Water Margin people

Chapter 1192 Plot to Tokyo

Chapter 1192 Plot to Tokyo

"Your Majesty, what should we do?"

Wanyan Yinshuke and others looked at the ice wall with gloomy expressions. This ice wall completely blocked their possibility of a night attack.

"Wait, the wind and snow won't stop. When the wind and snow start again, it's time for us to launch a sneak attack!"

Wanyan Wu Qimai said coldly that there was nothing he could do about the ice wall for the time being, but when the blizzard came, everything would be reversed. At that time, the line of sight would be blocked and the ice wall would be useless.

The wind and snow failed to cross the mountains, but the cold northwest wind reached the Central Plains.


Sun Lei heated up the brazier and looked at the memorial that had just been delivered.

Tokyo has been extremely lively recently. After the food problem was solved, Tokyo quickly returned to its former prosperity, and once again became the Tokyo of feasting, entertainment, and extravagance. The only difference was the appearance of exquisite glass products.

Zhao Huan's ceremony to worship the heaven was held grandly. With the presence of the crystal dragon pillar, Zhao Huan's sacrifice to the heaven was very successful. The crystal dragon pillar seemed to confirm that Zhao Huan was the one destined by destiny.

"Tokyo is peaceful now. Have you been waiting for the New Year?"

Sun Lei nodded. Everything he had done during this period had paralyzed Tokyo, making Tokyo think that he was not ready for a full-scale war yet. But now that Tokyo's food and grass problem has been solved, it is a time for full confidence.

"Haha, this guy really doesn't stop!"

"Your Majesty, time is too tight, isn't it? If we want to capture Tokyo before the end of the year, we must do it quickly and with lightning speed. There must be no delay."

Xiao Jiasui replied.

Sun Lei laughed.

"Haha, Zhao Huan wants to worship his ancestors during the Chinese New Year, so shouldn't there be some movement on my side?"

"Of course, that's why I told you!"

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid this matter requires careful planning!"

Xiao Jiasui and Wen Huanzhang were both shocked.

Sun Lei nodded and said that he chose to start the war during the Chinese New Year because he wanted to win the battle quickly and win Tokyo in one go.

"It is said that yes, it will be the New Year's Eve in two months. After this sacrifice to heaven, Zhao Huan is planning to hold another ancestor worship ceremony on the New Year's Day!"

Xiao Jiasui said.

Wen Huanzhang said that the New Year's Eve is of great significance to everyone. It is a day of reunion. It would be extremely disadvantageous to start a war at this time and reach a stalemate.

Sun Lei took the fire tongs and picked up the brazier to make the flames bigger.

Wen Huanzhang saluted Sun Lei.

"Your Majesty wants to take action against Tokyo?"

"Didn't we bury some secrets in the city? We can use them all!"

"In that case, it's time to give them a fatal blow!"

Sun Lei nodded.

"Zhao Huan has tasted the sweetness. After this sacrifice to heaven, the complaints against the Zhao family from various places have been reduced a lot. Zhao Huan must be trying to win over people's hearts while the iron is hot."

Sun Lei smiled and put the memorial aside and said.

Hearing Sun Lei's words, Xiao Jiasui and Wen Huanzhang said helplessly that Sun Lei's orders were never simple. It took two months for them to come up with a feasible strategy that could quickly capture Tokyo. This was not to embarrass them. Well, Tokyo is now heavily guarded.

"Report! Your Majesty, there is a report from the Liaodong Army!"

A guard handed over the urgent report.

Sun Lei took the military newspaper and started reading it, his brows furrowed as he read it.

"The war in Liaodong is more complicated than we imagined!"

Sun Lei handed the military report to Xiao Jiasui and Wen Huanzhang in front of him. When they heard Sun Lei's words, they both hurriedly read the military report. The battle in Liaodong is now crucial.

"The war has turned into this?"

Xiao Jiasui and Wen Huanzhang's faces darkened after reading the military report. Liaodong had turned into a battle in an ice and snow environment. "The Jin Kingdom uses climate to fight, which is extremely detrimental to us. They have lived in this environment all year round and have already adapted to it, but we are not familiar with it at all."

