Water Margin people

Chapter 1180 Wan Yan’s golden marbles

Chapter 1180 Wan Yan’s golden marbles

Du Bo chased and killed all the way, and the Jurchen soldiers were killed and wounded all over the place.

"This is Sun Lei's general? He is so brave!"

The Jin Army camp was also alarmed by the fighting situation here. Wanyan Wu Qimai went to the high platform in person and frowned when he saw Du Bo chasing hundreds of people alone.

"Your Majesty, I'm going to meet that person!"

A burly man behind Wanyan Wu Qimai, who looked like a black lion and was holding a pair of drums and purple-gold hammers, spoke.

"Golden marbles, be careful, this man's martial arts are very strange!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at the golden marbles asking for a fight and warned him.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, my Purple Gold Hammer is not afraid of anyone!"

Wanyan Jindanzi laughed.

Wanyan Yinshu really retreated with Jin Wushu. When they saw Wanyan's golden marbles coming out, their expressions changed. Wanyan's golden marbles were their secret weapons. They had never been used on the frontal battlefield. They just wanted to use them as weapons. Strange soldiers.

The Jinjun camp was wide open, and Wanyan Jinpinzi rode out on a big black horse, holding the drum and purple gold hammer high and roaring out as he rushed out.

"Uncles, please go back and rest first. I'll go kill the enemy general!"

"Golden marbles!"

Wanyan Jindanzi roared, and rode up to kill him.

Wanyan's golden marble originally wanted to get close and hit it with the hammer, but he didn't expect that Du Bo's attack would be so fast, and his moves would change almost in a moment.

Although Wanyan's golden marble kept swinging the purple gold hammer, he was still unable to move forward.

Du Bo didn't waver at all, he retracted the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand, and then thrust it out suddenly. Although the Zhangba Snake Spear could chop, its biggest killing move was the thrust. The Zhangba Snake Spear's armor-piercing ability was still higher than that of a long spear. .

The weapons met and Du Bo frowned slightly, this man was extremely powerful.

Before Wanyan's golden marble could get closer, Du Bo swung his Zhangba snake spear and swiped it directly.

Wang Jin and others led their troops out of the city. They had never seen Du Boxin's opponents before, and they knew that these were the Jin Kingdom's hidden cards.

Both sides noticed the new battle situation.

Du Bo swung the Zhangba snake spear to attack Wanyan's golden marble. He used the length of the Zhangba snake spear to force Wanyan's golden marble two feet away.

But Du Fu's attack was so easy to hit. Du Fu just flicked his wrist and used the eight-foot-long snake spear to avoid the purple gold hammer and continued to stab Wanyan's golden marbles.

With just two moves, Wanyan Jinpinzi put away the contempt in his heart. The person in front of him was very extraordinary. If he was not careful, he would probably suffer a big loss.


Du Bo, who was killing the enemy, also spotted the Wanyan gold marbles coming towards him. He became more vigilant when he saw the pair of drum-beating and purple-gold hammers. The absolute power of this weapon was so powerful.

The Jin Kingdom was also very surprised. Although Wanyan Jinpinzi was young, he was also one of the masters of the Jin Kingdom. He did not expect that he could not do anything to the enemy.

Wanyan Jinpinzi's eyes widened. He didn't expect the enemy's attack to be so weird. He hurriedly swung another purple gold hammer to hit the Zhangba Snake Spear. This time, his attack did not miss, and the Zhangba Snake was already approaching. The spear missed.

Wanyan's golden marble waved a drum-beating purple gold hammer with one hand to block the Zhangba Snake Spear.

Wanyan Jinbaizi roared, and a drum-beating purple gold hammer suddenly hit the Zhangba Snake Spear, trying to deflect the Zhangba Snake Spear, and then continued forward.

"The enemy is out!"

Wanyan Mu pointed in the direction of Liaoyang Mansion and said, three thousand cavalry were leaving the city.

"Let's go out too!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai immediately ordered.

The gate of Jin Kingdom's camp opened, and Wanyan Wu Qimai left the camp with three thousand iron pagodas.

