Water Margin people

Chapter 1208 Ax Gang

Chapter 1208 Ax Gang

After receiving the news, Nie Chang felt his head was pounding. The case of the grain store being robbed had not yet been solved. The salt store had been robbed, and the salt was divided among the people who were watching. He didn't even know who to arrest. .

"They're all trash. It's been two days. The thieves are doing evil, and you haven't found any clues?"

Nie Chang angrily yelled at his subordinates.

"Lord Fu Yin, the thief is hidden and has not been found yet!"

Everyone could only answer bravely.

"Mr. Prime Minister, Your Majesty has summoned you!"

Before Nie Chang could get angry again, the master ran in and reported in a panic.

"Does Your Majesty know everything?"

Nie Chang's face darkened. The emperor's sudden summons to him must be related to these two robberies.

"Master Yin, the grain shop belongs to Prince Su, and the salt shop belongs to Prince Jing!"

The master quickly reminded that there are people behind the establishment of shops in Tokyo that can make huge profits. By coincidence, the two families involved in the accident are both princes.

"You guys give me all your strength to investigate. If I don't have any clues when I come back, you are just colluding with the thieves to keep watch!"

Nie Chang flicked his sleeves and left.

In the court, Su Wang Zhao Shu and Jing Wang Zhao Qi used the excuse of public security to start an attack, saying that Kaifeng Prefecture's incompetent management had led to rampant bandits in Tokyo, and they wanted the emperor to replace Nie Chang.

Naturally, it was impossible for Zhao Huan to replace Nie Chang. This was a close confidant whom he supported with one hand.

But Zhao Shu and Zhao Qi had been prepared. They united a large number of officials, all of whom had properties in the city. Today, the refugees could rob grain stores and salt shops, but tomorrow they could rob banks and pawn shops.

No one wanted to suffer losses, so they followed Zhao Shu and Zhao Qi to put pressure on the emperor.

"Your Majesty, I think there are too many refugees in the city, which is not conducive to public security. It is better to drive them all out. Tokyo is not a place for them!"

Someone came out of class and said something.

"They are originally from Tokyo. It is only natural disasters, war disasters and soaring prices that make them homeless. Controlling prices is the first priority!"

Hu Yin, Zhongshu Cheng, retorted that he was originally from Jinghu. Not long ago, he caused trouble because Jinghu Jinshi was dissatisfied with the long replacement time for official positions. Fortunately, he was promoted to the position of Zhongshu Cheng.

This sentence instantly ignited the court, and the voices of verbal and written criticism continued. Most of the people here have made a lot of money by relying on the soaring prices. Controlling prices is not cutting off their flesh?

The court turned into a vegetable market, and there was a lot of noise. In the end, Zhao Huan just ordered Nie Chang to solve the case this morning.

Nie Chang returned to the government office angrily.

"Eun Xiang, there is news!"

A captain walked up to Nie Chang happily and said.


Nie Chang was not in the mood to guess, so he asked directly.

"We caught a gangster in a gambling house. This guy sold a few bags of grain to get money for gambling. These gangsters are homeless and unemployed. They usually steal and steal. My subordinates determined that the gangster's grain was stolen. He arrested him for a trial. It’s indeed him!”

The captain said with joy.

"it is good!"

Nie Chang was overjoyed and immediately went to the prison city next to the government office.

In the dungeon, a man was being tied to a wooden frame, and his body had been beaten to a bloody state.


Seeing Nie Chang coming for the first time, several of them stepped forward to salute.


Nie Chang asked.

"This guy just said he saw someone robbing food, so he rushed in and grabbed a few bags. He had no accomplices!"

The prison head said.

"You still have a tough mouth? Wake him up!"

Nie Chang sat down and said.

Several small prisoners brought cold water and poured it on the man. In the dead of winter, when a few buckets of cold water were poured down, the man immediately woke up with a groan.

"Scalp San, this is Mr. Fu Yin, I advise you to recruit him early to save yourself the pain of flesh and blood!"

The prison boss said to Lapi San who woke up.

"The case you committed has been reported to Heaven, and His Majesty the Emperor has asked about it. If you don't take action, it will be a minor crime to be quartered. If you reveal your accomplices, I will guarantee that you will not die!"

Nie Chang spoke first without waiting for Lai Pi San to speak. Although robbery is a serious crime, the maximum sentence is a few years in prison if no casualties are caused. The gangsters are gangsters in Tokyo and commit a lot of crimes on weekdays, so they are very aware of this.

But Nie Chang's words dispelled Lapisan's luck. This matter became a big deal and the emperor knew about it. These words were not a dead end.

"I said, I said! Our gang did it! The Ax Gang!"

The shabby guy did it right away.

"Axe Gang?"

Nie Chang frowned. As the governor of Kaifeng Prefecture, he didn't even know that there was an ax gang in the local area.

"Eun-xiang, the Ax Gang is a gang that has appeared in Tokyo in the past few years. Many gangsters in Tokyo are members of this gang."

One of them opened his mouth and said.

"Who are the members of your Ax Gang? Where is their base?"

Nie Chang continued to interrogate.

"I don't know. Gangs are all connected by superiors and subordinates. I am the lowest level, and I am under the control of the big guy, who is the next level up."

Lai Pi San replied.

"Level up and down? How many people are there on your level?"

Nie Chang asked again.

"There are more than twenty! We are usually outside Chongming Gate."

Lapisan answered honestly.

"Axe Gang! Huh! This kind of thing is not allowed to exist in Tokyo!"

Nie Chang's face was gloomy. From Lapi San's confession, he could guess that the Ax Gang was a very well-organized gang. The appearance of such gangs in Tokyo was a great threat to public security. As a governor, he must eradicate these gangs. .


Several captains and captains took orders and went out.

Everyone quickly arrived outside the Chongming Gate. According to Lapi San's confession, more than 20 minions were quickly captured, but only the big guy escaped.

outer city.

"Sure enough, the military advisor guessed it. Some brats were disobedient and were really caught. The stronghold outside Chongming Gate was gone."

Zhang San said.

"These people just don't listen after repeated orders, damn it!"

Li Si was a little angry. If these people had listened a little, they wouldn't be so angry.

"Cut it off in time."

Xiao Jiasui asked.

"It's broken. It's all contact between superiors and subordinates. The big guy has been hiding. The government can't investigate."

Zhang San replied.

"Okay, let's not move for a few days. We will continue when the government calms down."

Xiao Jiasui nodded and said, now that the limelight is tight, it is not suitable to commit crimes against the wind.

Kaifeng Fulao City.

Waves of wailing sounds could be heard, and the captured thugs were all tied up and beaten for interrogation.

"How about it?"

Nie Chang asked as he looked at the captain coming over.

"Eun Xiang, these people speak the same words as that scoundrel. They really don't seem to know the details."

The captain returned.

Nie Chang frowned even more tightly. The Ax Gang was becoming more and more mysterious. A group of thugs actually had such a strict structure and had a single line of contact. This was obviously a big plan. He even suspected that the Ax Gang was involved with It is related to the Liangshan bandits.

"Send people to catch the rogues on the streets. I don't believe we can't catch this ax gang!"

Nie Chang ordered.

All the people took to the streets with the policemen on their heads.

All the rogue idlers in Tokyo were unlucky. They were all caught and imprisoned in Kaifeng Prison City without knowing what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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