Water Margin people

Chapter 1214 Gao Qiu’s Visit

Sun Li left the Liushou Mansion and returned directly to the mansion without saying anything to the generals who followed him.

"A bunch of idiots, aren't they conspicuous enough? Why are you following me?"

Sun Li returned to the courtyard, patted his robes and said coldly, there were many generals outside the door who wanted to come in, but he had already been blocked by others.

"Brother-in-law, who are you angry with?"

Lehe asked with a smile.

"It's not those idiots who are trying to persuade me to participate in the struggle for imperial power. I'm not stupid. If I jump out at this time, wouldn't I be seeking death?"

Sun Li pointed outside and said.

"Haha, it seems they can't bear it anymore!"

Lehe smiled.

"No, King Su and his people have already moved the Queen Mother out. Now everyone has gone to Gen Yue. Isn't it clear that they want to fight with the emperor?"

Sun Li said.

"Brother-in-law, by going to Gen Yue so blatantly, King Su and others are forcing your team to do so!"

Lehe said, King Su and others forced their way into Genyue, which caused uproar in the city. They were forcing everyone in Tokyo to make a choice.

"On the military attache side, Li Gang and Zhong Shidao both chose neutrality. On the civilian side, Wu Min and Xu Churen were both promoted by Zhao Huan and would definitely choose Zhao Huan. There is also Kaifeng Prefecture Yin Nie Chang, who is also a member of Zhao Huan. Su The king and his people have no chance of winning!"

Sun Li said, "Almost all the middle and high-level officials in the court have changed, and King Su and others have no foundation, so what can they do to counter?"

"The key to this is you, brother-in-law!"

Lehe said with a smile, Sun Li is now the Taiwei of Sanya and holds the Tokyo Forbidden Army.

"I will not participate."

Sun Li said directly.

"Let's go drink!"

Sun Li invited Le He to go inside. Sun Li's wife had already arranged a banquet.

"Brother, when will I take action? I've been here in Tokyo for three years, how long will I have to lurk! I've already become a lieutenant!"

Sun Li pointed to the official robe on his body. This was already the pinnacle of the military attache of the Song Dynasty.

"Hey, brother-in-law, don't worry, it won't be long!"

Le He smiled and said vaguely that he did not tell Sun Li about his plan to capture Tokyo this year. After all, Sun Li had not officially entered Liangshan yet.

They pushed the cups and changed the lamps until it got dark, and Leshi helped them light the candlesticks.

"Captain, Commander Gao is here."

The housekeeper ran in and reported to Sun Li.

"Lieutenant Gao? Gao Qiu?"

Sun Li, who was holding the wine glass, was stunned. He didn't expect Gao Qiu to come.

"Brother-in-law, let me get out of the way first!"

Lehe got up and walked to the back hall.

"Please ask Lieutenant Gao to come in quickly!"

Sun Li stood up, straightened his clothes and came to the front of the hall.

"Lieutenant Gao!"

Sun Li cupped his fists and smiled at Gao Qiu who entered the hospital.

"Lieutenant Sun!"

Gao Qiu also smiled and clasped his fists at Sun Li.

"Lieutenant Gao, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Sun Li also smiled and said politely, in fact, no one in Tokyo knows what Gao Qiu is doing these days. Ever since Cai Jing and others were captured, Gao Qiu was frightened and ran into Genyue and stayed with Zhao Ji all day long. .

"Isn't that right! Hey, Taiwei Sun has a guest?"

Gao Qiu asked suspiciously when he saw the banquet on the table. Judging from the wine glasses and chopsticks, it was two people drinking together.

"Haha, the guests have just left. Madam, let's have another nice banquet on the table. I want to entertain Captain Gao!"

Sun Li shouted hahaha quickly and shouted to the back hall. Mrs. Sun came out with her maid, and soon there was a banquet.

"Lieutenant Sun is still so simple!"

Gao Qiu looked at the blue and white ceramic wine glass and said with a smile. Although he had been in Genyue, he also knew about glassware. Nowadays, all the dignitaries in Tokyo are obsessed with this. Zhao Ji even replaced all the utensils with glass. of.

