Water Margin people

Chapter 1206 Robbery

After midnight, the city of Tokyo went into curfew.

Originally there was no curfew in Tokyo, but now the situation is tense. In order to better manage the city's borders, Li Gang stipulated a curfew in Tokyo starting after midnight and ending at dawn.

"And there's a curfew!"

From the second floor of the inn, Xiao Jiasui looked at the soldiers driving away drunkards on the street through the crack of the window and whispered, Li Gang was indeed well prepared.

Xiao Jiasui did not sleep, but sat at the table and continued to pour and drink.

"This wine is even watered down!"

After taking a sip, Xiao Jiasui frowned. The wine in Wazi was okay, but the wine in this inn was a bit too much. It was even watered down in order to make money.

In the middle of the night, gongs and shouts suddenly sounded in the outer city.

Li Gang, who was resting at the Residence Secretary's residence, was awakened by the sounds in the yard. His sleep quality had been very poor recently, and he would be awakened by the slightest movement.

"What happened?"

Li Gang shouted into the yard.

"My dear sir, some mobs in the outer city have smashed the grain shop and are looting grain and rice!"

One of the servants replied.

Li Gang lost sleep immediately upon hearing this, got up, put on his robe and opened the door.

"Call the troops and go take a look!"

Li Gang ordered to the soldiers.

Soon he led the soldiers to the vicinity of the grain store. The shop owner and his family were sitting on the ground crying. The door of the grain store had been smashed, and grains were scattered on the ground. The entire grain store had been robbed.

Not far from the street, many people who heard the commotion came to watch the excitement. When they saw that the grain store was robbed, they all regretted how they slept so hard. If they had come earlier, they could have left with a bag.

"My husband, who is left behind, has to make the decision for me!"

When the store owner saw Li Gang coming, he immediately surrounded him with his whole family. The store owner had an angry look on his face, while the old, weak, women and children were crying.

"Who robbed it?"

Li Gang looked at the mess on the ground and asked the shop owner.

"I don't know, but suddenly someone broke down the door and grabbed it when they came in!"

The shop owner didn't know the situation either. He was knocked to the ground in the dark and couldn't see who was coming.

"Go check it out!"

Li Gang ordered to the soldiers around him.

"Mr. Liu, my shop is Prince Su's business!"

Seeing how casually Li Gang handled it, the shop owner immediately moved out of his backstage.

“Everyone’s business is the same!”

Li Gang looked at the shopkeeper coldly. The chaos in Tokyo today was caused by the powerful and profiteers. The food shortage has long passed, and cheap food from various places has been shipped to Tokyo. However, Tokyo officials and businessmen colluded to keep the price of food at 1,000 yuan. Seven hundred coins and one stone.


The shop owner was choked by Li Gang's words. He pointed at Li Gang with a distorted face and was speechless for a long time. He even moved King Su out, but Li Gang still dared to do this.

There was a commotion among the onlookers, and Nie Chang, the governor of Kaifeng Prefecture, came over with his people.

"Master Fu Yin, you have to make the decision for me!"

The shop owner immediately ran to Nie Chang, knelt down and cried.

Nie Chang just waved his hand, and the servant beside him pulled the shop owner aside.

"Li Liushou, is this matter handled by your Liushou Department or our Kaifeng Prefecture?"

Nie Chang looked at Li Gang and asked.

A store was robbed, which was not a big deal. The governor of Kaifeng Prefecture personally brought people here, which was a bit unusual.

"The Remaining Secretary will only be in charge of the field, and leave matters within the city to Nie Fuyin."

Li Gang frowned slightly. He was too worried and couldn't sleep, so he came to see the situation.

But Nie Chang was different. He could hear dissatisfaction from Nie Chang's words. The left-behind department and the Kaifeng Mansion almost had overlapping powers. If a city was managed by two yamen, conflicts would naturally arise.

"Okay, then I, Kaifeng Mansion, will take over this place. You guys quickly seal off the scene and search for the thief!"

Nie Chang said to the people around him.

"Yes, Enxiang!" Several captains took the lead and took action.

"Let's go to the tower!"

Li Gang didn't have the same experience as Nie Chang, so he led the people to the tower.

"Hmph! There are no enemies, so why are you so arrogant!"

Nie Chang looked at Li Gang's leaving figure and said coldly, Tokyo City should be in charge of their Kaifeng Palace.

In a small courtyard in the outer city, Xiao Jiasui knocked on the door rhythmically.

"military adviser!"

When Shi Qian opened the door and saw Xiao Jiasui, he immediately smiled and got out of the way.

"military adviser!"

In the courtyard, Lehe, Ma Lin, Yan Qing, Sister Gu, Sun Xin, Cao Zheng, Zhang San, Li Si and others all saluted Xiao Jiasui.

"No need to be polite. I have heard about what happened last night. You did a good job."

Xiao Jiasui said with a smile.

"The military advisors are all well commanded, but isn't it enough for us to just smash and rob a grain store?"

Sun Xin said with a smile.

"No need to rush, no need to rush! If you go too far, things will get out of control and people in Tokyo will become suspicious. This must be done slowly!"

Xiao Jiasui shook his head and said, this is also the purpose of coming to Tokyo.

"Including us, there are now a total of 3,177 people in Tokyo City. It will be too difficult to capture Tokyo with such a small number of people. At most, it will cause some riots."

"But His Majesty wants to capture Tokyo this year. Even if he cannot capture it before the year, he must capture it before the Lantern Festival. So it is our mission to slowly bring chaos to Tokyo!"

Xiao Jiasui looked at everyone and said.

"Are all those who acted last night our people?"

Xiao Jiasui looked at Shi Qian again and asked.

"They are all local gangsters and have been integrated into the gang. However, they only thought they had joined a gang and did not know that our Qi country was behind them."

Shi Qian pointed at Zhang San and Li Si and said, Zhang San and Li Si were responsible for what happened last night.

"Don't worry, military advisor, those people don't know anything. Now that they have obtained food and money, they are even more tight-lipped."

Zhang San said.

"Don't be careless, there is no airtight wall in this world!"

Xiao Jiasui shook his head.

"The military advisor said that he would be discovered?"

Shi Qian asked.

"It's a clever trick for you to recruit gangsters and form a gang, but gangsters are not soldiers after all, and they have no training, and they don't know how to lurk. What will happen if gangsters have food and money?"

Xiao Jiasui shook his head and said, but rogues are indeed useful. These people spend their days walking around the streets and alleys of the city stealing chickens and dogs. They are the least popular and least likely to be suspected.

"Of course drinking... gambling..."

As soon as Zhang San and Li Sigang were about to answer, they immediately discovered the problem. Drinking and gambling are the most likely things to get into trouble. After being drunk, rogues have no control over their mouths, and rogues who are eager to lose money in gambling are more likely to do drastic things.

"Military advisor, I will gather them together right now! I will manage them well!"

Li Si said quickly.

"Can you really restrain a bunch of thugs?"

Xiao Jiasui asked with a smile.

Zhang San and Li Si lowered their heads and didn't know how to answer. As gangsters, they know the gangsters best. Once they have money and food, they will definitely have to gamble and drink. No one can stop this.

"What you have to do is to remove yourself from that gang. Even if someone is caught, you can't let him involve you!"

Xiao Jiasui looked at Zhang San and Li Sidao.

"We got it!"

Zhang San and Li Si were very happy to salute. This rogue gang has no actual gang leader, but is composed of four rogue forces in Tokyo City.

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