Water Margin people

Chapter 1172 Mutual contempt

Six thousand shi of grain is just a trivial matter. The entire Hecai Town now has millions of shi of grain stockpiled, and excess grain is also being shipped from various places.

In fact, the official smuggling of grain is not easy to deal with. The price difference between the Qi and Song countries is too big. It is impossible for the officials to collect grain according to the Song price, and the people are not willing to suffer such a big loss.

If the price is too high, it cannot be collected or sold, and the grain ends up being lost in the hands. If it is too low, it will be cheaper for the Song Dynasty, which is tantamount to endangering the enemy for no reason.

Xiao Jiasui and Wen Huanzhang discussed for a long time before they came up with a compromise.

So the State of Qi issued an edict. Because the price of grain in other places had increased this year, under the rule of Qi State, grain was purchased uniformly in all places. The purchase price was one thousand coppers and one stone. However, the grain in the official granary was still sold at the price of six hundred coppers and one stone.

However, the official food supply is limited per capita to prevent buying and selling. This is mainly to protect the interests of non-farmer households in Qi State.

For example, the commercial and service industries in Qi State are developed, and many people no longer farm and make a living by working in the city. If food prices rise sharply, it will put a lot of pressure on these people, so domestic prices must be kept stable, even if the official Subsidies are also available.

The price was 1,000 coins, and the people of Song Dynasty bought 600 coins, and the Song Dynasty bought 1,200 coins. This was the final result.

No one suffered a loss, not even Qi State needed to subsidize it too much, and the price difference of two hundred cents was used to feed Qi State.

For Tokyo, being able to meet urgent needs is more important than anything else. Food priced at 1,200 cents per kilo is not unacceptable. Last year, the price of food in Tokyo was more than 1,000 cents. This year's increase due to the disaster is not excessive at all.

Qin Hui looked at the grain shipped away and felt very good. As long as he could buy enough grain, he would have made a great contribution to the emperor.

"Master Chai, there will be ships arriving soon. I want another million stones of food!"

Qin Hui looked at Chai Jin and smiled.

"As long as the money arrives, it's no longer a problem! The autumn harvest is happening in Shandong, and there's as much food as you need!"

Chai Jin said nonchalantly.

"Don't worry! Don't worry!"

Qin Hui laughed.

"A bunch of stupid thieves are actually selling food for some money. Don't they know that food is used in prosperous times and troubled times? The world is in such chaos and the two countries are at war with each other. What is more important than food at this time? When the war starts next year, you idiots All thieves will die!"

Qin Hui laughed in his heart and thought, in his opinion, these Liangshan thieves are stupid thieves who are greedy for money and have no brains at all.

"What a bunch of idiots! I'm afraid you have to spend all your money for some food! When you have no money, let's see how your country functions! Food? Our country of Qi has more food, and the country's official and private warehouses are full of harvests. If there is no rain, the excess grain can only be used to make wine and feed the livestock. I heard that the Fei Bao brothers took away millions of stones of grain in the South China Sea. The climate there is warm and the grain is harvested three times a year. You can just throw a handful of millet at any time. long!"

Chai Jin also despised Qin Hui in front of him in his heart. The extra grain could be sold at double the price. Only the sage emperor Sun Lei could come up with such a clever plan.

"Master Chai, let me go to Liangshan City for a stroll! I also want to see Liangshan City!"

Qin Hui said goodbye with a smile and clasped his fists.

"After this year, our Qi country will truly become rich as well as its people!"

Seeing Qin Hui leave, Chai Jin smiled and whispered, a prosperous country and a prosperous people are a prosperous age, and that is invincibility.

Hecai Town was only a dozen miles away from Liangshan City, and Qin Hui soon followed the crowd on the pipeline.

"Well, is this a city? Why doesn't it even have a city wall?"

Qin Hui looked at Liangshan City with straight and flat roads and neat houses. He was full of doubts. He didn't see the most important city wall.

Since ancient times, when cities were built, city walls were built first. Why did Liangshan do it the other way around?

"He is indeed a stupid thief, he doesn't understand anything! I just happened to remember this and report it when I go back!"

Qin Hui silently noted in his heart that without a city wall, it would be like going to the battlefield without armor, unable to withstand any damage.

Qin Hui walked into Liangshan City. He walked curiously on the streets and looked at various products.

But before Qin Hui took a few steps, he was stopped by Li Yun and his servants.

"Where are you from? Take out your ID and check!"

Li Yun looked at the gorgeously dressed man in front of him. He noticed this man as soon as he entered Liangshan City.

"What certificate?"

Qin Hui looked at the person in front of him in surprise.

"You are not from Qi, take it!" A strange look flashed in Li Yun's eyes. He dared to come to Liangshan City without documents. There must be something wrong with the man in front of him.

"I'm here to do business, and I have a reason!"

Qin Hui didn't expect these people to suddenly take action, so he immediately came up with evidence.

"Are you a caravan from Tokyo? You are only allowed to walk near Hecai Town and are not allowed to enter Liangshan City!"

Li Yun checked Pingyou and said with a straight face.

"Ah? Then how can I enter Liangshan City?"

Qin Hui asked quickly.

"If you are not from Qi, then someone must be your guarantee!"

Li Yun said, Qi State and Song State are currently at war, and management must be strict.


Qin Hui was speechless. He didn't have many acquaintances in Liangshan. Who would be his guarantee?

Just when Qin Hui had no choice but to turn around and leave, he suddenly thought of something.

"I know Jushi Yi An, and I heard that she is the principal of Liangshan School."

Qin Hui suddenly thought of Li Qingzhao.

"Jushi Yi An? Mr. Li, right? Do you know him?"

Li Yun looked at Qin Hui.

"She and I are related, my wife is Mr. Li's cousin, and she is my cousin!"

Qin Hui immediately said that he and Li Qingzhao were not familiar with each other. Although they were somewhat related, they only met once during the wedding and did not move around normally.

"Just go with me!"

Li Yun nodded and took Qin Hui into Liangshan City.

Liangshan School.

Sun Lei was giving a lecture to the students in the classroom, talking about the extremely unpopular mechanical manufacturing industry.

This is an elective course, anyone who is interested can take the class.

"This guy talks about these fallacies all day long!"

Li Qingzhao looked at Sun Lei in the classroom fiercely. Since Sun Lei changed the school curriculum, the students have let themselves go. The boring collection of classics and history can no longer attract students.

"Principal Li, this is a course arranged by His Majesty!"

A teacher handed a document to Li Qingzhao. Sun Lei usually didn't care about school affairs, but occasionally he would arrange some activities for students.

"What? Going to the fields to harvest crops again?"

Li Qingzhao's face turned cold as he looked at the documents. He took the students to farm in the spring, and now they have to harvest. How much time will be wasted?

"Just do as he wants!"

Although Li Qingzhao was dissatisfied, Sun Lei was the principal and the emperor, so she could only obey.

"Principal Li, what about our courses?"

The teacher looked at Li Qingzhao. Nowadays, the classics and history subsets account for very little in the school curriculum. If this continues, they won't be able to teach much in a year.

"Put it off later and take your time in the future. Maybe it will end up like him."

Li Qingzhao looked at Sun Lei, "Confucian classics and historical records cannot be mastered overnight. If you want to learn more deeply, you will probably have to let interested students choose to read them." (End of chapter)

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