Xiao Jiasui said, fighting in such ice and snow is really unusual.

"From the military report, it seems that the Jin Dynasty's gunpowder has also improved, which is much more powerful. Otherwise, no matter how old the city wall of Liaoyang Prefecture is, it will not be cracked by a single explosion."

Wen Huanzhang read the military newspaper carefully before saying.

"Now that the Liaohe River has frozen, it is impossible to transport troops and supplies by water. The only option is to use the Western Liaoning Corridor."

Xiao Jiasui nodded.

"The war has just begun. Wang Jin and the others are fighting well. It is not appropriate to increase troops at this time."

Sun Lei shook his head. Since the war in Liaodong was left to Wang Jin and the others, adding more troops at this time would be a sign of distrust, which would be a huge blow to morale.

"Leave the affairs of Liaodong to Wang Jin and the others. Let's study how to quickly capture Tokyo."

Sun Lei looked at the two of them and said, Wang Jin and the others have enough supplies and will not be defeated by the Jin soldiers without taking the initiative to attack.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Xiao Jiasui and Wen Huanzhang saluted Sun Lei.

Sun Lei walked out of the side hall, went all the way down Liangshan, and came to a hidden courtyard by the water.

"Greetings to Your Majesty!"

Wu Yong bowed to Sun Lei in a very clumsy manner.

Since becoming the head of the secret service, Wu Yong has become more and more flattering, and his original scholarly temperament has disappeared.

"Don't be idle lately and continue to spread rumors. It doesn't matter what they are. Anyway, you are just provoking them and preventing them from living in peace!"

Sun Lei looked at Wu Yong and said.

"Don't worry, your majesty. I have already thought up several rumors. One of them is about Li Bangyan and his group. Cai Jing and his group of treacherous officials have been secretly executed one after another. Zhao Huan has gained a lot of good reputation for this. Executing treacherous officials can gain the people." Love and support, of course if you want to go further, you must continue to execute corrupt officials! Among the corrupt officials still in Tokyo, Li Bangyan and his group have the most famous names."

"Your Majesty, I also made up a jingle. There are many treacherous ministers in the dark world. Cai Tong, Liang Wang, Zhu Li, etc. cut off the heads of the treacherous ministers in one day, and the world will celebrate the Qingming Dynasty! Only the prodigal prime ministers are left. They escaped and ascended to heaven to hide their names. I wonder if the emperor knows, and the family wealth Hidden in billions of vaults.”

Wu Yong said with a smile, and even the limericks became better.

"Wu Xueguo, you are such a talent!"

Sun Lei looked at Wu Yong, Wu Yong was just stabbing Li Bangyan and others in the lungs. Zhao Huan killed Cai Jing and others when he was young, and confiscation of homes was the highlight. Now Zhao Huan is addicted to stealing homes to make money. Wu Yong just clicked. It became clear that Li Bangyan and others had hoarded hundreds of millions of money.

"Thank you for the compliment, Your Majesty!"

Wu Yong said with a smile that he had these things at his fingertips.

"Keep up the good work and make sure to muddy the water in Tokyo!"

Sun Lei nodded and said, with Wu using this shit stick, he is not afraid that the shit basin in Tokyo is not smelly enough.

"Your Majesty, when are we going to kill that villain Song Jiang!"

Liu Tang looked at Sun Lei and asked. He had heard that Song Jiang had been promoted again.

"There's a chance!"

Sun Lei nodded with a smile and said, Song Jiang climbed very fast due to his own reasons, but Song Jiang was not a threat at all. He was a man who could not become a martial artist. He had no other advantages except for being sinister, and being sinister was useless on the battlefield.

"Brother Liu Tang, a gentleman's revenge is never too late in ten years!"

Seeing that Liu Tang was a little anxious, Wu Yong quickly advised him.

"I am not a gentleman. King Chao Tian has been kind to me, and I must avenge him!"

Liu Tang gritted his teeth and said.

(End of this chapter)

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