Water Margin people

Chapter 1188 Grassland

Chapter 1188 Grassland

"Is this the Mongolian grassland?"

Yue Fei looked at the endless yellow grassland in front of him and sighed. This was his first time to the Mongolian grassland.

"Yes, the next step is to find those big tribes!"

Xu Guanzhong said with a smile.

"Military advisor, we have a small number of people, so please be careful. Those people are not friendly and are quite hostile to us."

Yue Fei reminded that the grassland and the Central Plains have always had a hostile relationship. They even had a killing spree in Liaoyang Mansion. Now that they came to the door, what else could they do other than start a fight?

"Let's go to the north first. The Mongolian tribes should be easier to talk to!"

Xu Guanzhong nodded and said, most grassland people are relatively simple. If those who fled back after defeat exaggerate a little, the Central Plains people will become everyone's mortal enemies.

Yue Fei took out a sheepskin map, which An Bahai had given him. It was a crude map of the grassland, with the locations of rivers, lakes, mountains and various tribes simply marked on it.

"These people are so real. This map is worse than even a child's."

Yue Fei frowned and complained when he looked at the poor map. The maps of Qi State were very detailed. Even an ignorant person could understand them with the map. But even he could understand the map of the grassland with one head and two heads. big.

After walking for two days, the army finally stopped.

"It should be no more than two days, these are the Mongolian tribes and the Tatar tribe!"

After traveling north for another day, Yue Fei and Xu Guanzhong finally saw the battlefield.

"There are tens of thousands of military advisors!"

Yue Fei said hello and continued heading north with his army.

A scout rode up to report.

Yue Fei dismounted and inspected the body before speaking. He recognized the origin of the deceased from his clothing and weapons. The equipment of the Tatar tribe was the most sophisticated among all the grassland tribes and was easy to identify.


Xu Guanzhong smiled and said.

Yue Fei nodded and said, although the grassland is different from the Central Plains B&B, it is impossible to let the corpses of his soldiers be exposed in the wilderness.

"Wolves eating corpses? Come on, go over and take a look!"

"The fighting should still be continuing, otherwise they would not stop cleaning up the battlefield!"

The army came forward and quickly scared away the wolves.

Xu Guanzhong said with a smile that if the tribes on the grassland were monolithic, there would be nothing he could do, but if these people worked independently, there would be many ways to think of.

"Strategist, general, there are wolves ahead eating the corpses!"

Yue Fei's face darkened. He had been careful along the way, trying his best to avoid various tribes, but he didn't expect to encounter them.

The group of people traveled north. It was already winter. Although there was no snow on the grassland, the northwest wind was constantly blowing and the temperature was already quite low.

Marching on the grassland is much simpler. With the endless grassland, walking in the direction pointed by the compass, it is not difficult for the cavalry to march hundreds of miles in a day.

Seeing the army leaving, the wolves surrounded them again. It was going to snow soon. The wolves needed to replenish their fat for the winter. At this time, the wolves could not let go of any meat.

"Looks like we arrived just in time!"

"The grassland here is vast and lacks reference points. It may be the same for hundreds of miles. It's good that they can draw a rough map."

Yue Fei whispered to Xu Guanzhong. They were hiding behind a high slope and observing with telescopes.

"There is such a big hatred between the Mongolian tribes and the Tatar tribe? This is not an ordinary fight!"

If Xu Guanzhong is missing something, fighting is common on the grasslands in order to compete for pasture and water sources, but there are limits to that kind of fighting, and the fighting in front of him has exceeded ordinary conflicts.

The two opposing armies charged and fought, and the battle continued until dark before the two armies retreated with the corpses left on the ground.

"Military advisor, what should we do?"

Yue Fei looked at Xu Guanzhong and asked.

"Let's go to the various Mongolian tribes, and we seemed to have seen the flags of An Bahai and Hebule just now!"

Xu Guanzhong said. In the dark night, Yue Fei and his men quietly approached the Mongolian tribe's camp.

Prairie people do not have the habit of setting up camps and forts, and it is impossible to build camps with materials from anywhere on the grassland. Their camps are just a group of felt-wrapped tents.

Yue Fei Chuan entered it easily. This lax defense made Yue Fei feel that he could kill these people with a surprise attack.

"My boy, you are really undefended!"

Yue Fei walked directly into the Chinese army's tent, just like outside Liaoyang Mansion last time.

"Yue Fei!"

My baby was shocked.

The senior leaders of the Mongolian tribe were also shocked. They drew their weapons and called to their warriors.

Soon a large group of warriors rushed into the tent, and their faces were horrified when they saw strangers standing in the tent.

"Go down, all go down!"

Hebule looked at the calm Yue Fei and shouted to the warriors.

"General Yue, please sit down. I really didn't expect to see you here. Your appearance is so unexpected."

Hebule looked at Yue Fei and said. Yue Fei's two appearances frightened him. This elusiveness gave him a chill down his spine. If this was an assassination, wouldn't the knife have already been placed on his neck?

"It's just a small matter. If I weren't afraid of scaring you, I could come in the middle of the night!"

Yue Fei said with a smile.

Yue Fei's words made everyone present change their expressions. If Yue Fei waited for them to fall asleep before coming back, he would scare them to death.

"Yue Fei, aren't you fighting against the Jin Kingdom in Liaoyang Mansion? Why do you have time to come to our grassland?"

I Bahai looked at Yue Fei and asked.

"Wars are all trivial. The defeat of the Jin Kingdom is only a matter of time. I, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qi, are very interested in you and want to come to the grassland to have a look. I didn't expect to see you fighting as soon as I arrived!"

Yue Fei took a sip of wine and said.

"This wine is too bad!"

Yue Fei frowned and looked at the poor wine in the wine glass. He didn't know what it was made from, and his mouth felt bitter.

"Hey, our wine is naturally not as good as yours in the Central Plains!"

My baby laughed.

"Drink mine!"

Yue Fei took out a wine bag from his waist.

"If you have wine, tell me earlier!"

When I heard this, I was so happy that I quickly stepped forward and took Yue Fei's wine bag and poured wine for everyone.

Smelling the aroma of wine, the faces of everyone in the tent softened slightly, and they all looked at the wine eagerly, but no one took it.

"It's really a good wine!"

I couldn't wait to take a sip, smacked my mouth in a very rude manner and sighed, the grassland people are all good at wine, but they are not good at making wine, and the grassland also lacks the food for brewing.

"Aren't you afraid of me poisoning you?"

Yue Fei looked at me and said, "This guy is really big-hearted. He just picked up the wine and drank it."

"Of course I believe you. If you want to kill us, why bother using such despicable tactics as poisoning and drinking wine?"

My baby laughed.

Yue Fei smiled and raised his glass. He would not be so abusive, but there are so many insidious and vicious people in the world, and my Bahai character will suffer a big loss sooner or later.

Seeing that Yue Fei and I were fine after drinking, the others couldn't wait to pick up their wine glasses and start drinking. They had been greedy for the fine wine from the Central Plains for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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