Water Margin people

Chapter 1182 Sky-high price of glass

Chapter 1182 Sky-high price of glass

"It's easy to say what you want. If you haven't spoken for a long time, I thought you didn't like it. I'm still thinking of selling it to Jiangnan! There are many rich people there!"

Zhu Fu said with a smile.

"Zhu Fuyin, we all want these treasures! Let's sign the contract now!"

The merchants quickly pulled Zhu Fu to make a promise.

"Zhu Fuyin, this...are you selling this too?"

Qin Hui had already reached the edge of a huge crystal dragon pillar. The majestic and powerful five-clawed golden dragon was coiled on the crystal pillar, emitting a dazzling golden light under the firelight, making people dare not look directly at it.

Qin Hui's voice was trembling at this time. The five-clawed golden dragon was the symbol of the emperor. He didn't know why there was this thing in Eastern Rome, and he didn't want to know where it came from.

He only knew that if he could transport this thing back to Tokyo and give it to Emperor Zhao Huan, he would be promoted to the third level immediately. The Emperor would definitely like this thing.

But Qin Hui was a little unsure of Liangshan's attitude. Sun Lei had now ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, and he was also the True Dragon Emperor. Sun Lei would not give up this symbol of supreme imperial power.

Zhu Fu nodded.


The merchants knew that this thing was beyond their reach, so even if they dared to buy it, they would only dare to give it to the emperor in the end. If they kept this thing privately, they would be courting death.

Qin Hui also read poetry and books. Only the totem of the Central Plains is the five-clawed golden dragon. The surrounding barbarians are all wild beasts such as tigers, leopards, eagles, and bears.

Qin Hui looked at Zhu Fu in surprise. He couldn't believe that Zhu Fu was so bold and dared to sell such things.

Zhu Fu said.

"I don't know about this, but there used to be a huge empire over there. It was called Da Qin during the Han Dynasty."

"Including this thing?"

"Although things are good, it still depends on where they come from. His Majesty does not look down on barbarian things, no matter how beautifully made they are!"

Zhu Fu said.

Qin Hui stared at Zhu Fu and said, this coiled dragon pillar is so realistic, not only the dragon head is majestic, the elegant dragon beard, the sharp dragon teeth, the magical dragon horns, the layered dragon scales, but also the pressure that brings insight into people's hearts. Longan, how could anyone look down on such a peerless treasure?

A group of merchants also noticed the coiled dragon pillar. The way the dragon looked down at all living beings made them shudder unconsciously.

"Barbarian thing?"

"By the way, I don't know where Eastern Rome is, but how come barbarians have such a totem?"

"Haha, Your Majesty doesn't like this thing at all!"

Only then did Qin Hui remember that this thing was snatched from Eastern Rome.

“Everything is for sale here!”

However, the merchants were also surprised. They were also curious about how Zhu Fu dared to sell this thing, and he was not afraid of Sun Lei being punished.

Zhu Fu said with a smile.

A group of merchants suddenly realized that the Han Dynasty was very powerful and had opened up the Silk Road. The caravans traveled tens of thousands of miles westward. It was rumored that there was a huge empire called Daqin in the far west.

"Da Qin!"

"Qin, Great Qin! It seems there must be something to do with it!"

Qin Hui also accepted this reason.

"I wonder how much this coiled dragon pillar costs?"

Qin Hui looked at Zhu Fu again and asked.

"How much does Chief Qin say it's worth?"

Zhu Fu is an expert in business. How can he take the initiative to set a price for such a priceless treasure?

"This... one hundred... no, ten million strings!"

Qin Hui directly quoted the price, and the money would be allocated from the Ministry of Household Affairs. As long as the item satisfied the emperor, it was no longer a matter of how much it cost.

"Twenty million guan, the same price. Although His Majesty doesn't like this thing, its value will not decrease!"

Zhu Fu said.

"Okay, twenty million!"

Qin Hui agreed directly.

Everything was finalized and the prices of the glass products in the entire warehouse were quickly calculated. The glass in one warehouse was sold for a total of 50 million.

Qin Hui and the merchants did not have so much cash, so they could only sign the contract first and then send people to Tokyo to withdraw the money.

"A bunch of idiots, just a bunch of glass!"

Zhu Fu looked at Qin Hui and the others who were walking away excitedly with a mocking look on his face. These people were so excited that they almost jumped up.

When Zhu Fu first saw these glasses, his jaw almost dropped. He was well-informed, but he had never seen such exquisite products. However, after visiting the glass workshop and seeing a pile of sand, stones and spar turned into crystal clear glass, he knew that these seemingly priceless things were actually worthless.


"This thing is so valuable, just give it to your children to play with!"

Hua Chan looked at the glass horses in the children's hands and said with some annoyance.

"Just some glass horses, worth more than ten cents!"

Sun Lei said with a smile.

"Let's have fun, don't break it, the glass will cut your hands!"

Sun Lei reminded the naughty children that the glass horse is not worth much, but if it breaks, it will be quite sharp. However, the hardness of this batch of glass products is not bad and will not break if dropped.

"More than a dozen cents?"

Li Shishi looked at the glass crystal ball in his hand with wide eyes. Inside was an exquisite castle. This thing looked very valuable.

"This one is more expensive, it's always money!"

Sun Lei said with a smile, the glass ball is easy to make, but the glass castle inside is difficult to make, it is too labor-intensive.

"Usual money? So cheap!"

Master Li looked at the crystal ball in her hand in disbelief. She was willing to buy it even if it cost a hundred guan.

"What do these mean? I'll give you a good thing!"

Sun Lei smiled and touched Li Shishi's swollen belly, which showed that he was pregnant.

"What are you doing? The children are still here!"

Li Shishi's pretty face flushed, and she quickly pushed away Sun Lei's hand. Not only were the children there, but Hua Chan, Cheng Waner, and Hu Sanniang were also there.

At this time, Cheng Wan'er and Hu Sanniang were wearing loose clothes and their bellies were slightly bulging. They were obviously pregnant.

"There are no outsiders!"

Sun Lei chuckled and took out a box.

"Give me!"

When Master Li saw the small box, he couldn't wait to take it.

"what is this?"

Master Li looked at the things wrapped in silk curiously.

"open to take a look!"

Sun Lei smiled mysteriously.

Master Li ignored Sun Lei, took out a silk bag and opened it.


Master Li screamed in surprise. What she held in her hand was a golden hand-held cosmetic mirror. The pure gold shell was inlaid with various gems.

What surprised Master Li so much was not the gold handle or the inlaid gems, but the clear and bright mirror. This thing was much clearer than a bronze mirror.

Seeing the beautiful small mirror, Hua Chan, Cheng Waner, and Hu Sanniang also walked over.

"So clear!"

The three of them looked at the mirror in surprise.

"All, all!"

Sun Lei took out three other mirrors from the box and handed them over. Women all love beauty and wear makeup every day. Where can I use a bronze mirror that is blurry and heavily colored?

"Look, I have acne again, and I didn't even apply my cheek powder evenly today!"

Li Shishi looked at his peerless appearance in the mirror and was very satisfied at first, but then he immediately touched his cheeks with his hands and was very dissatisfied with his makeup in the morning.

"Why didn't you take out this good thing earlier? Look at my makeup!"

Li Shishi gently pinched Sun Lei and complained.

"Haha, my bad, my bad, there are several well-made dressing tables outside..."

Sun Lei said with a smile.

As soon as Sun Lei finished speaking, the four girls couldn't wait to walk out of the hall.

"Slow down! Slow down!"

Sun Lei said quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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