Water Margin people

Chapter 1173 Qin Hui

"Principal Li, Captain Li Yun is here, saying that someone claims to be a relative of Principal Li."

A guard came to report.

"My relatives? Okay, I'll be there right away!"

Li Qingzhao frowned slightly. She had been here in Liangshan for so long, but she didn't have many relatives around. She was also from a family of officials. Now that she was in Liangshan, her relatives were trying to avoid her.

When I arrived at the school gate, I happened to see Li Yun and a middle-aged man waiting.

"Qin Hui?"

It took Li Qingzhao a while to recognize that the person was his cousin-in-law Qin Hui.


Qin Hui quickly saluted Li Qingzhao with clasped fists.

"Why are you here? Aren't you an official in Tokyo?"

Li Qingzhao looked at Qin Hui and then at Li Yun. She and Qin Hui were only slightly related and had never moved around.

"I came to Liangshan to do some business, and I stopped by to see my cousin!"

Qin Hui explained quickly.

"Mr. Li, this person is from outside and has no guarantor, so he came to find you."

Li Yun explained.

Qin Hui looked at Li Qingzhao with an attentive smile. Li Qingzhao couldn't save his face and could only nod in agreement.

Li Yun helped Qin Hui finish the registration and warned Qin Hui a few words before leaving.

"Cousin, how are you doing?"

Qin Hui greeted politely.

"It's okay, everyone is avoiding me, but you were the first one to come here!"

Li Qingzhao was a little sad. She was almost alone after coming to Liangshan.

"If you have anything to do, go ahead. This is a school and I won't keep you here. Liangshan City has many rules for outsiders, so you should pay attention to yourself."

Li Qingzhao looked at Qin Hui and issued an eviction order. She didn't want to have too much interaction with her cousin-in-law. Qin Hui was good at doing business and had no principles. He only looked at interests. She didn't like this kind of person.

"Cousin, are you the principal of this school?"

Qin Hui is indeed very interested in the school in front of him. He has seen many schools, and even saw Imperial College in Tokyo, but it pales in comparison to the school in front of him. This is not a school in front of him, it is just a palace complex. .


Li Qingzhao emphasized that the principal is Sun Lei.

"Can I go in and have a look?"

Qin Hui looked at Li Qingzhao and asked.


Li Qingzhao left these three words and left. The school couldn't let random people come in.

At this time, the bell rang, and the students cheered and ran out of the classroom to play.

"It's interesting, so many students!"

Qin Hui looked at the students on the playground thoughtfully. The literary style of the Song Dynasty was very prosperous, and many villages had private schools, but such a large-scale school was unheard of.

Sun Lei finally felt clean after answering a bunch of questions from a group of curious babies.

"Who came just now?"

Sun Lei looked at Li Qingzhao and asked. He seemed to have seen someone coming from the school gate just now.

"A relative is here, and I will be your guarantor!"

Li Qingzhao said.

"Qin Hui?"

Sun Lei frowned and said.

"you know?"

Li Qingzhao was a little surprised that Sun Lei even knew this.

"He is the official responsible for coming to our country of Qi to buy food. Of course I checked him."

Sun Lei nodded and said that he had already received news from Shi Qian and Cao Zheng and knew that Qin Hui had come to Liangshan City.

"This is a ruthless character! No worse than Cai Jing's gang!"

Sun Lei nodded.

"Although he has bad morals, it's not that bad, right?"

Li Qingzhao asked unexpectedly.

"It seems you don't understand him!"

Sun Lei looked at the back of Qin Hui who was leaving in the distance. There were thousands of traitors in the two Song dynasties, but if there was a ranking, Qin Hui would definitely be at the front.

"If you sell food to them like this, doesn't that mean you're endearing yourself to the enemy?"

Li Qingzhao looked at Sun Lei and asked. She really couldn't understand what Sun Lei was thinking. How could someone sell food to an enemy country? "Are you thinking about our country, Qi?"

Sun Lei smiled.

"I just don't want the school that I worked so hard to build to be destroyed by war."

