Water Margin people

Chapter 1187: Hugely Profitable Business

Chapter 1187: Hugely Profitable Business

When Sun Li returned home, he saw Lehe sitting in the hall.

"I met a baby today..."

Sun Li immediately said excitedly to Lehe.

Lehe just smiled and listened to Sun Li's endless words.

"Why aren't you surprised at all? You haven't seen that thing with your own eyes, so..."

Seeing Lehe drinking tea with a smile on his face, Sun Li said with some emotion that he had learned a lot today.

"What's so surprising? They bought this thing from Liangshan, 20 million yuan! If it were exchanged for gold, it would be enough to hit such a pillar!"

Lehe said with a smile, 20 million yuan was equivalent to 10% of the annual tax during the heyday of the Song Dynasty.


"Isn't that just a coincidence? Young Master Wu Min has a banquet tomorrow and has already sent me a message!"

"Then this would be a perfect gift!"

"Why, such a good thing! Zhao Huan also said that he would show this crystal dragon totem to the world at the first day ceremony!"

"Don't be surprised. I just found out about it. This business is allowed by His Majesty."

"What the hell, brother-in-law, when did you start believing this?"

Sun Li looked at Lehe and said.

Happy and speechless.

Lehe said.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. His Majesty has ordered us to pay close attention to the situation in the court, especially those who form gangs. We have not yet broken into the high official's mansion, so we can only rely on you!"

Lehe said.

"Where did your Majesty find this thing? Did the brothers in the Navy really find the fairy mountain?"

"Those are all made in our Liangshan workshop. I don't know the specific process. It should be similar to porcelain! It can't be some fairy mountain at all, and His Majesty doesn't believe in this!"

Lehe replied.

Sun Li said.

Sun Li asked in a low voice.

"There are rumors outside that the dragon pillar is the remnant of the divine dragon after its ascension, and it only exists in the Immortal Mountain Dragon Palace!"

Sun Li said quickly.

"Let him be. If he wants to mess around, don't worry."

Lehe looked at Sun Li and said.

Sun Li stood up suddenly and looked at Lehe.

Lehe smiled when he heard this and took a box next to him and handed it to Sun Li.

"I can prepare the gift myself!"

Sun Li declined, saying that he was now a Taiwei in the Song Dynasty and a deputy envoy to the Privy Council. He was a top military attache of the second rank, so he certainly had no shortage of money.

"This is sent from Liangshan, you will know when you look at it."

Lehe said with a smile.


Hearing that it was sent from Liangshan, Sun Li became interested and quickly opened it.

"This is? Crystal?"

Sun Li looked at the row of exquisite crystal cups in the box in surprise.

"It's the same material as the coiled dragon pillar you saw!"

Lehe said with a smile.

"Same material?"

Sun Li was surprised to pick up a cup and look at it. It was crystal clear and it was indeed made of the same material.

At this moment, Sun Li believed that the dragon pillar was made, but his heart was filled with shock. How powerful was Qi State? To be able to create such exquisite things.

"The gifts are not just in this box, but in this box. You usually have a lot of entertainment, so you can give more!" Lehe said with a smile, Sun Li is now at the pinnacle of military attachés, and these officials in Tokyo cannot avoid banquets no matter who they are. If you want to invite Sun Li, even if you are polite, it is necessary.

"What does it mean?"

Sun Li was confused. He couldn't wait to take possession of such exquisite things. He was heartbroken to give away even one box, but Le He actually asked him to give away the whole box.

"This thing will be our new business in Qi. I am giving it to you now to prepare for opening up the market."

Lehe smiled helplessly when he saw Sun Li's reluctant look. No matter who saw this exquisite glass for the first time, he would not be able to put it down.

"Doing business?"

Sun Li seemed to understand something, so he was asked to help sell the product.

In the next few days, Sun Li went to various banquets and gave out a lot of gifts. Many people were itching to see the exquisite glass and asked Sun Li if he still had it before the banquet was over.

Naturally, Sun Li said there were more, and reported several shop names.

For a time, there was a glass craze in Tokyo, and all kinds of glassware were in short supply.

The banquets of high-ranking officials and businessmen were replaced by all-glass tableware. Anyone who did not have glass tableware would be embarrassed to hold a banquet. Glass has directly become a symbol of nobility.

"I didn't expect these people to be so crazy!"

Shi Qian sighed, an ordinary glass cup is worth a thousand dollars, a good-looking glass cup is worth ten dollars, and some with complex shapes are worth dozens of dollars. Still being rushed to buy it, Shi Qian almost felt like money was the same as dirt.

"Crazy is good! Let them be crazy!"

Ma Lin said with a smile, the crazier these people in Tokyo are, the better it is for them.

"If I hadn't known that these things were made from sand, I would have been reluctant to sell them!"

Shi Qian said, he couldn't figure it out, how could sand and stone make such a beautiful cup?


Qi State, Liangshan.

Glass cups were sold in great quantities, and money flowed to Liangshan like water.

"Haha! Those people in Tokyo are really rich!"

Sun Lei looked at the boatloads of money and laughed. Some worthless glass could be exchanged for so much money.

"Your Majesty, Tokyo wants more!"

Chai Jin looked at Sun Lei and said, there are still many orders for glass cups.

"Tell them that this batch has been sold out, but our Qi Navy has gone to the West and it will take some time to transport the goods back."

Sun Lei shook his head.

"Your Majesty, now is the perfect time to make money!"

Chai Jin quickly said that glass products are now in short supply in Tokyo and supply should be increased.

"No, we can't keep selling it, and we can't let others know that we can produce it, otherwise the price will be lowered and the value of something that can be made will be greatly reduced!"

Sun Lei shook his head. He has also seen the hunger marketing of later generations. If there is something available, I won’t sell it and let people grab it. The less you can grab it, the more you want to buy it. People have a herd effect. This kind of hunger will spread.

"Besides, it's not like the wine will disappear after you drink it. This cup can last for a long time as long as it doesn't break! This is a one-time deal! You have to take your time! Keep the price steady!"

Sun Lei added that the market for glass products is saturated.

"Your Majesty, our total income from this trade is 380 million yuan! Excluding costs, the profit is about 290 million yuan. The highest costs are food and workshop labor costs."

Jiang Qin flipped through the ledger and finally reported a number.

"Not bad!"

Sun Lei was very satisfied. He had earned several years' worth of taxes this time, and he no longer had to worry about money.

“It would be great if these things could be sold abroad!”

Sun Lei touched his chin and thought about it. Making money is really addictive, and this kind of hugely profitable business is even more addictive.

"Your Majesty, the navy can protect the caravan when it goes to sea!"

Ruan Xiaoer said that he wanted to explore the waters of other countries. In addition to warships going over to start a war, there was also a way to use caravans as an excuse.

"Well, Mr. Chai, please take charge, and the waiter will cooperate with you!"

Sun Lei looked at Chai Jin and said, Chai Jin is also good at dealing with other countries.

(End of this chapter)

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