Water Margin people

Chapter 1210 Attack on School

"Don't... I'm already like this, if you go again... I won't be able to clean myself even if I jump into the Yellow River!"

Li Qingzhao cried and pulled Sun Lei. She was already being called an adulterer. If Sun Lei stood up for her, wouldn't he be considered an adulterer? Then she would really have no way to live.

"The Yellow River water is so dirty, how can it be washed clean? The water in Liangshanbo is good!"

Seeing that Li Qingzhao was so nervous that his pretty face turned pale, Sun Lei said with a smile.

"You...are you deliberately making me angry?"

A blush instantly appeared on Li Qingzhao's pale face. Sun Lei's words just now were obviously teasing, but she was not disgusted. She knew that Sun Lei was trying to make her feel at ease.

"Don't worry, leave this to me!"

Sun Lei held Li Qingzhao's hand and held it. Because it was winter, his soft skin was a little cold.


Li Qingzhao's face turned red with embarrassment, and he wanted to take his hand out, but Sun Lei held it tightly and didn't give her a chance to leave.

"This is all my fault. These scourges should have been eliminated long ago. They are not targeting you, they are targeting me and our school!"

Sun Lei looked at Li Qingzhao and said.

"What do you mean?"

Li Qingzhao couldn't turn his head. This was obviously a private matter between her and Zhao Mingcheng.

"Do you think they are just targeting you? Then why didn't Zhao Mingcheng come with this letter of divorce earlier or later, but why did he come with such a letter of divorce during the exam? If I guessed correctly, they have already started to publicize it. Bar."

Sun Lei said.

"My family has severed ties with me!"

Li Qingzhao's eyes turned red again. Because of this incident, her family had completely severed ties with her.

"That's right. Those rotten people are afraid of the schools we run, are afraid that their status will be challenged, and are afraid of being completely replaced, so they play these tricks and use the topic to make use of the situation. You can be regarded as a fire at the city gate that affects the fish in the pond."

Sun Lei looked at Li Qingzhao and said, the schools run by Qi State have challenged the entire traditional academic world. They teach all subjects without distinction, women can also study, and everyone can study. These are things that those old antiques cannot accept.

Although the aristocratic families have been submerged in the long river of history, their legacy has never dissipated. The lower-class families have been unable to provide a scholar for several generations, while the upper-class families are born in time for their peak.

"So that's it!"

Li Qingzhao put away the weakness on his face, his expression became firm, and he became that Principal Li again.

Li Qingzhao was originally an extremely smart woman, but she was hit by something unexpected and lost her composure. Now that Sun Lei explained it, she immediately understood the cause and effect of the matter.

"No wonder things happened so suddenly. Zhao Mingcheng, who do you think I am?"

"This is not only your business, but also my business. I am also the vice principal of the school. I will fight with anyone who understands the school and the children!"

Li Qingzhao looked cold and handsome. She had spent all her efforts to build the school and she would not allow anyone to destroy it.

"Haha, that's right. Being self-pitying is not the Mr. Li I know!"

Sun Lei also laughed when he saw that Li Qingzhao had recovered. Li Qingzhao only needed to take care of the school. As for "charging into battle" and "screaming and making trouble" like a common citizen, he would arrange for people to go there.


Li Qingzhao snorted like a little girl, but he couldn't hide the smile on his lips.

At this moment, a burst of children's laughter came, and Li Qingzhao's face turned red with embarrassment, but her hand was still held by Sun Lei.

"Relax now, don't let the children see it!"

Li Qingzhao struggled to pull his hand out of Sun Lei's clutches.

According to Sun Lei's habit, he should act like a gangster at this time, since he is thick-skinned anyway.

But this was a school, and it wouldn't be good for the children to see it. Sun Lei could only let go of his hand reluctantly.

"Principal, Principal Li!"

When a group of children saw Sun Lei and Li Qingzhao there, they immediately waved and said hello.

"Principal Li, why are you so red? Are you uncomfortable?" Some children saw Li Qingzhao's red face and immediately asked with concern. The children didn't think so much. Li Qingzhao usually cared about them like this. When they see their faces turn red, they will go up and touch their foreheads to see if they have a fever.

"It's cold and the wind is blowing!"

Li Qingzhao said quickly, but her face turned even redder. As a teacher, she was actually "caught and raped" by a student. At this time, she felt that her heart was about to jump out of her chest.

"Have your results come out?"

Sun Lei saw that Li Qingzhao was so ashamed that he knew that if he didn't help Li Qingzhao, he might faint.

"not yet!"

When the children saw the principal asking about their grades, they jumped up and ran away.

"You are not like this on weekdays. Why are you being asked by the children?"

Sun Lei looked at Li Qingzhao with a wicked smile, but it was rare to see Li Qingzhao in embarrassment.

"go away……"

Li Qingzhao felt ashamed and angry, pointed outside the hospital and shouted.

"I helped you get out of the siege, why did you drive me away? Repaying kindness with hatred?"

Sun Lei looked innocent.


When Li Qingzhao saw Sun Lei looking like a scoundrel, he became even more angry. Like a little girl, he kicked Sun Lei out of the yard with beatings.

"Go away, I don't want to see you!"

After saying these words, Li Qingzhao ran into the house and closed the door fiercely.

"What are you doing? I was crying just now, now it's like I've been shot!"

Sun Lei helplessly spread his hands and left.

"This guy is trying to make me angry!"

Li Qingzhao tugged at the handkerchief in his hand bitterly, almost chewing it into pieces with his silver teeth. She was originally very grateful to Sun Lei, but in the end she was so angry when she saw Sun Lei deliberately teasing her.

Sun Lei left school and did not return to Liangshan. Instead, he went to the government office in Liangshan City.

"Greetings to Your Majesty!"

Wu Yong smiled and bowed to Sun Lei.

"You came just in time, something is urgent, please think of a way..."

Sun Lei looked at Wu Yong and said, the ones who are best at dealing with rotten scholars are scoundrels. As the saying goes, when a scholar encounters a soldier, there is no explanation, and Wu Yong is the best candidate.

"Is this the case? I heard about it recently!"

Wu Yong said.

"Have you heard all about it?"

Sun Lei was a little surprised. He only found out about this today.

"Your Majesty has a lot of things to do, so you don't need to know these little things."

Wu Yong said with a smile.

"Tell me what you know?"

Sun Lei looked at Wu Yong and asked, the spy chief must be very aware of these rumors.

"This matter spread from around Tokyo. It started with a few academies, and later Taixue also joined in. The slogan also changed from the original about Professor Qi Guo's strange and obscene techniques poisoning the people to attacking Mr. Li."

Wu Yong introduced that these currently only exist in academic circles, but they are already spreading. After all, teaching strange and obscene techniques to poison the people is too broad, and there is no actual evidence.

But it is much easier to attack the reputation of a woman like Li Qingzhao. As long as she puts on the hat and stands on the commanding heights of morality, she will be invincible. Moreover, they also found Zhao Mingcheng, which is even more important. Li Qingzhao pushed to death.

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