Water Margin people

Chapter 1209 Exam

Chapter 1209 Exam

Every move in Tokyo City is monitored by Sun Lei.

"It seems like no one in Tokyo knows what's going to happen!"

Sun Lei looked at the report in his hand and smiled.

"Those people only know how to fight for power, and the country should be subjugated!"

Wen Huanzhang sighed and said, Tokyo has become like that. Officials still only have their own interests in their eyes. It makes no sense for this kind of country to survive.

"Everyone is selfish! It's just that some people are nothing but selfish."

Sun Lei said with a smile that everyone is selfish, including him, but selfishness has its own time. Those in Tokyo would rather watch the country in chaos than give up their selfish interests. This is the way to die.

"Have all arrangements been made for the people going to Tokyo?"

Sun Lei looked at Wen Huanzhang and asked.

"Everything has been arranged. The first ones to board are all elites. They have been lurking around Tokyo during this period."

"In addition, the cavalry and infantry units are also ready. Tokyo is surrounded by plains and it is difficult to hide, so the navy will transport the army there when the time comes."

Wen Huanzhang said, although Liangshan is not far from Tokyo, it is still not easy for the cavalry to get there.

The only way is to have the navy transport it by water.


After hearing the plan, Sun Lei nodded with satisfaction and said that only navy ships can make the army quickly approach Tokyo City.

After discussing the matter, Sun Lei went down to Liangshan. Today is the day of the school examination, and he, the principal, needs to go and conduct the assessment in person.

All the way to the school.

The school at the moment is bustling with people, which is completely different from the quiet exams I imagined.


When the students saw Sun Lei coming, they immediately cheered and pointed at the carriage beside them and asked Sun Lei to comment.

"So many carriages!"

Sun Lei looked at the carriages of different styles and sizes and sighed, the creativity of children cannot be underestimated.

The horses were brought up, and Sun Lei personally got on the carriage and drove on various roads to feel the improved carriage.

The first few vehicles were not satisfactory. Although the bumpiness of the carriage was reduced, it was still far from what Sun Lei wanted.

"I'm asking for trouble!"

Sun Lei only felt that his waist was about to be broken by the bumps. These carriages were not designed to absorb shock at all, but focused on the seats.

No matter how soft the seat is, it can't change the bumpiness of the carriage. People are almost knocked off the soft cushions.

"Where's Principal Li?"

Sun Lei looked at a teacher next to him and asked, "I don't seem to have seen Li Qingzhao today. On this big exam day, there is no reason why the vice-principal can't come."

"Principal Li is in a bad mood lately!"

The teacher spoke.

"not in a good mood?"

Sun Lei asked doubtfully, why did Li Qingzhao suddenly feel bad after he devoted all his efforts in school?

"Yes, I heard from the female teacher that Principal Li even cried!"

The teacher replied that since the school accepts both men and women, it also recruits many female teachers.


Sun Lei was even more surprised. Li Qingzhao has always been a strong woman, how could she cry?

However, Sun Lei did not ask further. It was not easy to publicize such things. Li Qingzhao was the vice principal of the school, and he needed help to maintain his authority.

After trying several cars in succession, Sun Lei finally found one that he was quite satisfied with.

"This car is good! But it's still a little bumpy. The shock absorption needs to be improved."

Sun Lei looked at the steel plate suspension near the wheel and said with a smile, this already has the prototype of a shock absorber, but it is not enough.

Sun Lei gave each car a score. He did not give low scores because the suspension of some cars was not modified. Comfortable seats are also an improvement.

Finally, Sun Lei told the students some of his thoughts on carriages. The students listened with interest and even put forward many interesting ideas.

Sun Lei didn't quite understand it, but still encouraged the students to try it. The students naturally left happily.

Sun Lei did not leave the school in a hurry, but went to the dormitory area at the back.

Li Qingzhao is the vice principal, so he naturally has his own separate courtyard.

"If life is just like the first time we met, why should the autumn wind draw a fan sadly?

Waiting for leisure to change but the old people's mind, but the old people's mind is easy to change.

Lishan language stopped the night for a while, tears, rain, and Lin Ling did not complain.

How unlucky is the man in brocade to wish for the same day with wings and branches. "

Sun Lei just walked outside the small courtyard when he heard Li Qingzhao's plaintive voice. At this time, Li Qingzhao was sitting by the window, looking at the bamboo forest behind the dormitory.

"Mr. Li, is this poem not good?"

Sun Lei asked.

"You...why are you here?"

Li Qingzhao was startled by Sun Lei's words.

"The exam is over. I heard that you are in a bad mood. Let me come and see! Why are you crying?"

Sun Lei looked at Li Qingzhao's reddish eyes, it was obvious that he had cried.

"Nothing, just some personal matters. Did your exam go well? The children have been busy for two months!"

Li Qingzhao wiped the corners of his eyes and said in a calm voice.

"You are the only one who is not going well in this school! Tell me what happened!"

Sun Lei walked to the window, lay on the window edge and looked at Li Qingzhao and asked.

"You... don't lie here, others will misunderstand you!"

Li Qingzhao's pretty face turned red, Sun Lei was too frivolous like this, and people would definitely spread gossip if they saw him.

In the end, Li Qingzhao could only invite Sun Lei to the backyard, while he made tea beside him.

"When you recited the poem just now, was it Zhao Mingcheng's side?"

Sun Lei looked at the silent Li Qingzhao and asked, was the poem just now a farewell poem, or a farewell poem written by a woman to a man? Li Qingzhao kept repeating it, it must be because of Zhao Mingcheng.

"I am resigning as deputy principal of the school."

Li Qingzhao whispered.


Sun Lei asked immediately. The school had just gotten on the right track. Li Qingzhao was giving up his job at this time, and he couldn't find a successor.

"I don't want the school to be criticized because of my reputation."

Li Qingzhao said with a sad expression.

"Famous? Don't all the children like you?"

Sun Lei asked doubtfully. Although Li Qingzhao was strict, the children liked her very much.

Li Qingzhao took out a divorce letter and put it on the table. This was sent by Zhao Mingcheng, which officially ended their marriage.

Sun Lei took the divorce letter and started to read it. After reading it, Sun Lei was furious. Forget it was a normal divorce letter, Zhao Mingcheng actually said in the divorce letter that Li Qingzhao was unruly and shameless.

"This bitch is bold! MD..."

Sun Lei slapped the divorce letter on the table. In fact, Li Qingzhao's matter had already been explained clearly. However, because Zhao Mingcheng cherished feathers and did not want to have anything to do with Liangshan, he refused to take Li Qingzhao away and would not let Li Qingzhao go back. Now that he has come out like this, it is obviously a deliberate attempt to disgust Liangshan.

"You...you said vulgar words!"

Li Qingzhao's eyes widened, Sun Lei said a series of dirty words, and he was really like a shrew. This gave Li Qingzhao, who came from a scholarly family, a big impact. Sun Lei had only been frivolous and dissolute before, but he had never been so vulgar.

"This matter is all mine. I want that bitch to die!"

Sun Lei got up and left.

Forget about the divorce letter, once the label of being unruly and shameless was attached, Li Qingzhao's life would be ruined, and the reputation of Qi Guo School would also be ruined.

In the current society dominated by Confucianism, students taught by a principal who is unruly and unscrupulous will also be labeled with the same label.

(End of this chapter)

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