Water Margin people

Chapter 1212 A plate of loose sand

The rumors spread more and more, and the rumors became more and more violent, even overshadowing the news that the imperial college was burned and the streets were robbed.

"Have you heard? Then Zhao Zhi's students don't have children!"

"No way! Isn't it a woman's business to have children?"

"Bah, can a woman give birth to a child alone?"

"That's right, only women are to blame and not men?"

"Then Zhao Zhixue took in two concubines when he returned to Tokyo. Didn't the two concubines have no stomachaches? It's just him!"

"You are abandoning your wife who is a loser, it turns out that you are not good enough, bah, you are not a thing!"

"You blame women when you can't do it yourself. What a Chen Shimei!"


Outside Taixue, the crowd was no longer in the mood to discuss the ruins of Taixue, and directly discussed Zhao Mingcheng's personal affairs. This melon was much more interesting than the ruins.

Soon there were reports: Young Master So-and-so was henpecked, Young Master So-and-so was raising children outside, Young Master So-and-so was not good at that... In short, everyone in the Imperial College was unclean, and everyone had dirty information.

Royal palace, court.

"Please, Your Majesty, make the decision for us!"

A group of imperial students, led by Chen Dong, knelt down in the hall.

"Why are you doing this?"

Zhao Huan looked at Chen Dong and others with a tired look on his face. He was tired all night last night. After he ascended the throne, many beauties came to his harem.

"Your Majesty, the rebels first burned down the Imperial College, then incited the rioters to loot in the streets, and now they are attacking with harsh words..."

Chen Dong and others began to cry to Zhao Huan. Now rumors were flying all over the sky. All the dirty information about their imperial students was exposed, and their reputation was completely ruined.

The first thing Chen Dong and others suspected was Liangshan, because they had launched an attack on Liangshan, and they could not tolerate the popularization of education in Liangshan.

Since ancient times, knowledge can only be mastered by a few people. Even in the Song Dynasty, the literacy rate was only 10%, and literacy was a must if you wanted to squeeze into the upper class of society.

In this case, literati can be hereditary and exist in the upper class of society, just like the nine-rank Zhongzheng system in the Jin Dynasty. Literati are the nobles, and literati families are naturally high-ranking.

These things have become the consensus of the world, and all scholars are protecting the interests of the scholar community. Even if private schools and schools are opened, only a small number of students will be admitted.

The only one who is different is Sun Lei. He just runs a school. Not only is it free, but he accepts students as long as he wants to study. That’s fine. The school even teaches girls!

Nowadays, there are hundreds of thousands of students studying in the entire Qi State. How can it continue like this? If only one talent can be selected from a hundred, Sun Lei can produce thousands of talents every year.

What's going to happen if this goes on? This is no longer a fight for interests. This is directly overturning the table to eat alone, and destroying their golden rice bowls.

"It's Liangshan bandits again!"

Zhao Huan gritted his teeth and said that everything he had done since he ascended the throne was caused by Liang Shan, and Liang Shan seemed to be against him.

"Li Gang, Nie Chang, why are there Liangshan bandits in the city!"

Zhao Huan looked directly at Li Gang and Nie Chang. Li Gang was left behind in Tokyo, and Nie Chang was the governor of Kaifeng. They were responsible for such things happening in the city.

"Your Majesty, there are too many caravans coming and going in this city, and there are many people with mixed eyes. Although they are all controlled in the outer city, it is inevitable that someone will sneak in."

Nie Chang said helplessly, of course he knew that there were spies from Liangshan in the city, but he had no choice but to find out with so many people coming in and out of Tokyo every day.

"Your Majesty, it seems to me that this rumor is not only being spread by the bandits in Liangshan, but there are also people in the city who are adding fuel to the flames!"

Li Gang said in a deep voice that the matter must have been caused by Liangshan. Taixue is the holy land of literati in the world. Sun Lei opened a large school and recruited students, which was a great threat to literati.

Li Gang knew about Zhao Mingcheng's resignation, and he also knew why it happened. He had been to Liangshan, met the school, and also met Li Qingzhao. All of this was to target Liangshan's school.

Li Gang was even more aware of Sun Lei's character, which was that revenge would never be overnight. Sun Lei would not be merciful when these scholars were plotting against Qi State's schools. However, judging from the current development, Sun Lei just lit a fire, and someone in Tokyo is taking advantage of the situation to fan the flames.

No matter how powerful Sun Lei is, he is still in Liangshan. It is impossible for Sun Lei to know the little secrets of these imperial students. This is obviously done deliberately.

"Li Gang, what do you mean? You are trying to shirk responsibility!"

Immediately someone jumped out and pointed at Li Gang and shouted.

"You don't bring it upon yourself!"

Li Gang looked at that person coldly. These people were stupid enough. He just clicked and these people couldn't help but jump out.

Wu Min and Xu Churen watched everything without saying a word. They were both smart people and could naturally guess the reason. However, they both benefited from the punishment of the Six Thieves before they were promoted. Here, the Tai students made a great contribution.

"What's the noise?"

Zhao Huan shouted irritably when he saw everyone quarreling.

"Nie Chang, have you caught someone?"

Zhao Huan looked at Nie Chang and shouted, the Imperial Academy was burned, the streets were looted and smashed, and rumors spread, the Kaifeng Mansion must arrest someone.

"Back to Your Majesty, those robbing rioters caught some, and the stolen goods were recovered!"

Nie Chang spoke.

"Did the interrogation reveal anything?"

Zhao Huan looked better when he heard that the person was caught and the stolen goods were recovered.

"They are just ordinary people who want to take advantage of the chaos and grab something, nothing else."

Nie Chang replied.

"Trash, aren't these Liangshan bandits?"

Zhao Huan was a little angry. If they were just ordinary people, what was the difference between not arresting anyone?

"Your Majesty, these are really ordinary people. Nowadays, prices remain high, and many people in the outer city have exhausted their wealth..."

Nie Chang explained.

"I don't want to hear this. The thieves should be arrested!"

Zhao Huan shouted, he knew that Nie Chang's next sentence should be to open a warehouse to release grain to help the people, but how could he let the grain he finally obtained be released for free?

"Your Majesty, the outer city is full of rioters. These people are not engaged in production. They only want to eat the royal food. They should be driven out of the city!"

Someone suggested leaving work.

As soon as this statement came out, some people immediately echoed it. The stability of Tokyo is very important. The outer cities are full of impoverished people. It is strange that nothing will happen if these people gather together.

"Your Majesty, no! These are the people of the Song Dynasty. If they are driven out of the city and they have no home, they will starve to death everywhere!"

Xu Han immediately spoke to dissuade him. How could an emperor drive his people out of the city?

"You can't say that. If they were honest, why would His Majesty drive them out of the city? You have also seen it, what is the difference between their recent behavior and the thieves? How can Tokyo City tolerate the thieves?"

Tang Ke, the assistant minister of Zhongshu, said.

"Tang Shangshu, the people are suffering from high prices. If the court drives them away at this time, wouldn't it push them to Liangshan?"

Li Gang looked at Tang Ke and said.

"Huh, Li Gang, the imperial court has opened a porridge restaurant. Instead of being grateful, those people are following the trend and looting. What's the difference between them and thieves?"

Tang Ke said coldly that he insisted on driving those people out of the city.

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