Water Margin people

Chapter 1207 Robbery

Kaifeng Mansion.

"Nie Fuyin, in broad daylight, the grain stores in Tokyo City were robbed and smashed. How did you, the Kaifeng Mansion, manage this!"

Su Wang Zhao Shu, wearing a python robe and a crown, walked into Kaifeng Mansion and began to hold Nie Chang accountable when he saw him.

"Your Highness Prince Su, the case is under investigation and the results will be reported to His Highness as soon as possible!"

Nie Chang looked at Zhao Shu and said.

"Investigation, how many days do you want to do it?"

However, Zhao Shu refused to let it go. His shop was smashed, and the loss was both small and large. If he did not punish the thief severely, he would be laughed at in the future.

"Handling the case is a matter for Kaifeng Mansion, and His Highness Prince Su may not have the right to interfere!"

Nie Chang said coldly, he gave Zhao Shu face and Zhao Shu didn't want it, so don't blame him.

"Nie Chang, you..."

Zhao Shu was furious. In addition to the case, he came today to put some pressure on Nie Chang. Nie Chang was a member of Emperor Zhao Huan.

"Your Highness Prince Su, this is Kaifeng Mansion, not your royal palace, and I, Nie Chang, am not your subordinate official! Please!"

Nie Chang saw the guests off directly.

"Hmph! Just wait!"

Su Wang Zhao Shu left these words and walked away. Although he was a prince, he had no real power and could not do anything to Nie Chang.

After sending Zhao Shu away, Nie Chang started working again. Kaifeng Mansion had a lot of affairs.

"Thank you for your kindness, we have some clues about the smashing case last night."

A captain came in and reported to Nie Chang.

"who is it?"

Nie Chang put down his pen and asked.

"They are a group of refugees in the west of the city. These people have no fixed place to live. We have driven them away several times, trying to drive them out of the city, but they just kept going!"

The captain reported.

"Where's the evidence?"

Nie Chang frowned and asked. There are many refugees in Tokyo now. These are poor civilians. After selling their houses, they became refugees and begged on the streets all day long. It makes sense for these people to rob food stores, but He still wanted evidence.

"Someone saw the thief running to the west of the city!"

The captain spoke.

"Then have you ever found stolen goods?"

Nie Chang said in a bad tone, since these people have found the witness, they should get the physical evidence instead of looking for him.


The captain hesitated and couldn't speak.

"How do you want me to teach you how to catch thieves? Do you want to put the blame on those refugees and close the case?"

Nie Chang looked at the captain and asked with a cold tone.

"This subordinate is going to look for stolen goods!"

Seeing that his little thoughts were seen through, the captain had no choice but to accuse him and leave.

Nie Chang looked at the captain who was leaving coldly. The people under his command were all sneaky people. He didn't know if this case could be solved.

In the outer city of Tokyo, several captains of Kaifeng Prefecture led people to search the streets and alleys. However, Tokyo is so big, and the people who robbed last night were well hidden and could not catch anyone at all.

However, the people in the outer city of Tokyo are ready to take action. Someone has successfully robbed a grain store and has not been caught yet. If someone can do it, why can't he do it himself?

The grain shops in the outer city were also alert. They found that there were always people outside the shops looking maliciously into the shops, with such greed in their eyes that it made everyone shiver.

The grain stores called for guards one after another and strengthened the guards of the grain stores.

"This won't work!"

Li Gang looked at everything in the city and sighed.

Li Gang started writing the letter and then had it sent to Kaifeng Mansion.

Nie Chang was already angry at his subordinates' incompetence, and became even more angry after receiving Li Gang's letter. But when he opened the letter, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Loose on the outside and tight on the inside?"

Nie Chang's eyes lit up. This was indeed a good way to catch thieves. The more they searched throughout the city, the more hidden the thieves would be, and no flaws would be exposed.

"Let the policemen on the street come back. They are not allowed to conduct large-scale searches on the street. They put on civilian clothes and go to the street to conduct secret inspections." Nie Chang ordered.


"Aren't you at odds with Nie Chang? Why are you still giving him support?"

Xu Han looked at Li Gang and asked.

"Although I am at odds with him, this is a political disagreement. We are all ministers of the Song Dynasty, and we are all the same about serving the country! There cannot be chaos in Tokyo, and these thieves must be caught!"

Li Gang said.

"The price of food in the outer city is still high now, I'm afraid we can't help it!"

Xu Han sighed. The vandalism and looting last night was just the beginning. It cannot solve the problem of food prices. This kind of thing cannot be stopped and will only get worse.

"I have written to His Majesty, hoping that the imperial court can open warehouses to release grain and lower the price of grain."

Li Gang said, the best way now is for the court to sell cheap grain, so that the merchants can be forced to bargain.

"I'm afraid it will just sink into the sea!"

Xu Han sighed.

"It's been two days and there's no news!"

Li Gang was also helpless.

"It's all caused by the recent troubles. The rich and powerful have spent a lot of money. Naturally, they have to find ways to earn back the money, so they hit the common people."

Xu Han said helplessly. The things he was talking about were glass, mirrors, wine, and spices. These things were too expensive.

"Is this Liangshan's conspiracy?"

Li Gang murmured, he now knew Liang Shan's purpose.

"Well, it should be said that it is a conspiracy. It is not difficult to crack. It is to hedge grain prices. As long as the price is suppressed, the conspiracy will be broken. But the result is that no one is willing to make concessions."

Xu Han sighed and said.

Li Gang also had nothing to say. He wanted to sacrifice, but he had no money or food, so he couldn't solve any problems.

"I'm here to tell you. Master Zhong said that the army training has been effective, but the high-intensity training has consumed too much food and grass, and the court needs to allocate food and grass."

Xu Han looked at Li Gang and started talking about business.

"Let's go to court tomorrow and report it to the superiors."

Li Gang's head hurts when he hears about food. Now he is even more short of food than when he was besieged by the flood. The treasury is obviously full.

In the small courtyard.

"Military advisor, those public dogs have withdrawn. Now only a few people put on casual clothes and wander around the streets."

Zhang San reported to Xiao Jiasui.

"Loose outside and tight inside, sneak into the darkness, good strategy!"

Xiao Jiasui smiled.

"But it's of no use. I'll pick a salt shop and rob it tonight!"

Xiao Jiasui looked at Shi Qian and said, salt is indispensable to people, and the next step after robbing food must be salt.

"Military advisor, is this too frequent?"

Cao Zheng asked worriedly, the robbery of the grain store last night caused a storm in the city, and now the government is keeping a close eye on it.

"After the robbery tonight, you can rest for two days. Firstly, it will make the people in the government tired, and secondly, it will show the courage of the people in Tokyo."

Xiao Jiasui said with a smile, two consecutive cases would be enough to tire out those officers in Kaifeng Mansion.

It was getting dark again, and the Kaifeng Prefecture servants started to go home to rest after a tiring day.

After the curfew, a group of people on the street rushed into the salt shop and arbitrarily stole all the salt.

Kaifeng Mansion was shaken, and Nie Chang sent his officers throughout the night to search for the batch of salt.

This time, not all the salt was taken away. The robbers left many bags of salt on the street.

The common people looked at the white salt and did not dare to take it. If they took it, they would be with the thieves, and no one wanted to get involved.

Countermeasures were quickly thought of by the people. Everyone was holding a bowl, and you took one bowl away and I took one bowl away. In this case, no one could say that they were related to the thieves. They did not break the law and got benefits, and there were more people than the law. Don't blame everyone.

Backup conflict, I missed a few sentences and added them, sorry.

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