Water Margin people

Chapter 1199 Wu Song’s Night Attack

Chapter 1199 Wu Song’s Night Attack

"It must be an enemy in Liaoyang Mansion! But how could we not see it?"

Wanyan Yinshu's face was ugly, but he quickly locked onto the enemy, but he didn't understand. He was obviously staring at Liaoyang Mansion, how could the enemy walk out of the city under his nose?

Wanyan Yinshuke checked the area carefully, and finally he found the footprints of Wu Song and others.

"The enemy sent a small group of soldiers out of the city, numbering about two hundred!"

Wanyan Yinshuke came to a conclusion.

"Quick, go check at other locations!"

After hearing this, Jin Wushu roared at the soldiers around him.

Soon the soldiers came back from the investigation. Several trebuchets nearby were destroyed and all the soldiers were killed.

"Chase me! The enemy is nearby!"

The Jurchens have been hunting in the mountains and forests for a long time, so they naturally have ways to deal with the soft snow. He did not expect that the enemy would also think of this method.

All the generals were puzzled, this was unique to their Jurchens.

"We can have gunpowder, and it's not surprising that they have flippers. This thing isn't that difficult."

Wanyan Yinshu can speak.

The soldiers all nodded in agreement, and after finishing cleaning up, they were ready to kill the next enemy stronghold.

"The tracks are only an inch deep. For tracks that big, they have flippers!"

Wanyan Yinshuke observed it for a while and came to the conclusion that the snow was still falling heavily and the snow was soft. If a normal person stepped on it, it would definitely be a deep hole, and it would definitely not be the shallow and huge footprints in front of him.

"General, how come the enemy has this thing!"

The soldiers looked at Wu Song in confusion, not knowing what was happening.

The soldiers quickly destroyed the trebuchets and scattered the enemy's gunpowder.


Wanyan Yinshu did not rush to pursue them, but observed the footsteps of Wu Song and others as they left.

Wu Song waved his swords and beheaded two more Jurchen soldiers, and another stronghold was taken away by him.

Wu Song's ears, which were covered by earmuffs, suddenly moved.

Wu Song looked at everyone and said.

"Luck comes too slowly in this kind of weather, and it's easy to be discovered by the enemy. The gain outweighs the loss by transporting it back. Since we can't get it, let's destroy it."

Wu Song took off his earmuffs, listened to the movement around him, and kept scanning his surroundings with his eyes.

"Now, destroying these trebuchets is the first priority. Besides, gunpowder of this quality is nothing? We have better ones!"

The soldiers said with some regret that gunpowder was a good thing, and they were reluctant to waste so much at one time.

"General, it would be great if these gunpowder could be transported back! We scattered dozens of carts of gunpowder today!"

Jin Wushu led the army and rushed away. The enemy was still destroying him, so he must catch the enemy and break them into pieces.

"An enemy is coming! Tonight's battle is over, let's retreat!"

Wu Song said to the soldiers.

Wu Song put on his earmuffs again. He had great martial arts skills and a strong body, but no matter how good he was, the cold wind would freeze him in an instant. No matter how good a martial arts expert was, he couldn't stop it.

Wu Song led the soldiers to Liaoyang Mansion.


Jin Wushu urged the war horses to move forward in the snow. Although their war horses were all local war horses from Liaodong and were good at walking in the snow, the snow was too soft now and the horses would fall into a deep pit no matter what. Not fast.

After marching for a while, Jin Wushu finally arrived at the stronghold. Looking at the corpses on the ground, his back teeth were almost broken.

"General, he just died! The body is not stiff yet!"

"General, the enemy is heading to Liaoyang Mansion!"

The soldiers immediately completed the investigation and found the path Wu Song and others left.


Jin Wushu immediately ordered.

However, after chasing for a while, Jin Wushu still didn't see the enemy. He knew that the speed of the war horse was too slow, and it was impossible to catch up with the enemy on horseback in the snow.

"Dismount and pursue!"

Jin Wushu jumped off his horse and began to chase through the snow. Under Jin Wushu's frantic pursuit, he finally saw Wu Song walking in the snow.

"Kill me!"

Jin Wushu's eyes turned red when he saw the enemy. In just half the night, the enemy destroyed nine of their trebuchets, dozens of carts of gunpowder, and more than 1,500 soldiers.

"Hey, you guys have finally caught up!"

Wu Song looked at Jin Wushu and others and smiled.


Jin Wushu took off his crossbow and started shooting at Wu Song.

The soldiers on Wu Song's side held up their shields to resist, while Wu Song took out a grenade, pulled the fuse, and threw it at Jin Wushu.

Wu Song was so strong that he threw the grenade directly into the crowd. The grenade exploded and several Jin soldiers fell down screaming.

Before Jin Wushu could react, the soldiers on Wu Song's side also threw grenades over. Wu Song's soldiers were all very powerful and could throw grenades extremely far.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a violent explosion, and the Jin army rushing in front were injured and fell to the ground.

The soldiers on the ground were wailing and crying. The grenades were not very powerful. If they were hit by the bomb, as long as they were protected by armor, in most cases they would not be fatal.


Jin Wushu was furious and commanded the army to continue to charge and kill.

But Wu Song had no intention of fighting. After slowing down the enemy with a round of grenades, he quickly moved towards Liaoyang Mansion.

"Rat, don't run away if you dare!"

Jin Wushu roared angrily, the enemy had only two hundred soldiers, but he had tens of thousands of troops and horses on his side. As long as he surrounded the enemy, he would win.

"Tomorrow's duel, do you have any orders?"

Wu Song shouted at Jin Wushu. He knew that Jin Wushu was a way to provoke generals, and he would not fall into the trap.

"Let Yue Fei come out!"

Jin Wushu roared angrily.


Seeing Jin Wushu's behavior, Wu Song just sneered.

Seeing that Wu Song was about to walk away, Jin Wushu led his troops to chase him again, but Wu Song turned around and was greeted by another burst of grenades, and the explosion once again slowed down the Jin army.

"Stop chasing!"

Just when Jin Wushu wanted to chase after him, Wanyan Yinshuke shouted.


Jin Wushu shouted unwillingly, the enemies had left the city, why didn't he pursue them.

"The enemy has artillery, don't get close, disperse quickly..."

Before Wanyan Yinshuke finished speaking, a burst of artillery sounded from the Liaoyang Mansion, followed by a violent explosion in the formation of Jin Wushu's army.

"Spread out, spread out quickly!"

Jin Wushu didn't care about the pursuit at this time, and quickly ordered the soldiers to disperse and hide in the darkness.

The artillery in Liaoyang Mansion showed no intention of stopping and kept bombarding the Jin Wushu formation.

"Looks like tonight's battle is over!"

On the city wall of Liaoyang Mansion, Wang Jin looked at the enemy hiding in the darkness and sighed. The enemy's reaction was very fast. Wu Song only destroyed part of the trebuchet.

"After tonight, the enemy will definitely increase their troops, and it will not be easy to carry out such a light sneak attack."

Zongze said that the enemy would not give up this tactic of dispersed attacks, and the only possibility was to increase troops.

At this time, Wu Song had already led his people back to the outside of Liaoyang Mansion. The city gate was wide open, and Wu Song led the soldiers into the city.

"Brother Wu Song, what was the result of the battle?"

Du Bo asked with a smile.

"The time is too short, and the results are limited, which is only nine trebuchets, dozens of carts of gunpowder, and more than a thousand soldiers!"

Wu Song said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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