Water Margin people

Chapter 1160 The Jin Army moves out

Yue Fei killed the Tata'er tribe and continued to charge with his cavalry. In front of him were the Mongolian tribes.

"The enemy is coming, leave quickly."

Hebule shouted and urged. The enemy came in a strict military formation. The army was in an orderly manner and attacked quickly. However, they did not have a military formation. They often bumped into each other while running in a haphazard manner, and they could not increase their speed for a while.

"Yue Fei, you have killed enough! We are all leaving!"

I opened the distance between me and the army and shouted to Yue Fei in a low voice.

"Hmph, you still have the nerve to say that you clearly promised to attack only the Tata tribe, but you guys all came to join the war. You are the enemy on the battlefield! Dozens of my brothers were injured, and you have to pay for it with your lives!"

Yue Fei yelled, it was the grassland tribes who broke the contract first, but I didn't say that the six grassland tribes would do it together.

"Don't I want to act more realistically?"

I Bahai also complained. Only he and Hebule knew about this matter. They did not dare to spread the word. After all, if the Jin Kingdom knew about this matter, their Mongolian tribes would be finished.

"To give you face, I will kill here today!"

Yue Fei looked at the retreating prairie cavalry and then stopped the pursuing army.

"It's because you can't catch up, not to give me face!"

I Bahai shouted that when it came to riding horses, the Qi army could not compete with their prairie warriors. After the initial chaos of retreat, they had successfully distanced themselves.

"If you yell again, believe it or not, I will continue to chase you?"

Yue Fei glared at me and said.

"you are vicious!"

My boy was so frightened by Yue Fei's words that he could only say a harsh word and run away.

"Tch, he didn't run away!"

Yue Fei said disdainfully.

“It’s time for the grassland tribes to leave now!”

Du Bo said with a smile, their sudden attack caused heavy losses to the grassland tribes, especially the Tatar tribe, which lost more than half of its combat effectiveness.

"You deserve it, you have to find trouble!"

Yue Fei smiled and said, this is a war between Qi and Jin. Whether the grassland tribes actively or passively get involved, they are all enemies of Qi.

"Report, general, the Jin army has come out from Huanglong Mansion, about 50,000 soldiers and horses!"

A cavalryman came hastily to report.

"Is it still out?"

Du Bo glanced at the north and said, "There has been no movement from the Kingdom of Jin during this period."

"How about killing him now?"

Yue Fei said.

"Let's not go over there, wait for them to come, and wait for work!"

Wang Jin spoke.

Everyone led their troops back to the city and informed Xu Guanzhong of the matter.

"It's almost time to count the days."

Xu Guanzhong glanced at the sky and said.

"It's winter!"

Zongze said.

"Yes, it is winter. Snow should have fallen north of the Daxianbei Mountains. The weather will soon get colder. By then, Liaodong will be covered with snow. Our soldiers are all from the Central Plains. Although winter is also cold, compared to There is a huge difference in Liaodong, and by then I am afraid that even 50% of the 100% combat strength will not be used."

"This is also the reason why His Majesty did not let us continue to the north. Cao Cao said that the people in the north are not good at water warfare, so they were defeated in Chibi. And the soldiers in the Central Plains are not used to the extreme cold, which will also become our weakness."

Xu Guanzhong said.

"General Zong and the others should understand this." Xu Guanzhong looked at Zong Ze, Zhang Shuye, and Liu Fa. These three veterans had been stationed in the Liaoxi Corridor all winter.

"The severe cold in Liaodong is really terrible. The cold wind is like a knife. Heavy snow falls every now and then. Water can literally turn into ice."

Zhang Shuye said, this is also his first time to come to such a northern place. The severe cold weather makes ordinary life difficult, let alone fighting.

"I used to fight against Xixia in Guanxi. The winter in Liaodong is probably comparable to that in Helan Mountain."

Liu Fa also spoke.

"This is all against us, but the Jurchens are different. They have lived among the white mountains and black waters all year round, and have long been accustomed to the weather in Liaodong. No matter how heavy the wind or snow is, it will have a limited impact on them."

"So, our next task is to defend and defend Liaoyang Mansion. The decisive battle will begin when spring begins!"

"As for this winter, Liangshan has already prepared cotton clothes and food for the winter, and they will be shipped soon."

Xu Guanzhong nodded and said that the war should not be fought in a hurry, especially in Liaodong. Once there is a deadlock, the initiative will be in the hands of the Jin Kingdom when winter comes.

"I see!"

Everyone's faces were filled with joy. It turned out that the emperor had been helping them.

"It's rare!"

Zongze felt a little emotional that Sun Lei was still so calm, seemingly reckless, but actually taking the lead.

The Jin army marched very slowly, only covering a few dozen miles a day.

"Report, Your Majesty, there are rout troops in the grassland ahead!"

A sentry rider begged Wanyan Wu for a report.

"Lost so quickly? Didn't the war not start a few days ago?"

Wanyan Wu was shocked. He was still thinking of joining up with the tribes in the grassland to attack Liaoyang Mansion and completely destroy this Qi army.

As soon as the Sentinel Cavalry finished speaking, sporadic prairie cavalry fled, and soon a large number of prairie cavalry fled.

"What's going on with you? Why did you lose so quickly!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at the leaders of the grassland tribes and yelled that he had asked these people to attack Liaoyang Mansion some time ago, but these people were dawdling but were unwilling to start a war.

But now he was defeated just after leaving the front line of Huanglong Mansion. This seemed to be intentional.

"Your Majesty, the Qi State's army and horses are too powerful. Both men and horses have armor. We can't defeat them..."

Before anyone could say anything, Temujin Wuge from the Tata'er tribe started to complain. More than half of his Tata'er tribe was killed or wounded in the first battle, which can be regarded as a serious loss of vitality.

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at Temujin Wuge in surprise. The Tata tribe is also one of the big tribes in the grassland. He didn't expect that there would be so many casualties in the first battle.

The other tribes also complained one after another. Although their losses were not as good as those of the Tata tribe, they still suffered losses. They came to participate in the Naadam Conference this time and did not bring many weapons and armor, so they could not fight effectively at all.

After everyone complained, the tribes began to clamor to go back to the tribe and call for revenge.

Wanyan Wu Qimai naturally knew that these people would not come back if they went back, but now he could not keep these people, and the burden of raising these guys who only eat and do not fight is also very heavy.

Wanyan Wu begged to appease these tribal leaders and agreed to their request to return to the grassland.

The grassland tribes were naturally overjoyed, and immediately entered the Daxianbei Mountains with their troops and horses to climb over the mountains to the grasslands.

"Your Majesty, are you going to let them go like this?"

Seeing that all the tribesmen in the grassland were leaving happily, Wanyan Yan's mother asked as she watched Wanyan Wu begging for money.

"Have you noticed that all tribes have suffered losses, only the Mongolian tribes have suffered no losses!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai carefully looked at the various grassland tribes leaving, and finally spoke.

"It seems so, but they said they were at the back!"

Wanyan's mother said, "The Mongolian tribes also explained it just now."

"At the very back? Six tribes, why are they at the very back? And they didn't suffer any losses?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai said, "How could things be such a coincidence? There are no eyesight on the battlefield. How could the Qi State be so cruel and let go of the Mongolian tribes?"

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