Water Margin people

Chapter 1191 Taking advantage of the environment

Chapter 1191 Taking advantage of the environment

All the Jin army retreated, and a war that had been waiting for a month seemed to have ended hastily.

In the dark night, the defenders of Liaoyang Mansion still kept watch step by step, and did not relax because the enemy retreated.

The night after the snow is very cold, and the howling wind is enough to freeze gold and stone.

Fortunately, a large number of cotton-padded clothes were delivered this time. With thick clothes, this winter night will not be so difficult.

"Boom boom boom!"

In the middle of the night, a violent explosion sounded outside Liaoyang Mansion City. The city walls were shaken by the blast, as if they were about to collapse.

"Enemy! Enemy!"

The defenders immediately roared, and the drums also sounded at the same time, notifying the defenders in the city.

"what's the situation?"

Wang Jin and others were also awakened by the explosion and quickly led the soldiers to the city wall.

Gong Wang touched the cracks in the city wall. The city wall in Liaoyang Prefecture was different from the one in the Central Plains. The city walls in the Central Plains were almost all made of rammed earth. This kind of city wall could withstand explosions.

Wu Song stopped everyone and said the snow could not be swept away.

"The Jurchens have been hunting in the northern mountains and forests for a long time. They are very good at hiding in the snow, and it is difficult for wild animals to detect them!"

These ambushes are all sharpshooters selected from a million. They will only take action against generals, not ordinary soldiers.

Zongze said, the Jurchens can be regarded as exerting their abilities to the limit. The beasts are the most agile, and it is almost impossible to detect the disguised person who can sneak attack the beasts.

Wang Jin also frowned. He didn't have a good way to deal with the enemy's move for a while. He couldn't set up a fire outside the city in the ice and snow. Even if he set it up, the enemy would put it out.

"There was a sudden explosion from below the city. Someone must have quietly arrived at the city wall!"

"It's hard to handle. The snow won't melt. When it piles up, it turns into a snow mountain! Isn't this creating a bunker for the enemy?"

Wu Song said that the enemy was using the snow as camouflage. As long as the snow was removed, it would be difficult for the enemy to get close.


Wang Jin approached the parapet, but did not stick his head out. Instead, he carefully looked outside the city from behind the parapet. Through the firelight, he could only see a vast expanse of white.

"After daybreak, sweep away the snow near the city!"

"Generals, please don't get close to the city wall, be careful of the enemy ambushing the crossbowmen!"

"General Wang, it's snowy outside, and the firelight is limited. If the enemy keeps attacking like this, the city wall may not be able to hold on!"

"The city wall of Liaoyang Mansion is still too thin and in disrepair. If it is bombed a few times, it may collapse!"

Wu Song discovered the loopholes in this strategy as soon as he started. This is Liaodong, not Liangshan. The snow here will not melt. The snow they swept out can only be piled, but no matter where it is piled, it will become a bunker for the enemy. .

Early the next morning, the Qi army went out to clear the snow from the city, preparing to sweep away all the snow within a hundred steps around the city wall, exposing the black soil.

Han Tao said that he would be in charge of guarding the city for the rest of the night.

Han Tao said, the enemy's ambushed marksmen were the second best, but the biggest threat now was the enemy's bombing of the city. The frozen city wall could not withstand the gunpowder bombardment.

Wang Jin looked at the crowd and said, since the enemy can plant explosives close to the city, they can also ambush archers and crossbowmen in the snow to kill the generals. This kind of trick was common in the Tang Dynasty's conquest of Goryeo.

Wang Jin and others near the city wall also frowned. The explosion last night was so powerful that cracks appeared in several places on the city wall.

But the city wall here in Liaodong is different. It is built with a mixture of masonry and rammed earth. This kind of city wall is very strong in normal times, but it is different in the extremely cold environment in winter. After the masonry and rammed earth are exposed to the extreme cold, cracks will appear. May collapse if exploded.

Everyone frowned, and for a while they couldn't think of any good solution. The enemy had made it clear that they would come back to attack at night. Unless they were heavily guarded, they would not be able to stop them.

But if it is heavily guarded, it will fall into the enemy's trap of exhausting troops.

"It's better to take the initiative!"

Du Bo frowned and said, although they were at a disadvantage fighting in this ice and snow environment, they had no other choice now.

"I'm afraid the enemy is just waiting for us to pass! Even if the city wall collapses, it won't actually have any impact on us. We are guarding the ruins of the Jin Kingdom and we don't dare to kill them." Wang Jin shook his head. The enemy did this not just to force them out. Well, if you go out at this time, you will play into the enemy's hands.

"General Wang, do you remember Cao Mengde pouring water to build the city?"

Zongze, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke.

"Water? Yes, hurry up, give the order to pour cold water on these gaps, slowly!"

Wang Jin's eyes lit up. It would be a big project to reinforce the city wall with rammed earth, but it would be simple to use ice to reinforce the city wall.

"General Zong, I have learned a lesson, I almost forgot to take advantage of the environment!"

Wang Jin clasped his fists at Zongze and said, "It's true that an old man in a family is like a treasure. This problem was solved in an instant."

"In addition, people are pouring water to build a wall outside the city. We need to use an ice wall to block the enemy's sneak attack!"

Wang Jin said with a smile.

At this moment, in Liaodong, even the Liao River is frozen. It is easy to pour water into ice.

Jin Kingdom Camp.

"Your Majesty, I will take people there again tonight. This time I will increase the amount of medicine and I will definitely blow up the city wall!"

Wanyan Yinshu smiled and looked at Wanyan Wu begging for money and said that after yesterday's defeat, he had come up with a countermeasure. As expected, he was powerless to attack the enemy at night.

"It's a pity that the enemy general didn't show his head. Otherwise, if we shoot a few, the result will be greater!"

Jin Wushu said regretfully.

"Be careful if you go for a sneak attack tonight. The enemy must be prepared! If that doesn't work, take it easy! In this weather, it will snow again in two days!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai nodded and said, the enemy can find ways to be on guard in normal weather, but what about at night in a snowstorm?

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Everyone saluted Wanyan Wu as he was begging for money.

"Report, the enemy is building a city outside the city!"

A soldier ran into the camp to report.

"What? Building a city outside the city?"

Wanyan Wu Qimai felt that he had heard wrong. Building a city in this kind of weather? How can we build a city when the soil is frozen like granite?

"The enemy is building a city out of ice!"

The soldiers hurriedly reported the situation.

Wanyan, Wu Qimai and others' expressions suddenly changed, and they immediately led people outside Liaoyang Mansion.

At this moment, the outside of Liaoyang Mansion looks like a construction site. A large number of soldiers are pouring water to build walls, using various branches, sand and stones to combine with ice water to create ice bricks.


Wanyan Yinshu's face was ugly. He finally came up with a plan to deal with the enemy, but it was cracked by the enemy. As soon as the ice wall was formed, he would never be able to quietly approach Liaoyang Mansion again.

"These guys actually know how to take advantage of the cold!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai also had a bad look on his face. Originally, they planned to use the severe cold to deal with the enemy, but they did not expect that the enemy also took advantage of the severe cold.

The ice wall was built so quickly that they couldn't risk destroying it because it was so simple to repair, just splashing water on it.

When it got dark, a ten-foot-high ice wall was poured outside Liaoyang Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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