Du Bo and Wanyan were fighting with golden marbles, and the army behind them was also waiting in formation.

After playing more than fifty moves in a row, Du Bo and Wanyan's golden marbles still couldn't decide the outcome.

"General Wang, the enemy is in charge formation, we can't move forward any further!"

Zongze frowned as he looked at the formation of the Jin army opposite and said, "Tiefu Tu is not very fast because it is a heavy armored cavalry, and its activation speed is even slower."

On the Qi side, they are all light cavalry. They are flexible and fast. They can dodge first when the Iron Buddha is activated, but the premise is that there is enough distance. After all, it is difficult for the cavalry to turn around on the spot. Wanyan Yinshu looked at the battle situation with a very ugly face. Wanyan's golden marbles couldn't even defeat Du Bo.

"Ming Jin!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai directly ordered that they had been exposed enough today and there could be no more mishaps.

"Your Majesty, we will rush over and kill all the enemies!"

Jin Wushu, whose arm had been bandaged, gritted his teeth and said that his injury was not a bone, but a skin injury. Apart from being unable to exert force for a short period of time, it did not affect his one-handed fighting.

"The distance is too far and a charge is simply not enough!"

Wanyan Mu said, they were three hundred steps away from the enemy formation. At such a long distance, the enemy Qingqi would have dispersed by the time Tiefu Tu rushed over.

The harsh sound of gold ringing sounded, and Du Bo and Wanyan's golden marbles, who were fighting, stopped and retreated back to their formations.

"Brother Wang, this enemy general has some martial arts skills and is extremely powerful. It should be the enemy's hidden combat power!"

Du Bo looked at Wang Jin and said after returning to the formation.

"Well, I can see it, I got some unexpected gains today!"

Wang Jin nodded.

"Someone come and talk!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai on the opposite side came forward on horseback, and Wanyan Mu on the side immediately shouted loudly.

"Are you Wanyan Wu begging for money?"

Wang Jin looked at Wanyan Wu begging for money and said.

"Who are you?"

Anyan Wu Qimai looked at Wang Jin and shouted.

"I am Wang Jin, the Deputy Privy Envoy of the State of Qi!"

Wang Jin spoke.

"Deputy Privy Envoy? Hand over Yue Fei, and I will let you leave Liaodong alive!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai looked at Wang Jin and saw that he looked like a soldier, then he spoke.

What Wanyan Wu Qimai wants most now is to capture Yue Fei who is causing trouble in Huanglong Mansion, and then cut him to pieces in front of all the tribes, in order to regain the lost face of the Jin Kingdom.

"Haha, that's ridiculous! Do you think you will win? I conquered Liaoyang Mansion all the way, and what I saw was your Jin army fleeing in panic!"

Wang Jin laughed when he saw Wanyan Wu Qingmai. He didn't know where Wanyan Wu Qingmai got the courage to say such a thing. So far, it was the Kingdom of Jin that had been defeated, and it was defeated on multiple fronts. He was even more defeated. Arriving in the hinterland of Liaodong.

"I'm giving you a chance!"

Anyan Wu Qimai looked at Wang Jin and continued. He was full of confidence and seemed to have defeated the enemy in front of him.

"Then let's see the real chapter on the battlefield!"

Wang Jin didn't understand where Wanyan Wu's confidence came from, but he didn't have the slightest fear. They had fought with the Jin Army not once or twice. He knew the strength of both sides, and there were new weapons coming soon in Liangshan. Weapons arrived.

"Then you guys just wait to die!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai left with these words.

"Just leave like that?"

Wu Song frowned and said, Wanyan Wu Qimai didn't look like he was just a talker. After all, he had been a king. If he couldn't make harsh words, his prestige would be ruined.

"I'm afraid the offensive will be very fierce after the war begins!"

Zongze also frowned and said, Wanyan Wu Qimai personally leading the troops here is no joke.

"Don't worry too much. The soldiers will come to block the water and cover up the soil. Are we still afraid of the vassal of the Jin Kingdom?"

Du Bo said.

(End of this chapter)

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