Water Margin people

Chapter 1224 Freight begins

"What are you doing? Where is the official document?"

Li Gang frowned as he looked at the large group of vehicles and horses about to enter the city, and immediately asked his soldiers to stop those people.

"Li Liushou, we are from Lord Qin Hui's residence. These are the goods specially ordered by His Majesty."

The official leading the team saluted Li Gang.

"The goods ordered by His Majesty? Check it out!"

Li Gang ordered to the soldiers beside him.

The soldiers immediately swarmed over and reached out to tear off the oilcloth covering the goods to inspect the goods.

"Stop, this is the goods specially ordered by His Majesty!"

The leading official scolded the soldiers who wanted to take action and emphasized to Li Gang.

"With so many goods, how can we enter the city without checking them?"

Li Gang said with a straight face, these goods were obviously transported from Liangshan. There were so many carriages and horses, and the goods were still covered with tarpaulin, how could he safely let them enter the city.

"Li Liushou, if you insist on checking, then take out His Majesty's handwriting!"

The leading official looked at Li Gang and said.

"Handwriting? Do you have a handwriting for transporting goods into the city? As a guard in Tokyo, I have the right to inspect anything entering the city! Check!"

Li Gang gave the order directly, and the soldiers no longer hesitated after hearing the order, and opened the oilcloth and began to inspect.

There were carts of fine wine and carts of spices. After careful inspection, the soldiers found nothing.

There were many people at the gate of the city. At this time, the carriages blocking the way into the city were surrounded by people. They were amazed when they saw the wine and spices. Now that it was the New Year, the demand for wine and spices exceeded the supply.

"Okay, you can go!"

Seeing that there was nothing unusual, Li Gang waved his hand and ordered.

"Li Liushou...I will definitely report what happened today to Mr. Qin!"

The official saw Li Gang saying such words and led the team to leave. He was a junior official and did not dare to offend Li Gang, but Qin Hui was different. He was the emperor's favorite.

Li Gang didn't care. Qin Hui was now helping the emperor to make money. He was not good at commenting on whether it was good or bad, but as a stayer in Tokyo, he had to fulfill his responsibilities.

The motorcade left, the city gates were open again, and the flow of people in and out of the city became smooth again.

Li Gang returned to the tower tiredly and lay down on the chair. He was a little tired. There were too many people coming in and out of Tokyo during this time, although he had ordered to loosen the outside and tighten the inside.

However, the flow of people during the New Year Festival was really too great, and all the city gates were busy. He was worried that something would go wrong, so he kept patrolling between the various city gates.

"Li Gang is tired!"

Zhang San was hiding in the crowd and peeking at the city wall. He saw Li Gang's gray temples and tired face.

"That's right. He stays on the city wall all day, only squinting for a while in the latter part of the night, and then continues patrolling between the city gates at dawn. Let alone a scholar, even a tough guy can't stand it!"

Zhang San thought silently in his heart, he had been wandering around the outer city in the past few days, and he had seen Li Gang on more than one tower.

Li Gang, who was squinting slightly on the top of the city tower, suddenly felt something was wrong. It seemed that someone was peeping. He immediately looked around, but there were people coming in and out under the city tower. Where could he find the spying person.

"Li stayed behind, but what happened?"

Wang Zhen looked at Li Gang and asked. Li Gang's left-behind residence was recently short of people, and he was transferred to take charge of Tokyo's defense.

"I always feel like there is a pair of eyes spying on me!"

Li Gang shook his head and said.

"Those people in Liangshan are not simple. They must have spies in the city, but Tokyo has too many people, so we have no way of finding them!"

Wang Zhen glanced at the city and said. As a guard, he naturally knew what the defenders were most afraid of, but Tokyo was not an ordinary city. They could not put the entire city under martial law and then search them one by one.

"Why are there so many people at the pier?"

Li Gang glanced around, and finally his eyes fell on the Wuzhang River. There were many more ships at the dock than in the previous days, and there were also many more people.

"It's the Chinese New Year, why are there so many ships?"

Wang Zhen was also a little surprised. Logically speaking, all walks of life are on holiday during the Chinese New Year, and the same should be the case at the dock.

"No, those ships are not our style!"

Li Gang looked at it for a while, and his expression turned cold. Liangshan's shipbuilding industry was developed and its styles were unique, which was very different from those in the Song Dynasty. "Liangshan's ships!"

Wang Zhen also recognized those ships, and his expression was not good-looking.


Li Gang greeted the soldiers and went down to the city. He wanted to go to the dock to have a look.

The group of people walked to the dock, where workers at the dock were busy unloading cargo from the ship.

"Be gentle and careful, these things are precious!"

The dock steward shouted to the workers.

"Stop, where did these boats come from?"

Li Gang shouted and stopped everyone on the dock.

"Sir, what's wrong with ships bringing goods to the dock?"

The steward asked as he watched Li Gang salute.

"These ships are not our ships from the Song Dynasty!"

Li Gang pointed at Liangshan's ships and said.

"We don't have enough ships. These ships are rented and leave after unloading the cargo."

The steward said to Li Gang.

"I have given repeated orders, so ships entering Tokyo must be strictly inspected. How did these ships get in?"

Li Gang didn't listen to the explanation and scolded him directly.

"There must be paperwork! Otherwise these ships wouldn't be able to get to the dock!"

The steward was frightened by Li Gang's expression and quickly said, he is just a dock steward, responsible for unloading the goods intact, how could he know so much? However, if the ship can pass various inspections and reach the Tokyo terminal, it must have paperwork.

"What paperwork?"

Li Gang asked further.

"Imperial decree!"

At this moment, there was a rapid sound of horse hoofbeats, and Qin Hui rushed over on horseback, holding a roll of yellow satin in his hand, which was clearly an imperial edict.

"Imperial decree?"

Li Gang frowned slightly and looked at the roll of yellow satin.

"Li Liushou, I heard that you have objections to the goods from my household department? In order to avoid misunderstanding, I specially brought them for you to see!"

Qin Hui looked at Li Gang and said.

"You also allowed these ships to enter Tokyo?"

Li Gang looked at Qin Hui and asked.

"It's not me. I'm just the Minister of Household Affairs. I have no right to control this. This is what your Majesty allowed!"

Qin Hui opened the imperial edict and acted expediently. Four big characters appeared on the imperial edict.

"Easy thing to do?"

Li Gang frowned even more tightly. Can such an imperial edict be issued casually?

"Li Liushou, are you trying to resist the order?"

Seeing that Li Gang didn't respond, Qin Hui immediately raised the imperial edict.

"I want to see His Majesty!"

Li Gang left with these words. He wanted to ask the emperor why he issued such an imperial edict. Didn't he know what the situation was now?

"Humph, I don't know how to appreciate it!"

Qin Hui kept the imperial edict and put it away with a cold snort.

"Don't be idle! Keep unloading!"

Qin Hui yelled at the stewards and workers at the dock that he didn't care if Li Gang went to see the emperor, and the emperor would not have trouble with money, and he must be on his side.

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