Water Margin people

Chapter 1198 Dispersed Attack

Chapter 1198 Dispersed Attack

After dawn, Wang Jin and others were on the city wall to check the extent of damage to the city wall.

"Splashing water into ice still has some effect. At least the city wall is not damaged!"

Wang Jin came to a conclusion after checking the city wall affected by the explosion.

"Tonight, the enemy is afraid that they will disperse their attacks. With such heavy snow, we can't go out to fight."

Du Bu said, the enemy's attack last night was a great threat to Liaoyang Mansion, and if it continued like this, the consequences would be serious.

The heavy snow continued to flutter with no intention of stopping. They couldn't fight normally in this kind of weather.

"This is a troublesome problem. Obstructed vision is the biggest obstacle, and we can't light a fire for lighting."

Zongze also frowned and said, it was impossible to light a fire outside in heavy snow.

"I have a solution!"

Wu Song suddenly spoke.

Wang Jin looked at everyone and said.

Wu Song smiled and clenched his fists and said, "He can't take the general's head from the ten thousand troops, but he will never be weaker than anyone else on the battlefield, and killing is what he is good at."

"I lead a small team of people to destroy. If the enemy is concentrated, I have no way to do it. They have a large number of people. If I lead a small team of people there, I will die. But the enemy is scattered. It is different. A trebuchet can only have a hundred or ten people at most. I He can be killed in an instant!”

"If my legs and feet weren't inconvenient, I would still kill for a while!"

Wu Song led his army out of the gap in the ice wall that was destroyed last night early, and they have been lurking outside the city.

In the dark night, the Jin army continued to fill the trebuchet with gunpowder.

Liu Fa said that although his legs had healed, they were too seriously injured and he was old, so he still couldn't exercise strenuously.

Everyone looked at Wu Song, wondering what Wu Song could do.

Wu Song's words surprised everyone, but he was able to attack with more points when broken into pieces, making it difficult for people to guard against.

Wu Song looked at everyone with a smile, only he could do this.

But the dispersion of the army also means the dispersion of strength. The best way to face the dispersed army is to defeat them one by one.

Du Bo was greatly moved when he heard this, but what he was best at was cavalry fighting, and it was impossible to fight on horseback in this kind of weather.

That night, heavy snow fell.

The Jin army appeared around Liaoyang Mansion pushing a trebuchet.

"Okay, it's up to Wu Erlang tonight. Let's just guard the city wall."

"Let's see how long you can keep being arrogant!"

Wu Song led his men to a trebuchet. He had already observed that there were only 150 soldiers around a trebuchet.

Wu Song and his soldiers approached quietly. They were wearing white cotton armor, and they blended directly into the wind and snow on such a blizzard night.


As a roar sounded, trebuchets from all directions began to attack Liaoyang Mansion.

"Haha, just look at me!"


Wu Song roared, swung his sword in his hand, and instantly killed several enemies around him.

The soldiers also rushed out of the snow and killed the unsuspecting Jin army.

These Jin troops were not fortified at all, and they did not believe that the enemy would dare to leave the city in such weather.

At this time, Jin Wushu and Wanyan Yinshu were leading an army to watch Liaoyang Mansion from a distance. If Liaoyang Mansion had a large army leaving the city, they would charge forward.

But they didn't expect that the enemy had already sent a small group of soldiers out of the city, and they didn't know that the enemy was already massacring their soldiers.

The screams were drowned by the blizzard, and Wu Song quickly eliminated all the Jin troops. The snow on the ground was already very thick. The snow could reach up to his knees when he stepped on it, making him unable to run at all.

Wu Song was different from the army. They wore snow boots, and their wide flippers allowed them to catch up with the enemy quickly without fear of loose snow.

"Destroy the trebuchet and scatter all the gunpowder into the snow. Let's go to the next place!"

Wu Song looked at the soldiers and ordered that they needed to hide, so they could not blow up the trebuchet, but could only destroy it. The trebuchet is also a precision instrument, especially the bearing. It only takes a few axes to hit it. If the bearing is broken, the trebuchet is just a pile of wood.

Gunpowder is even simpler. This thing is afraid of moisture and moisture. If you sprinkle it directly on the snow, the gunpowder will be useless.

Wu Song quickly led the people to disappear into the blizzard and headed to the location of the next trebuchet.

"Haha, these guys never dreamed that today would happen!"

Wanyan Yinshuke said with a smile.

"Yue Fei! I'm going to kill that Yue Fei!"

Jin Wushu also looked at Liaoyang Mansion with a ferocious expression.

"Yes, once the Liaoyang Mansion is destroyed, you can cut Yue Fei into pieces with your own hands!"

Wanyan Yinshuke said with a smile, if we fight like this for several days, the Liaoyang Mansion will be destroyed.

"Yue Fei was very arrogant before, but now he is just a coward!"

Jin Wushu said viciously, Yue Fei had not shown his face in the past two days, so he naturally thought that Yue Fei was afraid.

"That's true for all these Southerners!"

Wanyan Yinshuke said, not only Yue Fei has not shown his face in the past few days, but also Du Bo and others have not appeared again, they are just hiding in the city and not coming out.

In the dark night, Wu Song led people to clean up the trebuchets one after another.

"What's going on! Why is the firepower so low?"

Wanyan Yinshuke suddenly frowned and said, the explosion in Liaoyang Mansion became rustling, and there was no explosion at all on the opposite side.

"Have you run out of gunpowder?"

Jin Wushu looked at it for a while and then said.

"No, it's still normal here!"

Wanyan Yinshu said, each trebuchet team has the same amount of gunpowder, and it is impossible for both sides to completely exhaust it when attacking at the same time.

"Go over and have a look!"

Wanyan Yinshu stared at it for a while, but in the end he still felt uneasy and wanted to go over with his soldiers and horses.

"Just send someone to take a look!"

Jin Wushu said, he still wanted to see if the enemy would leave the city.

"I'm afraid the enemy won't come out tonight!"

Wanyan Yinshu shook his head and left with his men. They had been bombing for a while, but no enemy came out. The enemy had made it clear that they wanted to fight them hard. Now the offensive has dropped sharply for some reason. This is the most important thing. .

Jin Wushu glanced in the direction of Liaoyang Mansion, and finally left with Wanyan Yinshuke.

The army soon arrived at the location of a trebuchet. They saw that the trebuchet was still working and explosive packets were being thrown towards Liaoyang Mansion.

Wanyan Yinshuke and Jin Wushu were very satisfied, even after passing several trebuchet points in a row, which made them feel a lot more at ease.

"what happened?"

But when they reached the seventh trebuchet point, their expressions changed drastically. They saw that the ground was full of dead bodies, and the corpses were all covered with a layer of drifting snowflakes.

The soldiers rushed forward quickly, but did not find any enemies.

"General, the trebuchet has been destroyed! All the gunpowder has been scattered."

The soldiers shouted at Wanyan Yinshuke and Jin Wushu.


Jin Wushu's face was full of anger, and he rode forward to check.

"Damn it, who did it! Who did it!"

Jin Wushu yelled that the most critical bearing of the trebuchet had been destroyed and all the gunpowder was destroyed.

(End of this chapter)

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