Li Qingzhao argued, but he still felt a little guilty. This reason was untenable no matter how he looked at it.

"Isn't it good to use excess grain in exchange for a lot of money? The grain that can't be eaten is wasted. When I take out all the money in Tokyo, what will they have to fight with me when they become paupers?"

Sun Lei said with a smile.

After Qin Hui left school, he began to wander around Liangshan City. He approached the waterfront with purpose, wanting to see clearly the situation in Liangshan.

But in the end, Qin Hui was unable to get close to the water park, and he was blocked by someone as soon as he reached the outside.

"This person has been here several times before and has no experience as a spy at all!"

At the Guanqi Restaurant, Zhu Fu looked at Qin Hui who was blocked again and shook his head.

"Why don't we send someone to catch him!"

Someone next to me said.

"No, how can we do business if we catch him? We have so much wine waiting to be sold to him!"

Zhu Fu shook his head and said that he was still waiting to discuss business with Qin Hui.

Seeing that he couldn't get close to the water, Qin Hui gave up and continued walking around the city. After a while, he met Cao Zheng and others.

"Why are you here?"

Qin Hui looked at the group of merchants in front of him in surprise.

"Sir, we have been looking for you all day, and we are about to start talking about the wine business!"

A group of merchants quickly surrounded Qin Hui and said.

Without waiting for Qin Hui to ask anything, everyone took Qin Hui to the government office.

Qin Hui was dizzy when he saw Zhu Fu, Yin of Liangshan City.

"Meet the adults!"

Everyone saluted Zhu Fu.

"Okay, I know why you're here! You want some wine, right?"

Zhu Fu smiled and looked at everyone and clapped his hands.

Several officers came up with wooden trays and placed a row of wine jars on the table.

"Liquor is divided into ten grades, and the price ranges from one hundred cents per catty to one thousand cents per catty."

Zhu Fu pointed to the ten jars of wine in front of him and said.

"So expensive?"

When Qin Hui heard the price, he realized that one pound of wine was almost as much as one stone (one hundred and twenty pounds) of grain.

"Zhu Fuyin, we are also doing business, please give us some profit!"

A group of merchants also felt that the price was too expensive.

"You try it before you talk!"

Zhu Fu pointed to the wine jar in front of him.

Qin Hui and others opened the wine jar, and the aroma of wine instantly wafted out, making them sniff.

"What a drink!"

Everyone rushed to taste it, and they all shouted that it was a good wine.

"Now that the price of food has increased, the price of this wine will not be cheaper! Of course, the price at which you sell it is your business!"

Zhu Fu smiled and said, this wine is not intended to be sold to ordinary people, and wealthy people do not care about the price.

"Okay, how much is this wine? Let's buy a hundred thousand jars first! A jar that weighs twenty kilograms! I may have to buy more later!"

Everyone immediately said, there are so many high-ranking officials and nobles in Tokyo, there is no fear that this wine will not be sold.

"One hundred thousand altars? No problem! But what are you trading for? Copper coins may not be easy to deliver."

Zhu Fu looked at the crowd and said, the copper coins these people brought have already bought the first batch of grain, and they should be out of money now.

"Silver, gold!"

The merchants said that the transaction volume of this trade was too large and the amount involved was so large that copper coins could no longer be used as a transaction currency.

"Okay, when will you get the money and how will the wine be delivered?"

Zhu Fu waved his guests off.

"No, how do we make money?"

After leaving the government office, Qin Hui realized what he was doing.

"Sir, the price of this wine will double when you go to Tokyo! Isn't it easy to make money? How can your majesty hold a banquet without good wine? The princes are getting married, how can they do without good wine... There are so many dignitaries in Tokyo , all kinds of banquets are going on every day, how can there be no good wine at the banquet? Wine is more valuable than money! "

A group of merchants looked at Qin Hui and said, in the past, they were afraid of being held accountable, so they only made small purchases and could not make much profit no matter how huge the profits were. But this time it was different. Both times they opened the door to convenience. This opportunity was once in a lifetime, then. Why don't you make some serious purchases? (End of chapter)

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