Water Margin people

Chapter 1162 The 6 thieves are destroyed



"Your Majesty, people from all over the country have come to report that this year there has been constant turmoil, military disasters, floods and droughts, and they request your Majesty to reduce or reduce taxes."

Li Gang left work and looked at Zhao Huan and said.


Zhao Huan's expression changed drastically. The imperial court's treasury was now empty, and it was waiting for the taxes after the autumn harvest to fill the treasury. What would happen to the treasury if taxes were reduced or reduced at this time?

"Taxation is the foundation of the country! How can we reduce or reduce it at will! What's more, the country is in troubled times now, and taxes should be increased by 20%!"

Li Yan said with a gloomy face, he is now in charge of the Xicheng Office, and he was originally very rich.

However, the appearance of the Liangshan bandits caused Xicheng's income to drop sharply. The entire land in Hebei and Shandong was occupied by Liangshan, and he only had the land around Tokyo.

Originally, there was little money and food that could be collected. There were floods this year, so it was almost impossible to collect money and food. However, the emperor was still eyeing the money bag of the Xicheng Institute. If the local government did not pay taxes, the pressure would be on the Xicheng Institute.

When the censor Yan Guan on the side saw Li Yan speaking, he immediately left the office.

"Your Majesty, I am talking about the fact that Li Yancao, the general manager of the Imperial Household, took human lives, annexed land in the name of the imperial court, and enriched his own pockets, so that the people around Tokyo complained. When the people resisted, Li Yan ordered them to be killed with sticks, and hundreds of people died..."

The censor directly listed Li Yan's ten major crimes.

For a while, many people in the court looked surprised, wondering which song they were singing today.

Li Yan is a corrupt official. Who in Tokyo knows this? But this was all tacitly approved by the emperor. Aren't all the corrupt officials in the whole court the emperor's cronies?

"Li Yan, what's going on?"

Zhao Huan patted the dragon chair and looked very ugly.

"Your Majesty, I was wronged and it was all because of his random attacks. I am loyal to Your Majesty!"

Li Yan quickly knelt down and said.

"To be loyal to me, do you need to do these things to be loyal to me?"

Zhao Huan became even more angry after hearing this.

Li Yan kept saying that he was loyal to His Majesty, but the income from the Xicheng Institute did not enter the treasury at all, nor was it given to him, but to the Supreme Emperor Zhao Ji.

This was the trigger for everything that happened in the court today. Public opinion in the world was raging, and the people rose up and shouted to resist the tyranny.

But in Zhao Huan's eyes, all this has nothing to do with him. He has just ascended the throne and became emperor. What does everything before him have to do with him? Why should he bear all the evil he did and the infamy he incurred?

There are also these high-ranking ministers in the court who claim to be loyal to him, but in fact they are the ultimate emperor.

This made Zhao Huan completely angry. If he could not gain the loyalty of his ministers after becoming emperor, and would be overpowered by the Supreme Emperor, then what would he become? The emperor who takes the blame for the Supreme Emperor?

Today is the day when Zhao Huan launches a counterattack.

"This... this is how it was during the Emperor's period!"

Li Yan saw that Zhao Huan was furious, and his voice was a little lacking in confidence.

Li Yan's words made the faces of Cai Jing, Tong Guan and others next to him change drastically. They all cursed Li Yan for being a fool. He really didn't want to raise the pot. Wouldn't mentioning the Supreme Emperor at this time add fuel to the fire?

"The Emperor asked you to harm the people?"

Zhao Huan looked at Li Yan fiercely.


Li Yan replied fearfully.

"Come here, put Li Yan in jail and have him investigated by the Criminal Department!"

Zhao Huan shouted outside the hall.

The guards immediately walked into the hall and dragged Li Yan down. Li Yan kept shouting, "I'm wronged, the Supreme Emperor save me."

"Your Majesty, there are students petitioning outside the imperial city! The palace gate has been blocked."

A guard walked into the hall to report.

"A student petition?"

