Water Margin people

Chapter 1189 Strong

Chapter 1189 Strong

"General Yue, you said that your Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qi has also come to the grassland!"

Hebule was more thoughtful and did not rush to drink. Instead, he looked at Yue Fei and asked.


Yue Fei nodded.


Hebule imitated Zhongyuan and said this.

"Everything in the world is the land of the king! On the shore of the land, are the ministers of the king!"

Yue Fei smiled and said these sixteen words.

The people who had just calmed down now grasped the weapons again, and they all heard that Yue Fei's coming was not good.

"We Mongolian tribes don't want to cause trouble!"

Hebule looked at Xu Guanzhong and asked.

Hebule said to the people around him that since he was an envoy from Qi, they must welcome him grandly.

Hebule looked at Yue Fei and said, they had been oppressed by the Khitan Liao Kingdom for too long and finally got rid of it. How could they be willing to be oppressed again?

"Hebule, it seems that you have learned some Chinese culture, then you should know that those who understand current affairs are heroes!"

Everyone came to the tent to make a decision, and several Mongolian women were roasting lamb and making milk tea in front of the brazier.

"Where is your Minister of Foreign Affairs? Shouldn't he be the one to talk to me?"

Xu Guanzhong smiled.

"Hebuli Khan, I came to the grassland this time for grassland matters!"

"You...you know Mongolian?"

Hebule saw that Yue Fei was so angry and knew that this was the temper of a warrior, so he was unwilling to talk to Yue Fei.

"Beat the drums and raise the tents, and line up to welcome the Ambassador of Qi!"

Yue Fei looked at Hebule and said.

"Ambassador Xu, how is the war in Liaoyang Mansion?"

"Then it depends on how you welcome it!"

"I am here on behalf of the Emperor of Qi this time. You don't have to guess!"

When the leaders of the Mongolian tribes saw Xu Guanzhong, they all whispered earnestly. They communicated in Mongolian.

Naturally, Xu Guanzhong couldn't be bothered by some Mongolian words. He smiled and spoke in Mongolian.

Hebule looked at Xu Guanzhong in surprise.

"I am the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qi, so I can naturally speak a few words."

Yue Fei looked at Hebule and said.

Fires broke out in the camps of the Mongolian tribes, and a welcoming team formed. Xu Guanzhong walked into the camp wearing official uniform and smiling.

Xu Guanzhong looked at Hebu Ledao.

"Things on the grassland are our grassland people's business, why do you, Qi State, want to get involved?"

Oqin Baerhehei, with his hair disheveled, stared at Xu Guanzhong.

"Military advisor, I told them, but they didn't listen!"

Seeing Xu Guanzhong looking at him, Yue Fei spread his hands helplessly and said.

"You took refuge in the Liao Kingdom before and were able to stand on your own feet while the Liao Kingdom was being besieged from all sides. But do you think you can still live happily here when everything is over?"

Xu Guanzhong said with a smile.

"There is a saying in the Central Plains that water in a well does not offend the river. Our grassland is not willing to participate in your war, nor is it willing to start a war with you, so isn't it good for us to live in peace and harmony?"

Hebule looked at Xu Guanzhong and said, this time when he returned from Liaodong, the Mongolian tribes had agreed to establish the Mongolian state, and he was Hehan.

"Hebuli Khan, do you think we can really live in peace with each other? Then what are you doing today?"

Xu Guanzhong looked at Hebule Road. Both tribes could conquer each other because of some conflicts, and this was even more true for two countries.

"I can swear that!"

Hebule spoke. "Of course I believe your oath, but you can't always be the Great Khan of the Mongolian tribes, right? What if someone replaces you? Oaths are not binding!"

Xu Guanzhong said, no one goes back and believes in the oath. As long as the benefits are big enough, the covenant oath is bullshit. In this world, the winner takes all.

"Your Qi country is so powerful, but why do you insist on pursuing our Mongolian tribes?"

Hebule seemed to be pleading.

"This is a chance for you. I came here today to be reasonable. Next time, the army may come. They don't like to be reasonable. They prefer to kill. I heard that when you conquered other tribes in the grassland, there was a saying that it is higher than the wheel. All the men will be killed! You may not know that the latest carriage wheels in our country are only one and a half feet long!"

Xu Guanzhong knew the habits of the grassland people very well. Even though they were straightforward and honest, they were also unambiguous when it came to killing people. Killing all the men who were taller than a wheel would be equivalent to genocide.

"How dare you!"

Everyone in the camp drew their weapons. They didn't expect that Xu Guanzhong was more ruthless than Yue Fei, and he would slaughter them whenever he opened his mouth.

"Put down the weapon!"

I Bahai angrily yelled at everyone, now is not the time to take action.

"If we want to take action, isn't it impossible for us?"

Yue Fei smiled and showed his white teeth and said, he and Xu Guanzhong only brought a few dozen people, and the rest were ambushed around.

"You also want to annex the grassland!"

Hebule looked at Xu Guanzhong and asked.

"You can think so, but don't be angry. The strong annex the weak. Isn't that what you do in the grasslands? You are weak now. You know very well what the Huns, Xianbei, Turks, and Khitans did back then!"

Xu Guanzhong said, the jungle has always been the law of the grassland.

Xu Guanzhong also came to the grassland in his early years. At that time, this was still the territory of the Liao Kingdom. You could not express weakness to the grassland people. The people here only believed in the strong.

Hebule was silent, and so were the others.

They could not refute Xu Guanzhong's words. If the grasslands were as powerful as the Huns back then, they would also think of going south to the Central Plains.

Thinking about it this way, now that the Central Plains is powerful, it is logical to think about conquering the grasslands.

"What if I can't give you an answer now?"

Hebule thought for a while before speaking. He wanted to see the next development and the outcome of the battle between Jin and Qi.

"Of course, but when everything is over, the situation will be different again, and the conversation will not be simple!"

Xu Guanzhong stood up and left with a smile, and Yue Fei also followed with a smile.

"Father, I will take people to kill them! This is the grassland, it is not their turn to run wild!"

Hu Tucai looked at Hebul Khan and said.

"Stupid! If you kill them now, won't you start a war with Qi?"

Hebule glared at his son. The Qi State was no less powerful than the Jin State and was not something they could offend now.

"Father, then just let them live on the grassland?"

He Da'an said with an unconvinced look. He was very angry at the arrogance of Yue Fei and Xu Guanzhong today.

"Then what else can we do? Today we are no match for Qi. As they say, the weak will eat the strong!"

Hebule looked at the aggrieved sons and said.

"Brother, we saw how terrifying the Qi army was last time. I think we should stabilize them first!"

I Bahai opened his mouth and said.

"You mean, pretend to surrender first?"

Hebule's eyes lit up.

"The State of Qi now has the State of Jin in the north and the State of Song in the south. We won't be able to come to the grassland for a while. Our surrender is just an attitude. They can't control us!"

My baby nodded.

"Well, not bad! Not bad! Go catch up with them and explain this matter clearly. We'll entertain them for a while. If they want to take a walk on the grassland, we can also be our guides!"

Hebule looked at my baby and said, pretending to surrender will not cause any loss to them.

(End of this chapter)

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