Water Margin people

Chapter 1194 Clues of the coup

Chapter 1194 Clues of the coup

Rumors about Wu Yong soon spread, and a group of corrupt officials in Tokyo headed by Li Bangyan were frightened.

However, Zhao Huan did not react. He could not attack people like Li Bangyan because of some folk rumors. He had just eliminated Cai Jing and others, and the officials were keeping silent for fear of becoming the next target.

Under this situation, Zhao Huan's decree was not implemented at all. Officials now follow the creed of doing more and making more mistakes, making fewer mistakes and making fewer mistakes, and not doing anything right.

Zhao Huan knew very well that he must be fully prepared to attack officials, otherwise he, the emperor, would not be able to do anything. After all, hundreds of officials are needed to govern the world.

"With these rumors, those officials were so scared that they didn't even dare to leave the house!"

Zhang San said helplessly that officials have been very careful recently and dare not even go out if nothing happens, which is very detrimental to them trying to find out information.

"The brothels are almost closing!"

Li Si responded and said that brothels and tiles depended on the high-ranking officials in Tokyo to support them, but now these people are not leaving the house, and the luxury and money-consuming dens in Tokyo have suddenly become deserted.

"Don't worry, they won't be able to bear it for long!"

Zhao Huan was also well prepared. He directly ordered the imperial guards to block Gen Yue. No one was allowed in or out. Anyone who disobeyed the order would be killed without mercy.

Ma Lin said, now the military power is in the hands of Li Gang and Zhong Shidao.

Ma Lin asked, Zhao Huan's last heaven-sacrifice ceremony was very successful, and the appearance of the crystal dragon pillar showed his identity as the destined emperor.

"I heard that Zhao Ji is competing with Zhao Huan for the crystal dragon pillar. Zhao Huan has already asked the guards to block Gen Yue?"

Shi Qian's eyes lit up. If this really happened, it would be an unexpected surprise for them.

The Supreme Emperor Zhao Ji is a "big player". How could he let go of such rare treasures? He sent someone to take them over to watch them.

Lehe said, now that Sun Li is a Taiwei and deputy privy envoy, he can be regarded as a powerful figure in the army.

Ma Lin also said that once he starts to force the palace to seize the throne, the entire court will be reshuffled. The chaos will be far more terrifying than the siege of Tokyo.

"I went to Sun Li's place yesterday. King Su, King Jing, and King Yi have all sent people to contact him and want his help in rescuing the Supreme Emperor."

Lehe also said that there are constant undercurrents in Tokyo, and several powerful princes are secretly connecting forces.

And Zhao Huan also knew very well that Zhao Ji was a greedy guy, and there was no way that treasures such as the Crystal Pan Dragon Pillar could be returned to Zhao Ji.

Zhao Huan was originally a filial son. If it were anything else, he would not refuse Zhao Ji's request, but this time it was different. The crystal dragon pillar was the most favorable evidence for him to inherit the imperial power.

"Aren't all the troops and horses now in the hands of Li Gang and Zhong Shidao? He is Shangshu Youcheng who stays in Tokyo and knows the affairs of the Privy Council. Zhong Shidao also knows the affairs of the Privy Council."

Shi Qian smiled and said, this is just a burst of limelight. Once Zhao Huan's attitude is clear, these people will still eat, drink and have fun.

It was obviously impossible for Li Gang and Zhong Shidao to participate in any coup, nor could they be won over by those princes. These two people care about the world, and the struggle for imperial power has nothing to do with them. All they have to do is to maintain the current peaceful situation.

The angry Zhao Ji immediately summoned his other sons to put pressure on Zhao Huan. Zhao Ji was not dead yet. Zhao Huan had just succeeded. Zhao Ji's old ministers were all in the court, pulling Zhao Huan down under the banner of being unfilial. It's not difficult either.

"Is there going to be a fight to force the palace to seize the throne?"

"Isn't Sun Li still in charge of the third government office? He has the imperial army in his hands!"

"That's what happened. The princes went to make trouble several times in the past two days."

Zhao Ji was furious when he knew that Zhao Huan was unwilling to offer the crystal dragon pillar. He had already passed the throne to Zhao Huan, but now he was reluctant to give him two objects. This was extremely unfilial.

"His Majesty wants to capture Tokyo around the end of the year. If there is chaos in Tokyo, it is indeed good news!"

Lehe said, the original Sanya Taiwei Gao Qiu ran to Genyue after Cai Jing and others' accident, and the Sanya Taiwei only had the false title of Taiwei. The Palace Chief, the guard Ma Junsi and The Guard Infantry Division is now controlled by Sun Li.

"Yes, I almost forgot about this. Li Gang and Zhongshi Dao troops are outside the city. The one with the most military power in the city is Sun Li!"

Shi Qian and Ma Lin reacted immediately.

"What did Sun Li say?"

Shi Qian quickly looked at Lehe and asked.

"He said now is not the time to take action. Several important officials in the DPRK support Zhao Huan. There is no way this coup will succeed!" Lehe shook his head and said, Zhao Huan had some success in purging old officials. Now the young prime minister Wu Min , Dazai Xu Churen, Kaifeng Prefect Nie Chang, left and right guard generals Song Jiang and Lu Junyi, as well as Li Gang and Zhong Shidao...

These people were all promoted by Zhao Huan. If he really took action, these people would be on Zhao Huan's side.

"Let them fight and we can just watch the fun!"

In the end, Shi Qian and Ma Lin came to the conclusion that they had to be careful not to expose themselves for the sake of important events.

"I'll go to the outer city to see if those lurking brothers have any needs."

Shi Qian stood up and said that they had placed more than a thousand people in the city before, but these people were now lurking in the outer city.

After Shi Qian left the small courtyard, he walked towards the outer city.

"If you come here to drink without money, I think you're looking for a fight!"

Shi Qian was walking on the street with his head down, wearing a bamboo hat. Suddenly, there was a burst of curses from the restaurant next to him, and several waiters angrily threw a person into the street.

Shi Qian took two steps to the side to avoid the person who hit him.

“Next time you dare to drink without money, I’ll beat you to death!”

Several guys spat and cursed at the people on the ground.


Shi Qian was about to leave, but suddenly he felt that the figure on the ground looked familiar.

The person who was thrown to the ground smelled of alcohol, and his hair was messy and disheveled, covering his face.

"I want to drink more!"

The man grunted and rolled his body, looking like a drunkard.

"Xiao Yi?"

When Shi Qian heard the muttering and looked at the face covered by messy hair, he immediately recognized who it was. Isn't it Yan Qing?

"I want to drink! Drink!"

Yan Qing didn't seem to hear Shi Qian's call, but just muttered and shouted for a drink, and crawled towards the hotel.

"You still dare to come? Brothers, fight me!"

When the waiter saw that Yan Qing was trying to crawl into the store, he became furious and shouted that he would beat Yan Qing with a stick.


Shi Qian shouted angrily, instantly frightening the waiters and taking a few steps back.

"Since you know him, take him away. We don't let people eat for free in our store!"

The waiters were a little frightened, they heard an icy air from the man in the hat's words.

"Xiao Yi, what's wrong with you?"

Shi Qian helped Yan Qing and walked to the corner of the street. He didn't know how the elegant Yan Xiaoyi became so decadent.

"Drink! Drink!"

Yan Qing didn't answer, just murmured about drinking, as if even Shi Qian didn't recognize him.

"Oh, how did you end up like this!"

Seeing Yan Qing's behavior, Shi Qian could only sigh helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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