of ordinary cavalry!"

Gongsun Sheng frowned.

"They should be from Xixia. We met last time. Iron Kites are also a type of heavy armored cavalry!"

Lin Chong nodded. There were tens of thousands of Xixia people in Yuzhou City, and there must be Xixia Iron Harriers among them.

In front of the Qi army's formation, trenches, horse barriers, and barbed wire fences had already been prepared.


Brother Richard was watching the enemy camp and commanding the soldiers to charge and kill.

Although the iron kite's scale armor is not as good as the iron pagoda, it is still iron armor for protection. The cavalry charge is overwhelming. The barbed wire fence cannot stop it in the slightest, but the iron kite horses and trenches make the iron kite people at the front flip over.

"Go around!"

Brother Richard also saw the trench in front of him. He had not seen this in Yuzhou City during the day, but when he rushed in front of him, he found a trench that was more than ten feet long. It was so wide that it was impossible to jump over it. The iron kite quickly circled the two wings, but the trench was very long, extending to the back of Qi Guo's camp.


Just after Tie Yao got around, wooden planks were put up on the trench. Li Kui roared and charged out with the heavy armored infantry, directly running into the Xixia Central Army.

Sui Sheng and Qin Ming also charged out with their light cavalry at the same time, plunging into both sides of the enemy's formation in front of them.

"not good!"

Brother Richard's expression changed, and he quickly called his soldiers to defend themselves. The iron kite was the sharpest knife in his army, but now that the iron kite was taking a roundabout way, his fragile central army was defenseless.

Li Kui didn't care about that much. He didn't distinguish the strength of the enemy on the battlefield. He swung his ax in his hand and chopped down everyone he saw.

The Xixia infantry's armor defense was average. Facing the well-armed Liangshan army, the armor protecting their bodies seemed to be nothing.


Li Kui laughed crazily. He hadn't had such a good killing experience in a long time. Although the Jin people also killed a lot of people, the defense of the Jin people's armor was very strong. Sometimes he couldn't completely break through it even when he hit it with an axe.

Li Kui led the heavy-armored infantry and marched straight in, and quickly rushed in front of Brother Richard.

When Brother Richard saw the enemy rushing towards him, he pulled the long bow in his hand and shot at Li Kui. He noticed that the enemy in front of him was wearing heavy armor, so he shot the arrow towards Li Kui's eye socket.


Li Kui, who was killing the enemy wantonly, didn't notice the arrow at all. Fortunately, Xiang Chong noticed it and Tuanpai blocked the arrow.


Li Kui pointed his ax at Brother Richard and led his men to kill him.

Inside the Qi camp.

"The fighting ability of these Xixia people is much worse than that of the Jurchens!"

Lin Chong looked at the battlefield and shook his head. Compared to the Jurchens, the Xixia people were too easy to fight.

"Coach Lin, I'm going to take people with me!"

Li Yan opened his mouth and said, Yuan Lang and Feng Tai beside him were already ready.

"Well, let's fight quickly, the enemy should run away!"

Lin Chong nodded. There were only more than three thousand iron kites, and the armor defense was not as good as that of iron Buddha. Li Yan and Shi Xiu plus Feng Tai's Mo Dao team should be able to quickly deal with the enemy.

The iron kite attacked all the way to the back of the camp.

"Shield, step forward!"

Shi Xiu stepped forward to block him with his shield hand.

Tie Yaozi had been walking for a long time, and then turned a big corner. He no longer had the momentum to impact, and was blocked directly when he encountered the shield array.


Fengtai roared, and the Mo Dao team waved their Mo Dao and charged forward. Although Tie Yaozi, who was trapped in place, fought hard, he could only suffer in the face of the Mo Dao team, which was specialized in defeating war horses.


Iron Harrier didn't dare to fight any more and retreated while shouting.

"Want to run? It's not that easy!"

At this time, Li Yan led his troops to cut off Tie Yaozi's retreat.

The three armies worked together to encircle and suppress the enemy, but Tie Yaozi could not defeat them head-on. There were no reinforcements outside, and the situation was in chaos.

Fengtai's Mo Dao team did not give Tie Yao the slightest chance to breathe, and advanced in formation. Facing the Modao army, the chaotic Tie Yao had no power to resist, and soon the three thousand Tie Yao were wiped out.

"Ignore the battlefield and go to the front!"

Li Yan shouted to Fengtai that Shi Xiu had already led his soldiers and horses towards the front battlefield.

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