Water Margin people

Chapter 1227 Prepare to take action


Everyone was stunned.

"I walked around the outer city today. Li Gang transferred Wang Zhen to help defend the city. Although the city has many gates and some loopholes, it is still difficult to capture it and ensure that our Qi army enters the city."

"But Minato is different. Neither Li Gang nor Wang Zhen paid much attention to the defense of Minato. Several Minato gates are still the same as before, and there are not many defenders."

Xiao Jiasui said.

"I see, there's Minato too!"

Everyone suddenly realized that not only Li Gang and Wang Zhen didn't expect it, but they also didn't think of walking through the water gate.

"And when these vassal kings come, Li Gang and the others will increase their troops at the city gate, but Minato will probably ignore them!"

Xiao Jiasui smiled.

The city gate was suddenly closed, which made people who were going in and out of the city very dissatisfied, and they surrounded each city gate and shouted.

But the defenders didn't care about the people's cries. The army guarded the city gate, and no one dared to approach.

Qin Hui came to the city gate with a livid face, took out the imperial edict and left the city.

Ten miles outside Tokyo.

Li Gang and others are meeting with Wu Guogong Zhao Zixi.

Zhao Zixi was looking at everyone in front of him with an unhappy expression.

"What do you mean? How dare you stop me from entering the city!"

Zhao Zixi looked at the people in front of him and scolded them.

"Mr. Wu Guo, we are here to greet you according to the order. Please enter the city lightly."

Wu Min saluted Zhao Zixi.

"The Emperor invited me to come to Tokyo. I heard that foreign enemies were surrounding me, so I led my troops to serve the King. What do you mean by blocking me here?"

Zhao Zixi ignored Wu Min and others and insisted on leading troops into the city.

"Wu Guogong, the foreign enemies have retreated and the siege of Tokyo has been lifted. I would like to ask the Duke to leave his troops and horses to stay where they are. The Duke can enter the city with his guards!"

Xu Churen said.

"Humph, it's not up to you to say that!"

Zhao Zixi also didn't give Xu Churen face.

"The imperial edict has arrived!"

A loud shout rang out in the distance, and Qin Hui was coming on horseback.

"The imperial edict said, I heard that Duke Wu traveled thousands of miles to lead troops to serve the king. I am very grateful and have specially prepared a banquet in the palace."

Qin Hui read out the imperial edict to Zhao Zixi, and did not ask Zhao Zixi to perform any grand ceremony. According to the Zhao family clan arrangement, Zhao Zixi and Zhao Ji were of the same generation, and they were considered Zhao Huan's uncles.

"Please ask Duke Wu to station the troops and horses outside the city and enter the palace for the banquet!"

Qin Hui saluted Zhao Zixi.

Although Zhao Zixi was extremely reluctant, the imperial edict had come, and he could not resist it in front of everyone.

"Stay where you are!"

After Zhao Zixi gave orders to his generals, he led a group of people and followed Qin Hui to Tokyo.

"Finally got over it!"

Wu Min breathed a sigh of relief.

"This is just the first wave! There will be more to come!"

But Xu Churen couldn't be happy. This time the Supreme Emperor Zhao Ji had caused a big trouble. All the vassal kings who came to King Qin were doing so with bad intentions.

"Li is staying here. I'm afraid Tokyo needs to be better guarded. We can't let these foreign troops enter the city!"

Wu Min looked at Li Gang and said.

"I've given the order!"

Li Gang nodded.


Sun Lei looked at the information in his hand with a smile on his face. "Great, it's really a mess! It's more messy than eight-treasure porridge!"

Sun Lei laughed. He thought it was just a fight between Zhao Ji and his family, but it turned out to be a fight between Taizu and Taizong. This was an unexpected surprise.

"Eight-treasure porridge! Eight-treasure porridge!"

The two children drooled when they heard about the eight-treasure porridge, and they hugged Sun Lei's legs to eat.

"Okay, okay, let the kitchen cook a pot of rice-treasure porridge. Let's have rice-treasure porridge for dinner!"

Sun Lei patted the two children's little heads, and the two children went to the harem happily.

Sun Lei took the information to the side hall in front.

"His Majesty!"

Wen Huanzhang led everyone to salute Sun Lei.

"You all know the situation, right?"

Sun Lei looked at everyone and asked.

"Your Majesty, Zhao Ji will be worshiping his ancestors on the Lantern Festival, and there are still five days left. In the next few days, the vassal kings will arrive one after another. I'm afraid that by then, they will not only worship their ancestors, but may also turn into forced palaces!"

Wen Huanzhang said that the intelligence in Tokyo was now much clearer with Xiao Jiasui in charge, which was of great help to them in analyzing the situation in Tokyo.

"It's time for us to set off!"

Sun Lei looked at everyone and said.

"I am willing to capture Tokyo for Your Majesty!"

Lin Chong led a group of generals to salute and invite him to fight.

"If you hadn't helped me capture it, I would have gone to this battle!"

Sun Lei shook his head.

"Your Majesty, this... I'd better wait for you to take over Tokyo!"

Lin Chong quickly said that the battle in Tokyo would not be simple. There was an army of 500,000 troops outside Tokyo, as well as the vassal king's soldiers and horses. Even if Tokyo was captured, there might be a melee. It would be a melee of millions of soldiers and horses.

The danger involved is self-evident, and as the emperor of Qi, Sun Lei is concerned about the safety of Qi and must not take risks.

"Your Majesty, I'll just wait and go!"

Yang Zhi and others also tried to dissuade him.

Sun Lei shook his head and raised his hand to signal everyone not to persuade him.

"I know you are loyal and think about me, brother, but I have to go to this battle. There are some things that can only be solved by my intervention."

Sun Lei pointed to the dragon robe on his body.

"His Majesty……"

Everyone looked at Longpao and did not persuade him.

"You are generals, and the battle will naturally depend on you, but what about after we capture Tokyo? Some people will not just surrender. If there is a melee, not to mention how difficult it is to fight, but to win, how long will it take, and how many casualties will there be? By then, the whole of Tokyo will be afraid It's going to be reduced to rubble, with corpses everywhere."

"Of course the people who died the most were civilians, and then the defenders in Tokyo. Our casualties will not be big, I know this! But have you thought about how it will end?"

"Tokyo is in ruins, and we won't be able to breathe for a few years. Whose loss do you think it is? The Zhao family's? Or ours?"

Sun Lei looked at the generals and said.

Lin Chong and others also realized that they had been preparing to seize Tokyo for a long time. Tokyo was theirs. Of course, they were the ones who suffered the most if their own things were reduced to rubble.

How much is a city of Tokyo worth? No one knows, even if other factors are excluded and only the monetary value is calculated, it is an astronomical figure. How can a golden mountain be destroyed by itself?

"So I have to go. After you capture Tokyo, I will sit in Tokyo and there won't be much resistance then!"

Sun Lei said with a smile, this is the reason why he wants to go there in person. When one emperor falls, another emperor must come up. Otherwise, it will be difficult to think without chaos if a bunch of people are vying to be the emperor.

"Your Majesty, Holy Might!"

Everyone bowed to Sun Lei, and they were all sincerely convinced.

"Let's get ready. We'll set off in batches tomorrow night!"

Sun Lei looked at everyone and ordered, as for how to send troops and how to hide, Sun Lei will not arrange these things anymore. He has done enough preliminary work, and everyone should think about these things by themselves.

After setting everything up, Sun Lei went to the harem. The children were still waiting to eat rice-treasure porridge. If they wanted to eat it, they would eat it as a family. Once he left, he would not be able to come back during the Lantern Festival.

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