Water Margin people

Chapter 1226 The dispute between Taizu and Taizong

"You are sophistry. You made a deal with Liangshan. It seems that you made money, but in fact you are conniving at the enemy!"

Li Gang pointed at Qin Hui and said.

"So what? Now the Song Dynasty is on my shoulders. You people can ask for money as soon as you reach out. Have you ever thought about where the money comes from? Tomorrow I will stop the business and let you all starve to death!"

Qin Hui pointed at Li Gang's nose and shouted.

Qin Hui had just taken up the post of Minister of Household Affairs, so he was not qualified to confront Li Gang, who was left behind in Tokyo.

But Qin Hui did it on purpose. He didn't want to wait any longer. He was now a popular figure around the emperor and had made great contributions to the stability of the Song Dynasty. This was the perfect time to climb up. He needed to be more arrogant for himself. Establish authority.

At this time, both of them were at the entrance of the palace. The guards and chamberlains looked over and listened to the argument between the two adults from a distance.

"On your shoulders? You are short-sighted. You only care about immediate interests and ignore the future of the country. How dare you say that the Song Dynasty is on your shoulders? If there weren't too many people like you, why would the Song Dynasty be like this?"

Li Gang looked at Qin Hui and scolded.


Qin Hui was so angry that he flew into a rage.

"I'm afraid you have forgotten that Liangshan is our great enemy of the Song Dynasty! You let Liangshan's ships enter Tokyo, do you know what will happen? If something happens to Tokyo, you will not be able to escape the blame!"

Li Gang continued to point at Qin Hui and yelled that Liangshan was too close to Tokyo, and even defending him was already physically and mentally exhausted, but people like Qin Hui didn't care at all and made the country a mess for some money.

"Humph, I am your loyal minister. We are all evildoers. Well, let me see if you, the left-behind secretary, can eat!"

Qin Hui couldn't defeat Li Gang, so he entered the palace with these words. He wanted to stop the food, grass and military pay of the left-behind department.

When Li Gang saw Qin Hui like this, he felt great hatred in his heart. The whole dynasty was full of such evil people, so how could he defend Tokyo?

"Sun Lei is not one to hold back. He hasn't made any move for so long. What on earth is he waiting for?"

Li Gang was full of doubts. He expected Sun Lei to launch an attack during the Mid-year Festival, but now there is no movement in Liangshan, and he looks like he is celebrating the New Year happily.

Li Gang walked towards the outer city hesitantly. He wanted to check the defense of the outer city again.

"My lord, I am staying behind. There is a vassal king who is about to arrive in Tokyo with his troops!"

Li Gang had just left the inner city when soldiers came on horseback to report.

"So fast?"

Li Gang put away his thoughts, and the frown on his face seemed to deepen.

“It’s really a wave of ups and downs!”

Li Gang sighed and said, the battle between the royal family is still between father and son Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan. It is really difficult for him, a foreign minister, to participate.

Li Gang came to the gate of the outer city and saw Wu Min, Xu Churen, Nie Chang, Zhong Shidao and others there.

Seeing this posture, Li Gang knew that the royal conflict was out of control.

The Song Dynasty was the only dynasty in history that had no feudal dynasties causing rebellion, but now this precedent may be broken.

"Li Liushou, let's go together!"

Wu Min looked at Li Gang and said.


Li Gang nodded. There were too many vassal kings coming to Tokyo this time, and they had to deal with them.

"Military advisor, why are they all here!"

Zhang San scratched his head for a while before Xiao Jiasui asked, "Several high-ranking officials in Tokyo have arrived today."

"Something big is going to happen. This idiot Zhao Ji has caused big trouble!"

Xiao Jiasui shook his head and took Zhang San back to the small courtyard.

"Pass this down, let our people be careful these days! Tokyo will be even more chaotic than before!"

Xiao Jiasui ordered to everyone.

"Military advisor, has something happened again?"