All the officials in the court were shocked. The imperial students were students studying in the Imperial College, and they were the most important officials in the country.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Zhao Huan got up and walked out of the palace. Hundreds of officials followed closely behind, and it was a big deal for the imperial students to block the palace gate.

"Do you know that blocking the palace gate is a capital offense?"

At the gate of the palace, a guard commander shouted to the excited Tai students that he did not dare to take action at will. Blocking the palace gate was a capital crime. If there were one or two people, he would kill them. But now there are more than three hundred people who came, and all the Tai students The students were all here, but he didn't dare to kill the prince.

"If I offend you, I will die, and I will not regret it!"

Chen Dong held the memorial and replied loudly.

"I have no regrets!"

"I have no regrets!"


The students were all yelling. They were all young people in their 17s and 18s, and they were so hot-blooded that they didn’t care about anything.

"The Emperor has arrived!"

The eunuch's sharp voice sounded, and the guards and imperial students fell silent for an instant. Zhao Huan, dressed in a dragon robe, was seen sitting on the dragon's bow and coming slowly, flanked by hundreds of civil and military officials.

"Greetings to Your Majesty!"

The imperial students and guards all knelt down and saluted Zhao Huan.

"I don't regret being a good person. Do you know that you have committed the crime of killing the nine tribes?"

Zhao Huan asked as he looked at the students.

"Your Majesty, there are internal and external troubles, and the country will be in ruins. We have nothing to worry about. As an imperial student, I have read the books of sages and sages, and we should take the country as our own responsibility. However, we can see that treacherous ministers are harming the country, deceiving the saints, and exorbitant taxes and levies are constantly being imposed in various places. The officials forced the people to rebel, the civilian officials were corrupt, and the military officers were afraid of death, so they risked their lives to speak out!"

Chen Dong held Zhou Zhang in both hands and cried sadly.

At Zhao Huan's signal, the chamberlain stepped forward and took the memorial.

"You did a good job!"

Zhao Huan looked at Chen Dong's memorial, his face was extremely ugly, and his cold eyes glanced at Cai Jing, Tong Guan, Liang Shicheng, Zhu Meng, and Fu.

"Your Majesty, what happened today is that Cai Jing caused chaos in the front, Liang Shicheng conspired in the back, Li Yan made grudges in the northwest, Zhu Meng made grudges in the southeast, Wang Fu and Tong Guan also made grudges against Jin and Qi, creating border provocations. It is appropriate to punish Liu Liu. Thief, spread the news to all directions to thank the world."

Chen Dong and others bowed and shouted.

At this moment, Li Bangyan, Bai Shizhong, Zhao Ye, Wang Xiaodi, Cai Mao, Li Chen and others all had pale faces. They were all human beings, and many things could be known at a glance for being able to climb to such a position.

"Is this arranged by His Majesty?"

Several people exchanged glances. The ones who were pushed to the forefront this time were the powerful six thieves, Cai Jing, Wang Fu, Tong Guan, Zhu Meng, Li Yan, and Liang Shicheng.

"This is to clear out the old ministers of the previous dynasty!"

A thought suddenly occurred to a few of them: Zhao Ji single-handedly promoted Cai Jing and the other six people.

"Your Majesty, I am wronged!"

Cai Jing, Wang Fu, Tong Guan, Zhu Meng, and Liang Shicheng all knelt down to beg for mercy and cry out for injustice.

"Is everything about this a lie? Come on, I'll put you in jail!"

Zhao Huan ordered to the guards.

"Your Majesty, Holy Might!"

Chen Dong and other Tai students shouted in unison.

"You are loyal and patriotic. Although you rushed to the imperial city today, you are still sincere. Today I will absolve you of your sins! After you return, you must study hard and serve the country!"

Zhao Huan looked at Chen Dong and others again and said.

"I will obey His Majesty's teachings!"

Chen Dong and others asked the students to salute again and again.

The officials looked at Zhao Huan and then at the dispersing imperial students. Now everyone knew that these imperial students were supported by the emperor. Today's imperial student's letter was arranged by the emperor. All of a sudden The six thieves who had been in power for more than ten years were captured. (End of chapter)

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