Water Margin people

Chapter 1181 The stolen treasure

Chapter 1181 The stolen treasure

Liangshan City.

Jars of fine wine were loaded onto the cargo ship.

Qin Hui and a group of merchants personally counted and sealed it. A boatload of fine wine was worth tens of thousands of dollars, and it was all their money.

"This is five hundred thousand jars of fine wine. When will the remaining five hundred thousand jars be delivered?"

Zhu Fu looked at Qin Hui and asked with a smile.

"Zhu Fuyin, we really can't dispatch this ship. Let's wait for a while. Besides, we have to sell this wine too!"

Qin Hui looked at Zhu Fu with a smile. There were many cargo ships in Tokyo, but now they had to transport food and wine. They were really busy and could only postpone it for a while.

"Not enough ships? We do have some merchant ships here!"

Zhu Fu said with a smile.

"After half a year of raids, all the pirates have been wiped out. The army has also conquered several small countries and moved westward along the sea route to the Chola Kingdom and the Ghaznavid Kingdom, as well as the Eastern Roman Empire further away. Where did they rob them? There are so many good things! They have never appeared in the Central Plains."

"That's great!"

"By the way, Mr. Qin, besides wine, do you want any other goods?"

Qin Hui and a group of merchants looked at Zhu Fu curiously. Apart from food and wine, Liangshan might not necessarily have what they wanted. Other things were available in Liangshan and elsewhere. There was no need for them to risk beheading. Come to Liangshan to buy.

Zhu Fu approached a few people mysteriously and spoke in a low voice.

"Yin Zhufu is willing to lend us a loan? Don't worry, we will definitely pay the rent in full!"

Qin Hui was a little puzzled. He also came from a top wealthy family. What good things have he not seen?

Although the merchants were interested, they all waited and watched and did not talk to each other.

Zhu Fu said.

Qin Hui and others did not know that Zhu Fu was nicknamed the Smiling Tiger. They only saw Zhu Fu smiling kindly and thought that Zhu Fu was really enthusiastic about doing business with them.

"Some good stuff!"

"You also know that the navy of our country, Qi, is very powerful. Not only can we roam the rivers and lakes, but we can also run rampant on the sea. In the first half of the year, a group of pirates in the South China Sea made trouble, which affected the business routes of our country of Qi. Your Majesty was furious and sent the navy to clean up."

"Other cargo?"

Qin Hui was confused and didn't understand where these countries were. He had studied the Four Books and Five Classics since he was a child, and he didn't understand geography.

"The cargo ships are not busy now, so we can use some of them!"

Zhu Fu looked at all this with a smile on his face, but he was full of ridicule in his heart. A head of the household department of the Song Dynasty was blinded by money. It was unjust that the Song Dynasty should not be destroyed.

Zhu Fu still looked at Qin Hui, Qin Hui and others with a smile on his face and asked.

Zhu Fu nodded.

"Chola Kingdom? Ghaznavid Kingdom? Eastern Roman Empire?"

Qin Hui and others were overjoyed.

Qin Hui and others looked overjoyed and quickly bowed to Zhu Fu.

"nice one?"

"What Zhu Fuyin said is true!"

The merchants were ecstatic when they heard the names of those two countries. They traveled south and north, and they were very familiar with geography. Although they had not personally been to the Chola Kingdom, the Ghaznavid Kingdom, and the Eastern Roman Kingdom, they had heard about it for a long time. .

"Of course, since the fall of the Tang Dynasty, the trade routes in the Western Regions have been cut off, and goods from the Western Regions can no longer enter the Central Plains. You are also in charge of the caravans of big families. You should have secretly sent people to take the sea route, right?"

Zhu Fu asked as he looked at the merchants.

"This... we do know something! But only in the Chola Kingdom! Their spices are very good, but the journey is long, there are many pirates along the way, and shipping by sea is not very profitable!"

The merchants spoke.

Qin Hui looked at the group of merchants in surprise. He did not expect that these people also had maritime caravans. The Ministry of Household Affairs did not register it, nor did the Municipal Shipping Department. This was smuggling.

"You are indeed knowledgeable! Look at this thing!"

Zhu Gui took out an exquisite glass Pixiu from his sleeve robe. The Pixiu was exquisite, clear and lifelike.

"Jade? No...is this an ice sculpture?" "No, how can ice be so pure and transparent!"

"The ice has melted early this season!"

All the merchants stared at the glass Pixiu with their eyes wide open.

"Zhu Fuyin, what is this?"

Qin Hui was also stunned by what he saw. He subconsciously began to calculate how much money this thing cost, but he had never seen someone who didn't know how to price it.

"This is called Crystal Pixiu, but it was stolen from East Rome. This is a good thing, take a look!"

Zhu Fu handed the glass Pixiu to the merchants.

The merchants excitedly took it with both hands. Everyone was full of praise, and some even wanted to take a bite.

"This thing doesn't need gold or stone, it will break easily if you bite it!"

Zhu Fu quickly reminded him that it would be bad if he got a mouthful of blood.

"Zhu Fuyin, although this thing is good, if it is too brittle, it will not be sold at a high price. At most, it will only cost a few dozen!"

The merchants are also knowledgeable, and they all have a price after the discussion.

"It's small, so of course it can't be sold at a high price, but what if it's this big?"

Zhu Fu smiled and clapped his hands, and a large box was carried up.

The box was opened, and inside was a glass Pixiu as big as a guarding lion.


The merchants were so frightened that they almost collapsed on the ground. No matter how exquisite the little Pixiu was, it was just an accessory. It was impossible to compare the price with the jade carving. But this was different. The jade carving could never be so big.

"This... you robbed this from Eastern Rome?"

Qin Hui's lips trembled.

"How much do you think this thing is worth?"

Zhu Fu didn't answer, just looked at the merchants and asked.

"Ten thousand...no, thirty thousand!"

"forty thousand!"

"fifty thousand!"


The prices were quoted one by one from the merchants' mouths, and soon they reached 100,000 yuan.

Merchants know the market best. This crystal Pixiu is already considered a peerless treasure. It is a treasure that has never appeared in the whole world. Not to mention wealthy people, even the emperor has never seen it. There is no upper limit on the price of this kind of thing.

The only flaw is that the texture is brittle, but in the face of the huge size, the shortcomings can be ignored. Who would smash such a peerless treasure?

"Fifty thousand guan!"

Another merchant became a monk. There were many rich people in the Song Dynasty. For the truly wealthy families, money was just a number. You must know that the birthday card given to Cai Jing by Liang Zhongshu was worth 100,000 yuan. Cai Jing lived every year, and the world How many people send birthday greetings?

"Don't worry, our navy from Qi State will go to sea to get more than just this one! Come with me, everyone!"

Seeing that these people were crazy, Zhu Fu knew that these people had been fooled, so he smiled and took them to a secret warehouse.

When the lights were turned on, the dark warehouse suddenly became colorful. Under the firelight, various kinds of glass cranes, turtles, handsome deers...

"This...did you bring the Dragon King's warehouse? You even brought the candlesticks!"

The merchants sat slumped on the ground and looked at everything in front of them in disbelief. They even saw several crane candlesticks and turtle incense burners.

"Everyone, the baby is here. It's not easy to grab this one. See if you like it. If you don't like me, find another buyer."

Zhu Fu said with a smile as he looked at the group of people who had not woken up from the shock.

"We want it! We want it! We want it all!"

These people ran to Zhu Fu like crazy, hugged Zhu Fu's legs and begged.

(End of this chapter)

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