Water Margin people

Chapter 1213 Chaos

"Brother Emperor, I think Tang Shangshu is right. Those rioters should either be arrested or driven out! They are also a disaster if they stay in the city!"

King Su also spoke, and they all had smiles on their faces, looking gloating about their misfortune.

Everyone knows that the result of driving away the people is to lose the people's support. Only those who win the people's support will win the world, and those who lose the people's support will only lose the world. What they want is for Zhao Huan to lose the world.

"Yes, Brother Wang, these people are afraid that they are all Liangshan bandits, and they will be driven out of the city even if they are not killed!"

King Jing and King Ji also followed suit.

Zhao Huan saw that his younger brothers had all spoken, and their faces darkened. He was a little undecided.

"Your Majesty, the people's support must not be lost!"

Wu Min said, now he, the young master, must speak.

"My lord, I second the proposal. In addition, the porridge market in the outer city can be increased from one meal to two meals a day. This should appease the people!"

Xu Churen also spoke.

Seeing that both Shaozai and Dazai disagreed with driving the people from the outer city out of the city, all the officials agreed.

This made King Su and others very angry. This rare opportunity was ruined.

After giving out porridge twice a day, the outer city finally felt a little more settled.

However, as Xiao Jiasui guessed, free entry and exit between the inner city and the outer city is no longer possible, and several city gates are strictly controlled.

Shops in the outer city have also closed, and goods have been shipped to the inner city. From the perspective of merchants, the poor in the outer city no longer have money to buy goods, and the risks of opening stores in the outer city are also increasing day by day.

"Military advisor, what should we do next?"

Shi Qian looked at Xiao Jiasui and asked.

"All that's left is to wait, something will definitely happen before the year comes!"

Xiao Jiasui smiled and said that the people were temporarily appeased, but King Su and the others would not sit still and wait for death.


"What are you doing?"

King Su and others looked at the imperial guards who were blocking him and angrily shouted.

"His Majesty's decree is that the Supreme Emperor is currently in seclusion and cannot see the princes."

The captain of the imperial guard looked at King Su and others and said.

"Humph, it's almost the Chinese New Year. We are going to pay our respects to our father. Who dares to stop us!"

King Jing Zhao Qi angrily criticized the imperial guards.

"The Emperor is currently in seclusion. The princes should wait for His Majesty to come out of seclusion!"

The guard still spoke.

"Huh, in the past, we were able to see our father in retreat. Now that the New Year is approaching, I am going to pay my respects to my father. How dare you stop me!"

King Su would not accept this trick. Seclusion was just an excuse. How could Zhao Ji be in seclusion in Genyue? Moreover, the seclusion was not a seclusion, so how could he not see anyone.

"Princes, we are also following orders!"

The captain of the Imperial Guard spoke.

"I think you want to put the Emperor under house arrest! You want to rebel!"

Empress Dowager Zheng and a group of Zhao Ji's concubines appeared, pointing at the guards and angrily scolding them.

These people are what King Su and others rely on today. This is not the first time they have come to Genyue. They have been blocked by the guards every time. Zhao Huan has made it clear that they are not allowed to see the Supreme Emperor, so today's incident happened.

As soon as Empress Dowager Zheng and others appeared, the imperial guards all knelt down and saluted. Even Emperor Zhao Huan had to salute when he saw Empress Dowager Zheng.

"I want to see the Supreme Emperor, do you dare to stop me?"

Empress Dowager Zheng walked to the door of Genyue, looked at the guards and said coldly, "The emperor is in seclusion, that's all an excuse. It's okay not to see anyone, but how can you not see them?"

"Don't dare!"

The guards lowered their heads and said that they dared to stop King Su and others, but they did not dare to stop the Queen Mother.


Empress Dowager Zheng snorted coldly and walked into Genyue. King Su and others followed proudly.

The news that the Queen Mother, King Su and others entered Gen Yue spread quickly.

However, Zhao Huan did not panic at all. He had been on the throne for some time and had eliminated the six thieves. Now the civil and military officials in the DPRK were replaced by his cronies. With military power in hand, he was not afraid of anything.

"Keep singing and dancing!"

Zhao Huan raised his wine glass and said to the singer below, what he loved most was drinking, singing and dancing.

The sound of silk and bamboo sounded, and there was a scene of singing and dancing in the palace.

In the inner city, Qin Hui's mansion. "What? Why is it suddenly out of stock?"

Qin Hui looked at the master in front of him and asked.

"Liangshan people say that our money is not of good quality and they won't trade with us!"

The master said helplessly.

"Aren't they all the latest silver coins?"

Qin Hui was greatly puzzled. In order for the transaction to go smoothly, he would tell the accountant every time he made money.

"It's the newest one. The silver has been washed with chemicals and the color is bright!"

The master said helplessly.

"You didn't ask them?"

Qin Hui looked at Zhu Bo and asked, "It has appeared once a few days ago, and now it comes again. Does this mean something?"

Qin Hui was a little worried. The business with Liangshan was the key to his promotion.

"The people in Liangshan seem to know that we dumped the goods out of town."

The Lord opened his mouth and said.


Qin Hui's voice rose a bit. This was a secret. He had been very careful, but Liang Shan still knew about it.

Qin Hui signed a contract with Liangshan. Except for grain, other goods can only be sold in Tokyo and are not allowed to be sold outside.

"Sir, they must have no evidence, otherwise the trade would have been cut off long ago!"

The boss said, Liangshan's goods are all rare items. Such things are very eye-catching wherever they appear, but they are very careful in reselling them and leaving no clues.

"That's right!"

Qin Hui felt a little more at ease now. If he didn't leave any clues, he would still have room for maneuver.

"Go and do some activities quickly, trade must continue!"

Qin Hui looked at Zhu Bo and said.

Compared to Qin Hui's anxiety, Li Gang and others were in a much worse mood.

"Li Liushou, why did you call us here today?"

Sun Li looked at Li Gang and asked. Li Gang actually called all the military attachés above the fifth rank in Tokyo. Sun Li, the third officer sitting at the front, naturally had to speak first.

"Lieutenant Sun, there was news from the palace just now that the Queen Mother took Prince Su into Gen Yue!"

Li Gang looked at Sun Li and said.


Sun Li's face froze. This was not good news. The ambitions of King Su and others were obvious. Now that they saw the Supreme Emperor, their next step was probably not to force him into the palace.

"Li stayed behind, what do you mean, Your Majesty?"

A general asked.

"The Emperor hasn't spoken yet!"

someone retorted.

The forces of the two parties have become clear, and the new emperor's faction and the old emperor's faction are at war with each other.

"What are you doing!"

Master Zhong said coldly, which instantly made the two generals dare not speak.

"Li Liushou, do you have any ideas?"

Sun Li smiled and said, the ones who spoke just now were all generals with lower ranks, and none of our officials have spoken out yet.

"I don't have any ideas, and I hope you don't have any ideas either! We are officials of the Song Dynasty. As ministers, there are some things that we cannot and cannot participate in!"

Li Gang looked at everyone and said, as long as there is no chaos in the army, everything will be easy.

"What do you think?"

Seeing that there was no word, Li Gang continued to ask.

"What Li Liushou said is beneficial. As ministers, we only need to fulfill our duties as ministers!"

Sun Li saw everyone looking at him and said with a smile.

After Sun Li's words, everyone expressed their opinions one after another, but some people always had a cold look in their eyes.

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