Li Si asked quickly. "A vassal prince has arrived. I made inquiries today and the person who came is Wu Guogong Zhao Zixi..."

Xiao Jiasui talked about what he saw at the city gate.

"Does a prince need this?"

Shi Qian was a little surprised. There were many princes in Tokyo, but none of them were so grand.

"There are some things you don't know. Although Zhao Zixi is only a prince, he is the sixth-generation grandson of Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin!"

"This is related to the inheritance of the throne of the Song Dynasty. After the death of Song Taizu, the throne passed to his brother Zhao Guangyi. From then until now, the throne has been passed down to Zhao Guangyi."

"But Zhao Kuangyin is not without heirs. He left behind two descendants, Zhao Dezhao, King of Yan Yi, and Zhao Defang, King of Qin Kanghui. These two inheritances are now Zhao Zixu, Duke of Wu, and Zhao Zixuan, King of Xiu'an."

Xiao Jiasui said.

"What the military advisor means is that not only Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan's family are competing for the throne this time, but also Taizu's lineage?"

Ma Lin reacted the fastest and immediately guessed what Xiao Jiasui meant.

"Taizu Taizong? This is more chaotic than we thought!"

Lehe said in surprise that these were beyond his cognition, but he only needed to think about it to know that it was definitely not simple.

"Then the whole Zhao family is going to fight?"

Shi Qian was also shocked. This was the dispute between the direct and collateral lines of the big family.

"Since Zhao Guangyi became brother and succeeded to the throne, this lineage has been passed down for six generations. Now that the world is in turmoil, not only the people are complaining, but the Zhao family has also been dissatisfied for a long time. Now Zhao Ji's family is in trouble, regardless of No matter what, the Zhao family loses face, so naturally Zhao Kuangyin’s group has the idea of ​​returning to orthodoxy.”

Xiao Jiasui explained that although Zhao Guangyi succeeded to the throne on the grounds of brotherhood, Zhao Kuangyin did not have no sons. Naturally, this branch was unwilling to accept it. Moreover, there were many rumors about Zhao Kuangyin's death. Although the brotherly dispute could not be confirmed, Rumors may come out of nowhere without a cause.

"Zhao Ji probably didn't expect this to happen!"

Shi Qian chuckled and said, the more chaotic the Zhao family is, the better it will be for them.

"Zhao Ji is a mediocre emperor. He only knows how to eat, drink and have fun. How can he understand this? He thought that when he summoned these vassal kings, these people would stand up for him, but he never thought that these people also had the right to inherit and could compete for the throne. of."

Lehe shook his head helplessly and said, Zhao Ji can't do anything other than be an emperor. He is proficient in eating, drinking and having fun. Even his descendants are quite prosperous in the clan.

"Military advisor, there's a situation!"

Cao Zheng walked in from outside and said.

"what's the situation?"

Everyone asked immediately.

"The emperor ordered the city to be closed!"

Cao Zheng said breathlessly.

"It was fine when we first came back!"

Zhang San said doubtfully.

"I also found out when I was just delivering goods into the city. The order was just handed down and the city gate was being closed!"

Cao Zheng pointed in the direction of the outer city and said.

"It seems that Zhao Huan has reacted!"

Xiao Jiasui said, Zhao Huan could not stop the vassal kings from coming to Tokyo in the name of worshiping their ancestors, but the soldiers would never be allowed to be brought into the city.

"But it's still during the Chinese New Year, so the city gate can't always be closed. I guess it will be opened tomorrow, but the inspections in and out of the city will be stricter."

Xiao Jiasui looked at the crowd and said, the wind will be tight recently and they need to be more careful.

"Military advisor, this is a critical moment. If this continues, our plan to capture the city gate may be affected."

Shi Qian spoke.

"It doesn't matter, if the city gate doesn't work, let's capture the water gate!"

Xiao Jiasui said with a smile.

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