"Captain Gao is laughing at this. Sun Li has just come to Tokyo. This glassware is too expensive. It's disrespectful to Commander Gao."

Sun Li looked at Gao Qiu and smiled and said, he already knew the details of glass. It was not as valuable as ceramics at all.

"No problem! Come on, have a drink!"

Gao Qiu smiled and raised his glass.

"To Lieutenant Gao!"

Sun Li also smiled and raised his glass.

Gao Qiu chatted with Sun Li politely, but Sun Li was not in a hurry, and just agreed to chat and laugh with Gao Qiu.

"Liu Taiwei, now that you are in charge of the third government office, you are in the spotlight!"

Gao Qiu looked at Sun Li and smiled.

"Captain Gao is joking. Sun Li came from a humble background and suddenly rose to a high position. Now he is walking on thin ice!"

Sun Li smiled bitterly and shook his head. He was walking on thin ice, but it was definitely not because of his sudden rise to a high position, but because of his identity as a spy. Who would have thought that the Third Lieutenant of the Song Dynasty was actually a spy for the enemy country? This is probably something that has never happened before.

"Haha, if Taiwei Sun is from a humble background, then who is Gao?"

Gao Qiu said with a smile, Sun Li was from a local military background, but he was an idle man in Tokyo.

"Captain Gao is too modest. How dare Sun Li compare himself to Commander Gao? Captain Gao is a man who lives in the late Emperor's residence. His status is noble!"

Sun Li continued to flatter.

"It turns out that Lieutenant Sun still remembers the Supreme Emperor!"

Gao Qiu's expression suddenly changed and he said in a leisurely tone.

"What did Captain Gao say? Sun Li will never forget the kindness of the Supreme Emperor!"

Sun Li knew it was time to get to the point and quickly pretended to be panicked.

"It turns out that Taiwei Sun didn't forget it. I thought that when Taiwei Sun became the Taiwei of the Third Government, he forgot about the Emperor!"

Gao Qiu looked at Sun Li and said.

"Lieutenant Gao, did the Supreme Emperor blame him? Sun Li also wanted to pay his respects to the Supreme Emperor, but His Majesty said that the Supreme Emperor was in seclusion and could not see outsiders!"

Sun Li quickly stood up, cupped his fists and said.

"Haha, it seems that Taiwei Sun still has the Emperor in his heart, that's good, that's good!"

Gao Qiu said with a smile.

"Sun Taiwei, you should know what is going on now! The Supreme Emperor originally thought that Zhao Huan was frugal and humble, so he surrendered to him! Who knew that after he ascended the throne, his wild ambitions were exposed. He first killed the important ministers of the previous dynasty, and then placed the Supreme Emperor under house arrest. There is no regard for loyalty, filial piety, etiquette and justice."

Gao Qiu looked at Sun Li and said.

"Captain Gao must be careful, that's His Majesty's business, it's not something we can discuss!"

Sun Li's face turned pale with fright, and he quickly stepped forward to cover Gao Qiu's mouth. Each of these words was enough to destroy his family.

"Lieutenant Sun, the Supreme Emperor has decided to ascend the throne again and bring peace to the world! Are you willing to follow me!"

Gao Qiu ignored Sun Li and became even more proud when he saw that Sun Li turned pale with fright. The more Sun Li behaved like this, the better he could control it.

"Lieutenant Gao, do you know what you are talking about? Sun is deaf and heard nothing today, nothing!"

Sun Li waved his hands repeatedly, as if he was frightened.

"Lieutenant Sun, this is the Emperor's decree. Do you want to resist it?"

Gao Qiu glared at Sun Li and said coldly.

"Don't dare! Don't dare! But... but Sun Li... alas..."

Sun Li hesitated and did not dare to speak.

"Sun Li, you have to know that you were just a soldier in Dengzhou back then. Without the Supreme Emperor, how would you be today?"

Gao Qiu pointed at the Taiwei robes worn by Sun Li. At first, Sun Li was only a seventh-rank military attaché in the local state capital. In just three years, he had become a second-rank Taiwei.

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