Water Margin people

Chapter 1234: Quarrel at the Sacrifice

The Lantern Festival is here as scheduled.

The whole of Tokyo was filled with people having a lantern festival.

However, during the day, the lanterns on the streets were not lit yet. Only the Imperial Ancestral Temple in the east of the inner city was crowded with people, all waiting for the royal sacrifice.

The royal sacrifice is quite grand. Officials from the Ministry of Rites arrange it in the middle of the night. The sacrifice begins at dawn. The first thing is to sacrifice to the sky. From sunrise onwards, three animals are placed and sacrifices to the gods and Buddhas begin.

Zhao Ji is sitting on the left side of the Ancestral Temple, with King Yun, King Su, King Jing and others behind him.

Zhao Huan was sitting on the right side, but the situation behind him was a bit shabby. He had no heirs yet, so he could only find some clansmen who supported him to support the scene.

Zhao Huan looked at Zhao Ji with a smile on his face, and then at the brothers behind Zhao Ji, and felt a little angry. These people made it clear that they wanted him to make a fool of himself today.

He gritted his teeth at the thought of Zhao Kai asking him to sit behind the Supreme Emperor. Not only did he make a big sacrifice, but he also wanted the Supreme Emperor to suppress him in front of everyone. Wasn't this a clear intention to suppress him as the emperor?

Zhao Huan was naturally unwilling. He would rather fight Zhao Ji and others on the other side.

On the next level were the princes and important officials of the court, who also sat and stood separately.

The people sitting on the bottom floor are famous Confucian scholars and disciples of scholars all over the world.

After the sacrifices to the gods and Buddhas in the sky were completed, Zhao Ji tidied up his clothes and went to the stage to worship his ancestors.

Although Zhao Huan was a little unhappy, he still endured it. Zhao Ji was his father, and Zhao Ji should indeed be responsible for this ancestor worship.

Zhao Ji has long been familiar with the process of sacrificial rituals. He believes in Taoism and often organizes ritual meetings. The people who watch the ceremony are amazed by the process.

As the sacrifice came to an end, Zhao Ji cried to his ancestors, saying that the Song Dynasty was in turmoil, and there were no traitors to cause trouble, and there were foreign races outside who were eyeing him. It was so sad that the people watching were also sad.

But Zhao Ji's words put the responsibility on the current emperor Zhao Huan. It seemed that everything was Zhao Huan's responsibility and had nothing to do with him, the supreme emperor.

Zhao Huan's face was ashen. It had only been a year since he took the throne. What could he do? What does the chaos in the world have to do with him? Zhao Ji has been in power for twenty-five years. Didn't he lay the root of all the troubles?

"The Emperor Taizu is right. Now the world is in chaos. Nearly half of the land conquered by Taizu has been lost. The people are deceived by thieves. Natural disasters are happening one after another. These are all warnings from God!"

As soon as Zhao Ji finished crying, Zhao Zixuan, the king of Xiu'an, spoke. He didn't even wait for Emperor Zhao Huan to speak.

Zhao Ji and others were overjoyed when they heard this. The vassal kings were now on their side.

"King Xiu'an Xi, what do you mean by this?"

When Wu Min saw Zhao Zichen speaking, and pointing the finger directly at Emperor Zhao Huan, he immediately spoke.

"What do you mean? There have been frequent natural disasters in the past few years. Thieves from all over the world have rebelled. Foreign enemies have invaded the Central Plains. This year, there was a flood besieging the city of Tokyo. This has not happened in a thousand years. Isn't God's warning enough!"

Zhao Zicheng looked at Wu Min and said.

The people watching this incident all looked at the emperor Zhao Huan, and felt that Zhao Zicheng said that there was no problem. The continuous natural disasters and the unsatisfactory war were God's punishment for the court, and this person must be the emperor who owns the world. He can't face it. Are the people angry?

"The words of King Xiu'an Xi are wrong. Natural and man-made disasters have been going on for some years. His Majesty only ascended the throne last year and worked hard to stabilize the turbulent situation. King Xiu'an Xi should not be blinded by a leaf!"

Xu Churen looked at Zhao Zicheng and said, they must protect Emperor Zhao Huan.

"Then who does Dazai think is responsible for all this?"

Wu Guogong Zhao Zixi took the words and said.

Li Gang frowned at this. Zhao Zixi's words seemed to have a meaning. Zhao Zixi's words made many officials not sure how to answer. They were ministers, and neither Emperor Zhao Huan nor Emperor Zhao Ji could shirk the blame.

"That's all because Cai Jing and others deceived the saints and poisoned the people. Your majesty is wise and clears the world and kills the evil thieves. This is just in compliance with the destiny!"

An official said, since the emperor can't take the blame, and officials like them can't take the blame, the blame can only be given to Cai Jing and the others.

"Remembering the teachings of my ancestors, I did not kill the scholar-bureaucrats, but sent them into exile. Unexpectedly, they knew that their sins were serious and died in depression. This can be regarded as an explanation to the world."

When Zhao Huan saw this, he also stepped on the stage and spoke. He knew that today's test would be difficult. If he lost, the throne would not be secure, so he was not prepared to give in. Since he had taken the throne, he could not give it up.

When Zhao Ji saw that Zhao Huan dared to come on stage, he was furious. He was Zhao Huan's father, and Zhao Huan did not give him any face.

But before Zhao Ji could speak, the nobles spoke.

The demands of the nobles are also very simple, that is, the royal family must be responsible for the chaos in the world.

Taizu's line also took the opportunity to launch an attack, pointing the finger at the Taizong line who had been in power for many years, and detailed Taizu's achievements.

Li Gang's heart sank when he heard this. He knew that these people had finally revealed their true colors. The retired emperor and the emperor were fighting for power, Taizu's lineage wanted to take the throne, and the gentry also wanted more power.

On the top of the Taimiao main hall, Sun Lei was speechless for a while.

"To put it bluntly, it's just bullshit, just for more benefits! A bunch of selfish people!"

Sun Lei lay on the tiles at the back of the hall and listened to the words of everyone on the altar.

"Your Majesty, when will we go down?"

Shi Qian didn't want to hear this and looked at Sun Lei and asked.

"Wait until they are happy with the quarrel."

Sun Lei shook his head and said, now is not the time for the protagonist to appear.

Everyone on the altar was already noisy.

The demands of the gentry were easily met. Whether it was Zhao Ji, Zhao Huan, or the vassal kings, they all wanted to win over the gentry and get them to support them.

But the demands of Zhao Ji, Zhao Huan and the vassal princes were not easy to achieve. As Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan were direct lineage of Taizong, they were naturally unwilling to remain in the line of Taizu.

The vassal kings of Taizu's line also gave in and asked Zhao Huan to make a guarantee. If the Song Dynasty can be revived, then Taizu's line will give up. If not, the next throne will be from Taizu's line. Selected from outstanding descendants.

Zhao Ji's face was ashen. He did not expect that these vassal kings would be so bold and wanted to seize the throne from Taizong's lineage.

Zhao Huan saw that the vassal kings were aggressive and that his father and brothers were watching eagerly. He finally couldn't bear it anymore and waved his hand towards the altar.

Zhao Ji also saw this abnormality, and he pointed at the bottom of the altar.

Both of them looked at Sun Li, the Taiwei of Sanya, the official responsible for the security of the hall this time.

The vassal kings, officials, and nobles also realized that something was wrong, and they all looked at Sun Li.

Sun Li also saw everyone's gaze, but he did not react.

At this moment, a burst of suona sounded through the sky, which directly made the confused people even more stunned. Who would play the suona on such an occasion and at this time? (End of chapter)

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