Water Margin people

Chapter 1193 Exam Questions

Chapter 1193 Exam Questions

"Song Jiang is now the fourth-rank left general! Can you still go to Tokyo to kill him single-handedly? This matter will have to wait!"

Sun Lei looked at Liu Tang and said.

"I can assassinate him!"

Liu Tang said quickly.

"You are so different from ordinary people. I'm afraid you will be recognized when you enter Tokyo!"

Sun Lei looked at Liu Tang and said, "The red-haired ghost is not called for nothing. Liu Tang has red hair and red spots on his forehead, and a fierce face. This appearance is too eye-catching, and it is impossible to sneak into Tokyo city."

"Brother Liu Tang, we must not be impulsive. It would be bad to alert the enemy!"

Wu Yong also opened his mouth to persuade.

After hearing this, Liu Tang gave up his thoughts of revenge immediately.

"What's going on with those Tokyo spies these days?"

Wu Yong understood what Sun Lei meant after a moment's thought.

"Well, continue to stabilize them and create a calm appearance."

Sun Lei nodded.

"Now that you know it, do something good!"

Liangshan City is still very lively, and the drop in temperature has not had any impact on the city.

Sun Lei arrived all the way outside the school. As the principal, Sun Lei has something very important to do recently, which is the end-of-year exam.

Sun Lei looked at Wu Yong and continued to ask.

Sun Lei didn't hide anything and said with a smile.

Sun Lei, who was in a daze, was startled and almost dropped the brush in his hand. He was also a martial arts practitioner and could see all directions and hear all directions, but just now he didn't hear Li Qingzhao's footsteps at all.

Li Qingzhao's voice sounded outside the window.

But teachers in schools for these subjects are unable to formulate questions because they don’t understand mechanical structures at all.

Sun Lei left the house and wandered along the waterfront. It was already winter, and the willow trees by the waterfront had only dead branches.

"There's not much movement. It seems that I haven't received any orders. It's just some daily inquiries."

Wu Yong said that he was still in contact with those Tokyo spies.

"I know what to do!"

Wu Yong was overjoyed and quickly saluted Sun Lei.

Ordinary exams naturally do not require Sun Lei to write questions in person, but this time it is different. Sun Lei often goes to school to teach some non-traditional subjects. Students are very interested in these subjects and invest a lot of energy in studying. Naturally, at the end of the semester, too To be tested.

Sun Lei was sitting in the principal's office looking out the window in a daze. He didn't know what to do in the exam for a while. He couldn't write the test paper at all.

"Are you in a daze?"

"Your Majesty wants to paralyze Tokyo?"

"How come you don't make any sound when you walk!"

"If walking makes noise, how can I catch those students who are dazed in class!"

Li Qingzhao said with pride.

"Your makeup looks so good today!"

Sun Lei said, Li Qingzhao's makeup was much more detailed today, and the light makeup made her look elegant and beautiful.


Li Qingzhao glanced at Sun Lei. It seemed that he didn't like Sun Lei, but the corners of his mouth turned up unconsciously. Sun Lei had given her a mirror and a dressing table not long ago. She couldn't put it down, especially the Mirror, you will be happy no matter how you look at it.

"How should I get this paper? What is the test?"

Sun Lei saw Li Qingzhao smiling and immediately asked.

"Those miscellaneous subjects you teach are asking me now?"

Li Qingzhao rolled his eyes at Sun Lei. If she knew how to ask questions in those strange subjects, then why bother Sun Lei.

"Then show me your paper! I'll refer to it!" Sun Lei said with a smile on his face, just like when he was studying, he asked his female classmate to borrow homework for reference.

"I knew you didn't understand anything!"

Li Qingzhao took out a piece of paper and handed it to Sun Lei.

Sun Lei chuckled and took it over to take a look. After just one glance, Sun Lei frowned even more tightly, almost twisting it into a knot.

"Topic 1: Write a poem with autumn as the theme!"

"Topic 2: Painting, the title is to look up at the bright moon!"


Sun Lei just saw these two questions and knew that he would definitely not be able to solve them.

"Forget it, I'd better do it myself!"

Sun Lei handed the test paper back. Li Qingzhao's test paper had nothing to do with his mechanical structure.

"As a principal, you can't even know these two questions?"

Li Qingzhao glared at Sun Lei. She had no objection to Sun Lei teaching some messy things in school. It was a good thing that the children finally had books to read, but she couldn't accept that the principal Sun Lei acted like an illiterate. This was a shame to the school!

"What's so difficult about this? It's just a poem. It doesn't come easily to me? Just listen!"

"If life is just like the first time we met, why should the autumn wind draw a fan with sadness? It is easy to change the heart of an old friend, but it is said that the heart of an old friend is easy to change. After the words of Lishan have passed through the midnight, the tears, rain and bells will not complain in the end. How unlucky is the man in Jin Yi, who is even with the wings. I wish you that day!"

Sun Lei is now the emperor and the principal of the school. How can he allow anyone to question him? I copied one directly.

"you you……"

Li Qingzhao's face was stunned and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

"How's it going? Not bad, there's an autumn breeze inside!"

Sun Leitian said shamelessly.

"Bah! If there is an autumn wind, is it autumn? You... are simply insulting the gentlemen!"

Li Qingzhao blushed and pointed at Sun Lei. She was a master of poetry. There was almost no one in the world who could surpass her in poetry. This was obviously an antique poem, and it was also a breakup poem written in a woman's voice to accuse a man of being unkind. There is no way this was done by Sun Lei.

"The autumn wind is not autumn? Is it spring? It's written in black and white, don't talk nonsense!"

Sun Lei directly wrote the word "Autumn Wind" on the white paper, and then held it up for Li Qing to look at.


Li Qingzhao gritted his teeth and was speechless, so he could only leave in anger.

"How come such an educated person doesn't even know a single word? Next time you look down on me, I'll copy it again, and you're not the only one among us! I even copy famous ones!"

Sun Lei chuckled, he had won again today.

After such an episode, Sun Lei suddenly came to inspiration. Traditional literature tests poetry, calligraphy and painting, so his mechanical structure must be tested in practical terms.

"Question 1: Draw the structural diagram of a carriage!"

"Topic 2: Improve the carriage to make it more comfortable and faster!"

"Topic 3: Build your own improved carriage. It can be completed by one person or in a team of multiple people. The expenses can be reimbursed by the vice principal!"

Sun Lei wrote three questions, and finally dried the ink with satisfaction. In fact, these three questions were one question. Drawing, improvement, and production not only tested several principles, but also tested thinking ability, and even more practical ability. .

"Absolutely perfect."

Sun Lei looked at the questions he asked and boasted.

The inspiration for the title came from the complaints of my wife and children when we were riding in a carriage not long ago, saying that the carriage was too bumpy and uncomfortable to sit on.

Is this okay? Forget about the child, he is very strong and will be fine for a while. The wives are pregnant, how can they bear the bumps, and they immediately change into the sedan chair.

But the problems of the carriage are still there, such as bumpiness and slow speed, and these need to be solved.

Sun Lei didn't stop and posted the test questions directly on the school's bulletin board. His test did not need to be in the examination room. Students could find their own time to complete it. In the end, he only looked at the results.

(End of this chapter)

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