Water Margin people

Chapter 1228: Putting pressure

Chapter 1228: Putting pressure

Before the Lantern Festival, the news in Tokyo became more and more serious. In the past few days, foreign enemy vassal kings came to Beijing with their troops. For a while, the Tokyo court was strangely quiet, and it was not suitable for foreign ministers to participate in royal affairs.

But the feudal lord who came to Tokyo had no scruples. He spent the whole day wandering between the palace and Mount Gen, and contacted many families of officials who had lived for generations.

The defense in Tokyo has been tightened a lot, but as the Lantern Festival is approaching, Tokyo City will hold a lantern festival as usual, and this year there will be royal ancestor worship, so there is an endless stream of people entering the city.


Li Gang looked helplessly at the crowds queuing up, but he had no choice. During the Lantern Festival, the royal family wanted to worship their ancestors, and the people wanted to go to the city to watch the lively ceremony, and he had no reason to stop it.

"Li Liushou, it will be difficult to control the security in the city like this!"

Wang Chen was very worried. There were so many people entering the city before the Lantern Festival. How about the Lantern Festival?

"Oh, I hope it's okay!"

Li Gang said helplessly that he had contacted Zhongshi Dao and asked Zhongshi Dao to lead his army to station outside Tokyo. On the one hand, he would be on guard against hidden enemies, and most importantly, he would be able to frighten the army brought by the feudal lord.

In a magnificent restaurant.

"Haha, Tokyo is better!"

"I wonder if Wu Guogong has thought about what to do?"

Someone hesitated for a moment and said, this time, in order to appease these vassal kings, Zhao Huan gave a lot of rewards, mainly fiefs.

Zhao Zixi said, he was worried that if things continued like this, the dead would forget them all.

Wu Guogong Zhao Zixi laughed and said.

"That is, Taizu conquered the world, and our descendants should guard the world! This is our ancestral heritage!"

Zhao Zicheng looked at Zhao Zixi and asked, "They are brothers. Their ancestors are from the lineage of Taizu Zhao Kuangyin. They have been in the fief for these years and have only been to Tokyo a few times. Now feeling the prosperity of Tokyo, I feel a little unbalanced for a while."

Zhao Zicheng asked again, and everyone present also looked over. Everyone present here is from the lineage of Taizu Zhao Kuangyin. As the direct descendants of the founding emperor, they should have become the direct descendants of the royal family, but Taizong's succession made them Identity becomes awkward.

"Of course we can't just throw it away! The world is in such chaos, and half of the country that Taizu conquered has been lost. As descendants, we naturally have to do something!"

Zhao Zixi nodded.

Xiu'an Xi Wang Zhao Zixian also raised his glass with a smile.

The merchants in Tokyo are also happy. The more people there are, the better business will be. Tokyo has not been so lively for a long time.

"Haha, yes, this wine tastes good, and so does the meat!"

However, the people in Tokyo did not think too much and were waiting for the arrival of the Lantern Festival with great anticipation.

"Wu Guogong, we are here this time, we can't be dismissed casually, right?"

"You also like some remote places? Are those places as good as Tokyo?"

Qin Hui didn't want to get angry with Li Gang and others at this time. His wine and spice business was really good. There were many people in the city, and the most important thing was to eat and drink. The meat made with spices was full of flavor, which was very good. Wine is a perfect match.

Everyone is a talisman and a Taoist.

"Wu Guogong, the emperor summoned us the day before yesterday and gave us some fiefdoms. I'm afraid it won't work if we don't go!"

"Of course I will stay in Tokyo with you all. We are direct descendants of Taizu. How can we stay in a remote fiefdom?"

Someone retorted.

Many of the fiefdoms awarded by Zhao Huan this time were in Guangxi Road and Dali. These places were real backcountry and smog-infested places where prisoners were exiled.

The clan members who were assigned here would definitely not be willing to do so. Those places couldn't be compared with Tokyo at all. No matter how big the fiefdom was, what's the use? Some people with high titles are unwilling to leave, but those with low titles want to leave.

The higher the title, the more they can get. I'm afraid they can also have a place in Tokyo.

But those with lower titles don't think so. They are already a branch of the clan and have little status in the clan. They are very satisfied if they can get some fiefdoms.

The two parties soon started arguing.

Zhao Zixi and Zhao Zicheng looked at each other and knew that they were not monolithic. It had been more than 150 years since Taizu, and the clan had been passed down to this day, and many people's titles were almost gone.

For these people, the purpose of coming to Tokyo this time is just for some benefits. An increase in title and fiefdom is enough for them.

"Cough cough!"

Zhao Zicheng coughed and stopped everyone's argument.

Seeing Zhao Zicheng speak out, everyone did not dare to argue anymore. They all sat down and waited for Zhao Zicheng to speak.

"Everyone, we are all descendants of Taizu and we should unite as one!"

Zhao Zicheng looked at the crowd and emphasized that they had contacted each other beforehand when they came to Tokyo this time, in order to promote the Taizu lineage.

"King Xiu'an Xi, it's not that we don't want to contribute to Taizu, but the situation is really compelling. There are hundreds of thousands of troops outside the city, and we don't bring enough people!"

Someone said with a look of helplessness that the dispute between Taizu and Taizong had lasted for more than a hundred years. Although it was not openly stated, the secret struggle was constant, and in the end it ended with the failure of their Taizu lineage.

"Who said we were going to use weapons?"

Zhao Zixi looked at everyone and smiled.

"Does Duke Wu have any good ideas?"

Everyone looked at Zhao Zixi.

"If we use weapons, lives will be lost. No matter whether we win or lose, we will be infamy! Taizong assassinated Taizu back then, and we have no evidence. Otherwise, how could they secure the throne?"

Zhao Zixi looked at the crowd and said, there are many rumors about the death of Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin. Some said that he was poisoned by his younger brother Zhao Guangyi, and some said that he was hacked to death by Zhao Guangyi. At that time, Taizu's lineage was also investigated for a long time. Unfortunately, there was no evidence, so we can only say He died suddenly of an emergency.

When everyone saw Zhao Zixi directly talking about Taizu's death, their faces were full of indignation. If Taizu hadn't died in an unexplained manner, they would all be living in Tokyo and enjoying the glory and wealth.

"We can't use weapons, but we can put pressure on them!"

Seeing that everyone's anger was aroused, Zhao Zixi continued to speak.


Everyone's faces were blank.

"Yes, Zhao Ji will hold an ancestor worship ceremony during the Lantern Festival. Let's attack then!"

Zhao Zixi looked at the crowd and said, Zhao Ji invited them to attack Zhao Huan at the ancestor worship ceremony. Zhao Huan asked them to put some pressure on the Supreme Emperor Zhao Ji at the ancestor worship ceremony so that the Supreme Emperor would not participate in state affairs.

"Making trouble at the ancestor worship ceremony?"

There were different expressions on everyone's faces. They were a little worried. The entire Zhao clan was present at the ancestor worship ceremony. It was better to force the palace with force on such an occasion, but it was also a serious crime.

"Don't worry, there are so many of us. If the law does not punish everyone, how dare they? What's more, their Taizong lineage is useless and has humiliated the country. Now that most of the country is gone, what shame do they have to criticize us? "

Zhao Zicheng looked at the crowd and said, he knew everyone was worried, but there were so many of them that they would not be afraid even if something happened.

(End of this chapter)

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