Water Margin people

Chapter 1233 Glass Lantern

"What a scene! How can there be so many flowers in this winter?"

Sun Lei looked at the majestic and gorgeous altar in front of him. The entire altar was covered with a red carpet and filled with red flags. Lanterns were hung from a brocade rope, and there were flowers all around the altar.

"There is a hot spring room in the palace, where you can grow flowers and green vegetables."

Xiao Jiasui explained.

There are already soldiers guarding the outside of the Ancestral Temple, and ordinary people are not allowed to approach.

Sun Lei just followed the onlookers and walked around outside the Ancestral Temple.

"Let's go in from here that day!"

Sun Lei finally pointed to the back of the Ancestral Temple's main hall. The square would be full of people. They couldn't have appeared from anywhere. The situation behind the Ancestral Temple was different.

"Your Majesty, I still think this is too risky!"

Xiao Jiasui looked at Sun Lei and said, Sun Lei will suddenly appear during the Zhao family's sacrifice. If the scene is not controlled well, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Commander Xiao, haven't you made all the arrangements? With Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan at your disposal, you have nothing to fear!"

Sun Lei said with a smile, as a bandit, kidnapping and extortion are his special skills. When the time comes, if you have a hostage in hand, are you afraid that the enemy will jump over the wall?

Xiao Jiasui just waited and said yes.

After seeing the Imperial Ancestral Temple, Sun Lei took everyone to wander around Tokyo again.

At the restaurant, Song Jiang smiled and poured Guo Jing a glass of wine.

"Why is General Song so polite? I can't bear it!"

Guo Jing declined with a smile.

"Chang Guo, I heard that you have the Liujia Talisman, and you only need 7777 soldiers to train it into a magic weapon, invincible in the world?"

Song Jiang looked at Guo Jing and asked with a smile.

"General Song also knows it. Yes, Xiaodao was taught by an immortal master, so he learned the Liujia Talisman!"

Guo Jing said with a smile.

"Haha, Master Guo is willing to serve the country?"

Song Jiang looked at Guo Jing and asked.

"But has the Emperor given a reply?"

Guo Jing was overjoyed when he heard this. Zhao Ji believed in Taoism and called himself Taojun Emperor.

"Master Guo has misunderstood. It is not the Supreme Emperor, but His Majesty the Emperor."

Song Jiang looked at Guo Jing and said.

"Your Majesty the Emperor!"

Guo Jing was shocked. He just asked Sun Fu, the Minister of War, to recommend him to the Supreme Emperor. He did not expect that Song Jiang came on behalf of the emperor.

"Yes, His Majesty the Emperor heard that you know the Six Armor Technique, can command magical weapons, and can defeat powerful enemies, so he wants to recruit you as a national advisor to fight for the country after the spring begins!"

Song Jiang went straight to the point.


Guo Jing was overjoyed when he heard this. "Master of the State, this is the official position he has dreamed of."

"Of course, you can follow me to attack Mian Sheng tomorrow, and His Majesty will grant you an official position during the Lantern Festival to worship ancestors!"

Song Jiang looked at Guo Jing and smiled.

"Thank you, General Song. Guo will never forget General Song's kindness!"

Guo Jing smiled and raised his glass.

"You're welcome, Mr. Guo!"

Song Jiang smiled as he watched Guo Jing raise his glass.


At the gate of Tokyo City, a group of artists are lining up to enter the city.

"Stop, where are you from?"

Wang Xin frowned and looked at the artists in front of him. These people were all playing music, playing and singing. There were dozens of people in the group. This combination was really strange. Ordinary troupes had to be paired with some performances. "General, we are artists from out of town. This is not the Lantern Festival. We want to go to the city to perform and earn some money."

The artists looked at Wang Chen and said.

"You just play and sing?"

Wang Zhen asked the soldiers to search and found that they really only brought musical instruments, and there was no problem with the evidence.

"If the general doesn't believe it, let's put on a show! Brothers, start playing!"

The leading artist greeted immediately.

Dozens of people immediately started playing and singing, and the gate of the city instantly became a place for performances. It must be said that these artists were very skilled, and the music they played had a unique charm. Everyone who came in and out was attracted to stop, and even the defenders were attracted. Look sideways.

"Stop! Go into the city!"

Wang Zhen waved his hand irritably. Now everyone is sneaking into the city, which makes him very upset. How can he defend the city under such circumstances?

"Is everything going well for everyone?"

Shi Qian smiled and looked at the artists who had successfully entered the city. These were Sun Lei's BGM players.

"Brother Shi Qian, don't worry, we haven't even registered in Tokyo, they can't find us at all!"

the artists said with a smile.

"Haha, I have arranged an inn for you, just go and stay!"

Shi Qian pointed to an inn and said, these artists cannot live with them. This is Tokyo. There are too many people around Sun Lei and it is easy to be exposed. Moreover, Sun Lei's whereabouts are top secret and cannot be told to anyone at will.

At this moment, Qin Hui rode his horse on the street and headed out of the city.

Qin Hui went all the way to the dock outside the city.

"Has all the goods arrived?"

Qin Hui looked at the steward at the dock and asked.

"Just unloaded the goods! Haven't checked yet!"

The steward looked at Qin Hui and said.

After hearing this, Qin Hui ignored the matter and led people to open the wooden boxes.

"Good good!"

Qin Hui looked at those exquisite glass lamps of various colors and laughed. These were prepared by him for the emperor. When the time comes, the emperor will be happy when these colorful glass lamps are lit.

"Go as far as the palace!"

Qin Hui ordered to the soldiers that these things should be hung up now, and he would hang them all over the palace tonight.

The goods were transported away, another ship approached the dock, and the loading and unloading of ships began again.

Not far from the dock, a large number of cargo ships were still queuing up to unload, and these cargo ships all contained Liangshan soldiers.

That night, various colored glass lanterns were hung up in the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, instantly attracting the attention of everyone in the city. This kind of lantern has never been seen before. The glass is transparent, and it is even more dazzling when illuminated. The glass lanterns are brighter than dozens of lanterns.

"I'm so impatient, I hung up so quickly!"

Sun Lei looked at the glass lanterns and smiled helplessly. Zhao Huan was really Zhao Ji's son. He was no less fun and extravagant than Zhao Ji.

"Just these lights are worth tens of millions!"

Xu Ning said helplessly, tens of millions of dollars can do a lot of things, but they are spent on these useless things.

"He's rich! After all, he ransacked the homes of six corrupt officials!"

Sun Lei said a little sourly, the Six Thieves' family fortune was huge for so many years in the officialdom, but it was a pity that it was all taken advantage of by Zhao Huan.

"Your Majesty, after the Lantern Festival, those things belong to Your Majesty!"

Xiao Jiasui said with a smile that he knew Sun Lei liked money. After the Lantern Festival, the entire Tokyo belonged to Qi State, and the money in it naturally belonged to Sun Lei.

"Let's go back, let's recharge our batteries and wait to collect the money!"

Sun Lei laughed and said, "We have finished visiting Tokyo and surveyed the terrain. Now we are waiting for the Lantern Festival."

The people who were watching didn't care that much. Looking at the various glass lanterns, they all praised Tokyo as the most prosperous city in the world.

Since the establishment of Liangshan City, Tokyo locals have felt a crisis. Tokyo seems to be no longer the number one city in the world. At least it is no longer as popular as Liangshan City in terms of population. Only the scale and heritage of Tokyo are acceptable. Now it looks like a prosperous city. Everyone in Tokyo felt relieved. (End of chapter)

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