Water Margin people

Chapter 1211 Renewed turmoil

"Do you know what I'm thinking?"

Sun Lei looked at Wu Yong and asked.

"My subordinates know, kill those people!"

Wu Yong saluted quickly.

"Go do it!"

Sun Lei smiled and nodded.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Wu Yong smiled and left. This was what he was best at. It was useless to be reasonable when dealing with a group of pedantic masters.

"Your Majesty, have these people started attacking our school?"

Zhu Fu looked at Sun Lei and asked, the school is very important to Qi State now. If something happens to the school, it will be meaningless to defeat.

"It's just jealousy. Didn't everyone think of themselves as noble and look down on us before? Now that our school is prosperous, they start to play tricks again."

Sun Lei said disdainfully.

"If you make some noise recently, your business should not be so smooth. You have to make things difficult for them!"

Sun Lei looked at Zhu Fu and said.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I understand!"

Zhu Fu immediately understood what Sun Lei meant and was ready to take action.


Rumors spread quickly, all targeting Zhao Mingcheng.

Zhao Mingcheng was ruthless and abandoned his wife.

Zhao Mingcheng abandoned his wretched wife and married a beautiful girl.

Zhao Mingcheng is Chen Shimei's second.


Women are the ones who like to gossip the most. For women, a heartless man who abandons his wife is a topic of conversation. They gather together all day long to criticize Zhao Mingcheng.

Too learned.

"Who is it?"

Zhao Mingcheng gritted his teeth and turned pale. The rumors had been circulating recently, making him embarrassed to see anyone.

"Strange why they all attack Brother Defu?"

Several imperial students also frowned and became confused. This rumor started out of nowhere and was baseless, and spread throughout the city.

"It must have been done by those thieves in Liangshan, these despicable and shameless people!"

Zhao Mingcheng gritted his teeth and said that his biggest enemy is Liang Shan. Now the rumors are all directed at him, and it must be Liang Shan who did it.

"These thieves are so shameless! Not only are they degrading to gentle people, they are also so vicious!"

All the Taixue students were filled with righteous indignation. Liangshan set up a school, opened the school wide, recruited students, and taught all kinds of knowledge. This was a great threat to Taixue. Once the knowledge spread widely, the advantages of these Taixue students would be lost. Gone.

"Let's write a report and make their crimes known to the world!"

"Write the table, write the table!"


A group of Tai students roared.

"I'm afraid it's useless to write a watch! Those thieves are shameless people! They don't care at all!"

Zhao Mingcheng said, he hated Liangshan so much that he had studied Liangshan. How could a group of bandit-born guys be afraid of the words of a crusade?

"Let's submit a letter right now to send out troops to exterminate these thieves!"

In the end, the Tai students only came up with a solution that was not a solution.

Soon, a group of imperial students arrived outside the palace gate.

"Bai Wuyi is a scholar!"

Shi Qian shook his head as he looked at the imperial student who was shouting angrily while holding up a written form.

"Brother Shi Qian, let's get ready to take action!"

Zhang San whispered, Tokyo has been peaceful for a few days, and all the gangsters who were caught have been released. "Walk."

Shi Qian nodded.

They arrived directly at the outer city. It was noon, and the streets of the outer city were full of people sitting paralyzed.

Tokyo's recent trade has been affected. There are fewer goods on the docks, a large number of workers have lost their jobs, and Tokyo City has no way to provide them with jobs.

"Look at these people, all they need is a fire!"

Shi Qian looked at the people sitting on the street. These were uneasy factors, like dry firewood piled up in the city.

A fire broke out in Taixue.

The Imperial College was full of paper books, and the fire quickly spread, and the surrounding shops were also damaged.

"Go to the water!"

With a shout, chaos broke out in the outer city.

The people acted quickly. Instead of putting out the fire, they went to the burning shops to grab things. In the face of survival, etiquette, justice and integrity were just a joke.

The rich and powerful spend their days drinking and drinking, but the poor people are starved of food. The ugliness of human nature is vividly displayed.

The outer city was filled with riots, spreading fires, looting people, and chaotic streets, like a place of degenerate chaos.

Looting soon spread, from robbing the affected stores to smashing and looting.

Kaifeng Mansion responded quickly, and the brigade's government officials, led by Du Tou, began to suppress it.

When the people who looted saw the officials coming, they immediately dispersed.

"Bold, you dare to rob a merchant in broad daylight. You know this is a serious crime!"

Nie Chang looked at the messy streets with a livid face. If he didn't know better, he would have thought that he had just been robbed by bandits.

"En Xiang, my subordinates will take people to catch the thief!"

Several of them turned to Nie Chang and asked for orders.

"Put out the fire first!"

Although Nie Chang was angry, he still knew his priorities, and putting out the fire was the first priority right now.

The Taixue students shouting outside the palace gate knew that Taixue was on fire, and they all hurriedly ran to the outer city.

"Quickly put out the fire!"

A group of Taixue students looked at the thick smoke and remembered that they were all spinning around. Every one of them was a weak student and could not even lift water to put out the fire.

Thanks to the efforts of the Kaifeng government officials, the fire was finally put out at sunset.

The imperial students ran into the ruins looking for them, howling like ghosts.

"Go and arrest people!"

Nie Chang ordered to the blackened and exhausted captains, it's not that he didn't care about his men, but what happened today was too bad. Tomorrow he would definitely be questioned by the censor and the emperor in the court. scold.

In a small courtyard in the inner city.

"The military advisor has finished the work, and the entire street has been smashed!"

Shi Qian said to Xiao Jiasui with a smile.

"Haha, it was done well. It was enough to cause chaos in the outer city for a while!"

Xiao Jiasui smiled and said that they had moved from the outer city to the inner city in advance. According to his prediction, the outer city would soon turn into a place of chaos. By then, the court would be helpless and the inner and outer cities would be separated.

"Military advisor, should we come to the inner city as well?"

Li Si looked at Xiao Jiasui and asked, "The outer city is quite prosperous today. If we come to the inner city once, Tokyo will be completely in chaos."

"It's not the time yet, and the inner city is not like the outer city. The inner city is mostly populated by rich and powerful people. They will not participate in the turmoil. It is too dangerous for us to do anything."

Xiao Jiasui shook his head and said, it is impossible to incite the refugees to riot in the inner city.

As the fire burned down the Imperial College, rumors spread all over the sky, saying that the students harbored evil and did not practice virtue, which led to God's punishment.

This message spread very quickly, and soon after it came out many dirty things done by Tai students, such as being jealous of women in brothels, plagiarizing articles, secretly meeting young widows...

Some of these rumors were Wu Yong's work. The decision to set the fire at Taixue was decided after Wu Yong contacted Xiao Jiasui.

However, the scandals of those imperial students were not known to Wu Yong, but were revealed by officials in Tokyo who had been informed by the imperial students.

These people hate the Imperial College students deeply. The Imperial College students do not have a formal official status, so they rely on their reputation. As long as their reputation is destroyed, these people will be useless.

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