Water Margin people

Chapter 1183 Financial War

Chapter 1183 Financial War

"Just some worthless glass!"

Sun Lei was speechless when he saw the madness of several wives. These were all queens and concubines. His daily life was quite extravagant, and he would spend tens of millions without any hesitation.

But from the ecstatic looks of the girls, Sun Lei knew that he was going to make a fortune.

Sun Lei took the children outside and saw the four girls sitting at the dressing table looking intently in the mirror.

"Father, go rowing!"

Sun Yao and Sun Yao took Sun Lei's hand and said coquettishly.

Several girls are now attracted by the mirror and the dressing table, and are urging the maids to carry the dressing table back to the room. They are going to try it out right away.

"Okay, let's go rowing!"

Sun Lei said with a smile that the wives are obsessed now and have no time to care about the father and son.

Ruan Xiaoer pointed at the approaching ship in the distance and said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, it's different. In the past, it was the people from the surrounding areas, but now even people from other places are here! Now the people are thinking of Your Majesty!"

Sun Lei shook his head. It is a good thing that people have money, but such huge profits cannot be replicated.

Ruan Xiaoer said with a smile that what he saw was hope, and there were many such hopes. Even if one hope was shattered, other hopes could be realized, which made him feel that the future was bright.

"Looks like we're getting rich!"

"Your Majesty, Liangshan City is very lively during this period!"

"Haha, this year, one stone of food is worth one thousand coins. This price will never be seen again in the future!"

Ruan Xiaoer said with a smile that the price of Liangshan is high this year. When people have money, they come to Liangshan one after another and buy things they like when they see them.

Ruan Xiaoer said with a smile.

"Oh? Isn't it always lively?"

Sun Lei quickly went down Liangshan to the Golden Beach with the child in his arms. He got on the dragon boat and started paddling on the lake.

"Your Majesty, everything has been sold, including 50 million guan of glass! Including grain, wine, and salt, the transaction volume this time will be as high as 200 million guan."

Sun Lei said with a smile, why the Song Dynasty was rich is because the Song Dynasty was completely different from other feudal dynasties. The Song Dynasty had developed commerce and was not a purely agricultural society.

"Haha, the workmanship is also good. Although fishing and farming are important, they are not the only way out. The excess labor also needs a place to go, right?"

Sun Lei laughed.

Zhu Fu's boat quickly approached the dragon boat, and Zhu Fu only got on board.

"Brother Zhu Fu is here!"

Sun Lei took the account and looked at it and was very satisfied.

Zhu Fu quickly handed over the accounts.

"Your Majesty, I don't understand these, but now business is developed. Your Majesty said that business can drive the economy and make everyone rich! Business in Liangshan is very good now. Many people in our village are no longer willing to fish. Come here Working in Liangshan City makes a lot of money!"

Sun Lei said with a smile.

"Leave it to Jiang Qin!"

Sun Lei handed the account to the soldier next to him, and the money had to be calculated before it was put into the treasury.

"Your Majesty, this is just the current transaction amount. Tokyo's money has been drained too much in the short term, but after some time those people get used to it, and they will continue to make crazy purchases!"

Zhu Fu said with a smile.

"Keep selling glass, all kinds of cups, plates, bowls, mirrors, people in Tokyo will like these things!"

Sun Lei looked at Zhu Fu and said, he is not going to sell grain next. The profit of this thing is still limited. If he wants to sell it, he will sell glass. This is the real huge profit.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, those guys are ignorant. They believed me when I said it was stolen by the navy from Eastern Rome!" Zhu Fu said with a smile. Glass products are too rare. This kind of exquisite product is completely in line with the taste of those high-ranking officials in Tokyo. Hobbies, those people are arrogant and extravagant, and don't care about money for a luxurious life.

"That guy Qin Hui must be honest!"

Sun Lei asked again.

"At first I was thinking about getting close to the water, but then I gave up. Recently I've been thinking about that crystal dragon pillar all day long! I'm almost going crazy."

Zhu Fu replied.

"Is this crazy?"

Sun Lei smiled helplessly, and it seemed that Qin Hui was just like that.

"This thing is not worth a penny to His Majesty, but it is different for Qin Hui. If he can get this thing to Tokyo, he will have made a great contribution! Promotion and wealth are not a problem!"

Zhu Fu had already understood Qin Hui's thoughts.

"There may be trade relations with Tokyo in the future. You are responsible for contacting Qin Hui!"

Sun Lei nodded. He originally wanted to deal with Qin Hui, but Qin Hui is still useful now. This guy can help him empty out Tokyo.

"Your Majesty, do we still want to do business with Tokyo?"

Zhu Fu looked at Sun Lei with some surprise. He always felt that doing business like this was a bit bad. Glass was worthless, but food, wine, and salt were all in short supply.

"Of course, financial wars are fought with money, and there is a lot of money in the world. Our goods are surplus. We sell them to Tokyo at high prices, draining Tokyo of its money. When they find out that they have no money, the turmoil begins!"

Sun Lei smiled and said, Tokyo is currently unable to attack by force. The cost of siege will be very high. The financial war is silent and those in Tokyo do not understand it. This is the most suitable method of warfare.

"Your Majesty, will this be confusing?"

Zhu Fu looked at Sun Lei and asked, if according to what Sun Lei said, the chaos in Tokyo would be more terrifying than the war and military disaster.

"Of course it will. War is just a fight between armies. At the end of the financial war, it is a fight among all the people. Whether it is the emperor, senior officials or ordinary people, money concerns everyone, because everyone needs money!"

"So, when there is great chaos, our Qi country will appear. We have everything. As long as we submit to us, everything will be solved."

Sun Lei nodded.

"Are those people in Tokyo going to jump over the wall in a hurry?"

Ruan Xiaoer said.

"The army is also indispensable, but what we have to deal with are some die-hards. The civilians in Tokyo will not participate! Our resistance will be much smaller!"

Sun Lei said with a smile that his purpose was to quickly ruin the reputation of the Zhao family and make the Zhao family reviled by the world. Under the alienation, the world would naturally surrender to Qi.

After the important things were said, Sun Lei looked at his children laughing at the bow of the boat with a smile.

"Your Majesty, does that Eastern Roman Kingdom really exist?"

Ruan Xiaoer asked in a low voice. As the deputy privy envoy and the commander-in-chief of Qi's navy, he had naturally read Fei Bao's memorial. Fei Bao and others only went to the South China Sea, not even the Zhu Luo Kingdom, let alone the Zhu Luo Kingdom. Let’s not talk about the Ghaznavid Kingdom and the Eastern Roman Kingdom.

"Of course it existed. It was also a big empire. It was split from Rome. Rome was the former Great Qin and the Hercynian Kingdom. It later split into Eastern Rome and Western Rome. After the destruction of Western Rome, Eastern Rome continues to this day."

Sun Lei gave a brief introduction, but he couldn't tell the specifics.

Ruan Xiaoer and others suddenly realized that they did not understand anything else, but they were not unfamiliar with the fact that a country was divided into two inheritances, the east and west, such as the Western Han Dynasty, the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Western Jin Dynasty, and the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

"If you have the chance, you can conquer that land!"

Sun Lei stood up and patted Ruan Xiaoer on the shoulder and said, then he went to the bow of the ship to play with his children.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Ruan Xiaoer's face was solemn and he bowed deeply to Sun Lei. At this moment, he finally understood the importance of the navy.

(End of this chapter)

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