Water Margin people

Chapter 1222 Eyeliner

Chapter 1222 Eyeliner

As the New Year approaches, Liangshan City gradually turns into a sea of ​​red, with festive red lanterns hanging all over the streets.

"Quick, hang this higher!"

Wu Dalang is directing the guys at the door of his shop. Now his cake shop is famous far and wide. On this festive day, you can't check the door otherwise.

"Brother Wu, if you go further up, it will be hung on the signboard?"

The guys shouted helplessly to Wu Dalang.

"Of course it has to be hung on the signboard, otherwise how can we light up our store's signboard? From before the Chinese New Year to the Lantern Festival, King Wu can't help it in the city!"

Wu Dalang said matter-of-factly, not only his shop, but also the shops nearby had hung up lanterns, preparing to make a few days of money on the festive day.

The city's police officers also hung up colorful flags and lanterns on the streets.

“It’s so lively!”

Wu Dalang looked at the lively streets with joy. He liked the liveliness. The more lively he was, the better his business would be.

"Brother Wu, why don't you see Wu Erlang?"

A man buying cooking cakes asked Wu Dalang with a smile.

"Erlang is a general. Why are you here at the cake shop? He is capable and has to handle military affairs in the mountains! What are you doing with my brother?"

Wu Dalang looked at the man and asked.

"I just arrived in Liangshan City and heard that Wu Erlang is a good tiger hunter. Don't I want to meet him?"

The man said with a smile.

"My brother is the commander in front of the palace, not everyone can see him!"

Wu Dalang waved his hand and went into the kitchen to make pancakes.

The man couldn't find anything out, so he could only leave in silence.

"Are you leaving?"

Wu Dalang is relatively short and cannot see the situation outside the counter.

"Let's go! Brother Wu, is there any problem with that person?"

The guy asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, but it would be suspicious to ask my brother as soon as he came here!"

Wu Dalang said warily, although he could not read a word, his younger brother was now a senior official of Qi State. How could he tell ordinary people about his whereabouts? What if this is a bad guy?

"If my brother is here, even hundreds of people can't get close to him!"

Wu Dalang thought proudly again.

"No, what about my younger siblings and little Xuanxuan?"

Wu Dalang's hand that was kneading the dough suddenly stopped. His younger brother could kill a tiger with his bare hands, so he didn't need to worry. But what about his younger brother Pan Jinlian and nephew Wu Xuan? This open spear is easy to dodge and hidden arrows are difficult to guard against.

"You guys go ahead, I'm going out for something!"

Wu Dalang pulled off his apron and went out through the back door, heading straight to the government office.

Wu Dalang's appearance was so distinctive that everyone up and down Mount Liang knew that he was Wu Song's elder brother, so no one in the government office stopped him. Instead, they called him Big Brother Wu with a smile.

"Where's Zhu Fuyin? I have something important to tell him."

Wu Dalang looked at the servant of the government office and said.

"Master Fu Yin has gone out. Brother Wu is sitting and waiting for a while. I will ask someone to inform you right now!"

One of them opened his mouth and said.

"Brother Wu? But what's the matter?"

Wu Yong walked out of the side room and looked at Wu Dalang and asked.

"Brother Wu Yong? Let me tell you, today..."

When Wu Dalang saw Wu Yong, he quickly stepped forward and talked about his guess. He also knew that Wu Yong was an official appointed by Sun Lei's brother.

"So that's what happened!"

Wu Yong laughed after hearing this.

"A lot of people have come to Liangshan City recently. I'm worried that there are spies among these people. There are many family members on the mountain, so be careful!"

Wu Dalang looked at Wu Yong and said.

"Brother Wu, don't worry. This matter has been arranged for a long time. All the spies in the city are being watched! As for the family members, brother Wu, don't worry, outsiders can't get close to Liangshan!"

Wu Yong looked at Wu Dalang and said, Liangshan Bo is more useful than a moat.

"With your words, I feel relieved!"

Wu Dalang felt a lot relieved when he saw Wu Yong say this. He also secretly laughed at himself for being too timid. How could there be so many heroes in Liangshan afraid of a few cowards.

After sending Wu Dalang away, Wu Yong immediately gathered people.

"You have been keeping an eye on the spies in the city recently. If they do anything out of the ordinary, shoot them!"

Wu Yong looked at the people around him and said, as one of Tokyo's informants stationed in Liangshan, he had already checked out all the Tokyo spies, but now was not the time to take action. After arranging things, Wu Yong went to the city. He wanted to meet those in Tokyo and see if they had made any recent moves.


"You want to continue trading? Are you willing to trade with such high-quality silver?"

Zhu Fuleng looked at the Tokyo officials in front of him.

"Don't blame me, sir. The quality of the silver is our fault. It has been replaced with the best snowflake silver!"

The official opened the box and saw that it was full of silver ingots.

"How many goods do you want this time?"

Zhu Fu picked up a silver ingot and weighed it and asked.

"Of course, the more, the better. As you know, the Chinese New Year is coming soon and the demand for goods is high."

Officials accompanied by smiling faces.

"How much cargo can your little boats carry?"

Zhu Fu snorted.

"Don't worry, sir, we will try our best to find a solution!"

As soon as the official heard that there was a door, he immediately said happily.

"We in Qi will naturally not refuse anyone who has business to do. His Majesty has ordered that the New Year expenses will be too great. If you ask me to find a way to make money, I am going to take advantage of the New Year to deal with all the goods in the warehouse!"

Zhu Fu said.

"It's all...all taken care of!"

The official's eyes widened in surprise.

"What? You can't take it? Then I'll contact other caravans!"

Seeing the official's surprised look, Zhu Fu pretended to be casual and said.

"No! No need! We can take it! We can take it!"

The official said quickly.

"Then prepare the money!"

Zhu Fu nodded.

"Don't worry! The money and goods will be counted in person, I know this!"

The official left happily. He was going to Tokyo to tell Qin Hui the good news. He couldn't decide on such a large amount of goods, but he knew that Qin Hui would definitely agree. It would be money to transport these goods back.

"Then you should hurry up and ask. It's almost Chinese New Year and the workers have to take a holiday."

Zhu Fu looked at the official and said.

"That's it! That's it!"

The official bowed to Zhu Fu and left.

"A bunch of idiots!"

Seeing the official leaving happily, Zhu Fu said with disdain.

"Seal the box and transport it back to the mountain!"

Zhu Fu looked at the soldiers around him and said.

"Zhu Fuyin!"

Chai Jin came with people.

"Master Chai, what's the matter?"

Zhu Fu looked at Chai Jin and asked, Chai Jin was recently in charge of overseas trade.

"I wanted to ask you how much wine you still have!"

Chai Jin looked at Zhu Fu and asked.

"Wine? There's a lot of it in the warehouse. This stuff is being brewed all the time, and a lot of it is stored in the cellar!"

Zhu Fu replied that wine is a good commodity and can be stored for many years. It also becomes more fragrant and more valuable as it ages.

"Those natives outside the sea like to drink, and the ones we took away are all sold out! There's no need to give them good ones, just get some hard liquor, they won't taste good."

Chai Jin said with a smile.

"Wine? This is easy!"

Zhu Fu opened his mouth and said that the wine-making workshop has not stopped, and the art of wine-making has long been mastered, and no matter how much grain is available, it can be supplied.

(End of this chapter)

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