Water Margin people

Chapter 1161 Waiting for Winter

"What your Majesty means is that they deliberately avoided fighting! These bandits!"

Wanyan Yanmu reacted immediately.

"Avoiding war? I think they are colluding with Qi State!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai said coldly.

"Collude with Qi State? No...that's not the case, right?"

Wanyan's mother was shocked, but she didn't believe it. The Mongols had nothing to do with Qi, so why did they suddenly collude? Moreover, there were so many casualties among the grassland tribes. It didn’t seem like there was collusion. The price was too high.

"I have found out during this period that the troublemaker Yue Fei entered the Huanglong Mansion disguised as a member of the Wei tribe, a young man with an alias, and also participated in the Naadam Conference!"

"And the leader of the Taichiwu Tribe among the Mongolian tribes, An Bahai, has a very good relationship with Yue Fei. He is very close to Yue Fei in Huanglong Mansion."

Wanyan Wu Qimai gritted his teeth and said that he had not been idle during this period. He had been investigating the matter of Yue Fei causing trouble in Huanglong Mansion, and finally found the culprit.

"Yes, then I and Yue Fei are in the same group!"

Wanyan Shou also said that at the Naadam Conference, he saw with his own eyes that Anbahai and Yue Fei were having a happy conversation, and Anbahai helped Yue Fei to speak.

"The Wei tribe in the big room? The Mongolian tribes? These guys are also colluding with Qi! I will lead people to destroy them right now!"

Wanyan's mother said fiercely.

"Don't worry about these in advance!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai opened his mouth and said, the Wei clan of the big family is to the north of Beihai, the distance is too far, and it is not worth sending troops to destroy such a small tribe.

And the Mongolian tribes cannot move now. The grassland tribes are integrated. They have just suffered a defeat, which is the time when they are at their tightest. Dealing with the Mongolian tribes at this time is likely to anger the grassland tribes.

"Then let them go like this?"

Wanyan's mother said with resentment.

"Let them go for now! Deal with them after everything is over!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai said that the primary enemy now is Qi State, and he cannot fall out with the grassland tribes before defeating Qi State.

"Your Majesty, winter is coming soon, and then those people from Qi will die!"

Jin Wushu said.

"How's the gunpowder going?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at the soldiers around him and asked, "If you want to attack the city, the best thing to use is firearms."

"We are working hard on the production and it will be ready in another half month!"

The soldiers reported back.

The Jin army still moved forward slowly, and it took ten days to arrive outside Liaoyang Mansion.

"Thieves, come out and die!"

Jin Wushu rode to the city and cursed.

"Jin Wushu, how dare you, a loser, to make noises. You are the one running away with your tail between your legs, right?"

Yue Fei taunted Jin Wushu below the city.

"Didn't you just run away with your tail between your legs? How dare you say this!"

Jin Wushu was so angry that his face was livid, and he also cursed Yue Fei.

"Haha, how are you in Huanglong Mansion? Feel good about the explosion!"

Yue Fei was not angry, pointed at Jin Wushu and shouted, his escape was different from Jin Wushu's escape. Jin Wushu fled after defeat, while he evacuated after defeating.

"Come down and fight if you dare!"

Jin Wushu couldn't scold Yue Fei, so he could only yell and fight.

"Why don't you dare!"

Yue Fei climbed down the city wall with a gun and rode out of the city.

"Oh, young man!" Xu Guanzhong shook his head helplessly. Yue Fei is really young and energetic.

"Let them fight, it's still early!"

Wang Jin smiled and said that the enemy had no intention of attacking the city, and the main force was camped ten miles away to prepare for a confrontation.

"The enemy is very stable this time. It seems that they are preparing to attack the city after it snows."

Du Bo said, the enemy's marching speed is slow. After arriving, the first thing they did was to find high ground and build a camp.

"We are also waiting for heavy snow!"

Wang Jin said with a smile that the enemy is good at fighting in ice and snow, but those who are good at swimming will drown, so they have to paralyze the enemy.

Yue Fei and Jin Wushu fought together outside the city.

Jin Wushu was full of rage and fought very wildly. He had a great advantage in this battle and almost broke through the Yu Pass and entered the Central Plains.

But the situation reversed in an instant, and he was defeated. He was defeated miserably, and the entire army was almost wiped out. But his life-and-death enemy made a big fuss in Huanglong Mansion and gave Jin Guo a big slap in the mouth.

All this made Jin Wushu angry. He believed that he was no worse than Yue Fei. Whether it was martial arts or military ability, he was confident that he was better than Yue Fei. But every time he called for a battle, Yue Fei defeated him miserably, which made him extremely sad. unbalanced.

"Jin Wushu, why are you such a loser? It took you so long to fight at Yuguan! Even a few old men can't take it down. If I were you, I would find a place where no one is around and hang yourself. I would be too embarrassed to see anyone!"

Yue Fei fought back and mocked Jin Wushu.

"I kill you!"

The embarrassing thing was mentioned in public by the person he hated the most. He was even more ashamed and angry, and attacked Yue Fei desperately.

Zongze, Zhang Shuye, and Liu Fa, who were skimming the formation from behind, had ugly expressions on their faces. Yue Fei not only scolded Jin Wushu but also scolded the three old men.

"Why is this kid's mouth getting more and more exaggerated!"

Liu Fa looked displeased. He was a powerful general in the Western Army of the Song Dynasty. He had been in the army for many years, but now he was called an old man by a boy in his early twenties.

"Oh, you can learn from whomever you want!"

Zongze looked helpless. He admired Yue Fei very much and taught him everything he had learned in his life. However, his student became more and more like Sun Lei. He was unambiguous in his actions but also unforgiving in his words.

"This is good. It disturbs the enemy's mentality, and you can also adjust your own mentality!"

Zhang Shuye said with a smile, being broken-mouthed on the battlefield is not necessarily a bad thing. The army is boring and people's hearts will be irritable unconsciously. It is good to have a way to vent and adjust.

Yue Fei and Jin Wushu fought seventy or eighty moves in a row. Although they were panting, no one was willing to retreat.

"You haven't improved much in your martial arts!"

Yue Fei held up Jin Wushu's spear with one shot and said with a smile.

"I heard that you Jurchens are good at wrestling, but your Wanyan Shou is not that good? I threw him badly!"

Yue Fei looked at Jin Wushu again and said.

Just when Jin Wushu was about to continue fighting, the sound of ringing gold rang out, coming from the Jin army's camp. He immediately abandoned Yue Fei, drew his horse back to the formation, and withdrew with the army.

"Leaving now?"

Yue Fei watched the enemy leave and felt regretful for a while. Since he defeated the grassland tribes, there had been no fighting. The army was boring. It was actually quite interesting to mock Jin Wushu.


Liangshan, wharf.

"These things must be transported to Liaodong as soon as possible and handed over to Wang Jin and the others!"

Sun Lei nodded as he watched boxes of supplies being loaded onto the ship.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, this supply is enough to supply the frontline army for half a year."

Xiao Jiasui smiled and handed over the account book. Qi State had sufficient supplies to support the frontline army.

"Well, it's not enough. People will consume a lot of food in the severe winter. Let Fei Bao and the others transport all the supplies brought back from the South China Sea to Liaodong."

Sun Lei was still a little worried. It happened that Fei Bao and the others had returned from the South China Sea. It was said that they had seized a lot of supplies, including a lot of rice. There was no shortage of these things in Liangshan, and they happened to be transported to Liaodong.

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