Water Margin people

Chapter 1223 No clue

Chapter 1223 No clue

New Year's Eve arrives unexpectedly.

Liangshan City was very lively, with dragon and lion dancers, opera singers, gongs, drums and firecrackers blasting. Artists from all walks of life gathered in Liangshan City for this grand event.

Sun Lei held a morning court in the palace, and there was nothing to discuss. Sun Lei didn't like having to work during the Chinese New Year, so the affairs had been settled one after another before the New Year.

After the dispersion of the dynasty, Sun Lei took a group of officials and family members on a boat trip to Liangshan.

The dragon boat took the lead, followed by warships decorated with red lanterns and flags.

When the people of Liangshan City saw the dragon boats and warships and knew that the emperor was traveling with civil and military officials, they all shouted long live.

Among the crowd, the Tokyo spies saw Sun Lei in dragon robes on the dragon boat, and also saw a group of officials wearing official robes on the official boat.

When Sun Lei heard the people shouting, he smiled and waved to them.

"You can report it to Tokyo."

The several leading spies looked at each other and were secretly happy. The scene here in Liangshan was peaceful and there was no intention of development at all.

Sun Lei was not in a hurry to leave. He just let the boat dock on the shore and held a banquet directly on the boat, which was regarded as having fun with the people.

The banquet lasted until dark.

"Your Majesty, those people have been fooled!"

Wu Yong boarded the dragon boat in a small boat and reported to Sun Lei.

"It's really troublesome. I have to act here in the middle of winter!"

Sun Lei said helplessly after hearing this.

"Let's disperse, everyone goes back!"

Sun Lei said to Ruan Xiaoer, it's getting dark and it's time for everyone to go home.

The dragon boat sailed towards Liangshan.


It was the New Year's Day, and Tokyo was also lively and joyful. Zhao Huan happily held a banquet in the palace, but only a few officials came to attend, and none of his brothers came. They went to Genyue to accompany Zhao Ji to celebrate the New Year. .

Zhao Huan didn't care at all. He had the power now and didn't care what those people thought.

In the small courtyard in the inner city, Xiao Jiasui and others also sat together with smiles to celebrate the New Year.

"Military advisor, these people in Tokyo have completely relaxed their vigilance now. Even the left-behind department under Li Gang is not as strict as before."

Shi Qian said with a smile.

"Don't underestimate Li Gang, he is not a person who will let down his guard."

Xiao Jiasui shook his head and said.

"The military advisor means that he is loose on the outside and tight on the inside? Are these all intentional?"

Lehe reacted immediately.

"Yes, he did a good job of guarding himself before. Even we have to be careful. But now is the New Year. According to the rules, it has been the Lantern Festival on the 15th. King Wu can't help it inside and outside the city. He goes in and out of the city to visit relatives and friends. It’s inevitable, so how can he keep a tight guard? Now that there are no enemies outside, he blocked everyone during the New Year. Isn’t this an outrage?”

Xiao Jiasui analyzed that Li Gang was very wary of Qi, and his sudden relaxation was problematic no matter how he looked at it.

"Fortunately, we didn't take any action, otherwise we might have been fooled!"

Zhang San said with a happy face. He was also thinking of recruiting some people to come into the city while the guards were relaxed. After all, Tokyo City is very lively with people coming and going every day.

"Actually, we can also see some clues. Although the guards at the city gate have been relaxed, the guards in the outer city have not been reduced. Strict inspections are still required when entering and exiting the inner city."

Ma Lin said.

"Li Gang is so alert, it's hard for us to take action!"

Cao Zheng said, there is not much time left before they take action, they should prepare.

"The most important thing is to seize the city gate, but now the city gate is where Li Gang has heavy troops, so we can't attack it forcefully."

Ma Lin nodded and said, Tokyo is a fortified city. If the city gate cannot be captured, thousands of troops and horses will not be able to enter. "There are more than a dozen city gates in Tokyo, as well as the Water Gate. I don't believe that Li Gang can arrange them in a monolithic manner."

Shi Qian said, all they want is to break through a city gate. As long as the gate is broken down, Tokyo will be broken.

"In the past few days, I have been paying close attention to the status of the city gate defenders and the changes in defense. Now is the New Year, and it is impossible for the army to change manpower frequently. These city gate defenders should be fixed."

Xiao Jiasui said, the military is also celebrating the New Year, and no one wants to go on duty at this time.

"Military advisor, how about I contact Sun Li? He still has some soldiers and horses. If that doesn't work, we can use force to seize the city gate."

Lehe looked at Xiao Jiasui and said that although they had some manpower, they were sneaking into the city after all and lacked weapons and armor. If they really took action, there would be no advantage at all. The combat power with or without armor was completely different.

"Okay, has Gao Qiu contacted Sun Li?"

Xiao Jiasui looked at Lehe and asked, Lehe was always in charge of Sun Li's affairs.

"After contacting me, Gao Qiu said that he would take action during this period, but he did not tell the specific day. According to the last analysis by the military advisor, I guess they will take action during the Lantern Festival!"

Lehe said that everything was as analyzed by Xiao Jiasui. Zhao Ji was preparing to hold a sacrifice during the Lantern Festival, and Zhao Huan had to come out of the palace by then.

"I heard that there was a big banquet in the palace today. Prince Su and others did not go to the palace, but went to Genyue."

Ma Lin said, this matter has spread in Tokyo, and the breakup between the Zhao brothers has been made clear.

"They can come up with such a crude plan."

Xiao Jiasui smiled and shook his head. Nowadays, all the talented civil servants choose to be neutral or side with Zhao Huan. The only people around Zhao Ji are King Su and others and a group of flatterers. What good strategies can these people have?

"Let's have a drink!"

Xiao Jiasui smiled and raised his glass, and everyone also raised their glasses.

The banquet in the palace was finally over, and Zhao Huan was satisfied and prepared to return to the harem to rest.

"His Majesty!"

Qin Hui followed.

"What's the matter?"

Zhao Huan looked at Qin Hui with a drunken look and asked.

"His Majesty……"

Qin Hui stepped forward and lowered his voice to Zhao Huan and talked about the goods from Qi State.

"Hmm? How much will this cost?"

Zhao Huan felt a little hurt when he heard that Qi State had a large amount of goods, but the price had to be increased by 30%. Didn't this mean emptying out his treasury?

"Your Majesty, you don't have to worry about selling those goods. More than half of our goods have been sold in the past few days. The remaining goods will probably be sold out in less than fifteen years..."

Qin Hui told Zhao Ji about the boom in business recently. They had stocked up on a lot of goods, but they had made a lot of money during the New Year.

Zhao Huan had already eaten the amount reported by Qin Hui. He didn't expect the goods to be so easy to sell.

"Then let them transport more!"

Zhao Huan immediately made the decision. He would not let go of the opportunity to make money. Now he finally understood how to be an emperor. That is to be rich. Being an emperor also requires a lot of money to do things. Without money, no one will do it. He does things.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Qin Hui was overjoyed. What he wanted was Zhao Huan's approval.

"What are those bandits in Liangshan doing recently?"

Zhao Huan was still a little worried and looked at Qin Hui and asked.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. Those people are celebrating the New Year. The thief has been arrogant in making money recently. I heard that he was exempted from many taxes..."

Qin Hui talked about the situation in Liangshan.

(End of this chapter)

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