Water Margin people

Chapter 1235 A shining debut

The high-pitched, bright sound of the suona resounded throughout the audience.

Immediately after the suona stopped, dozens of musicians began to play at the same time, and the grand, shocking, passionate and surging music resounded throughout the audience again.

"Who asked you to play music!"

Gao Qiu roared, and the tense atmosphere was suddenly silenced by the music. Everyone's attention was directed to the music.

The musicians seemed not to hear and continued to play.


Li Gang frowned and looked at all this. He didn't know which force arranged these musicians, but no matter which force they were, they would play music at this time.

"Li stayed behind, something seems wrong!"

Zhong Shidao looked at Li Gang and said.

"Sun Li, why don't you drive them away!"

Gao Qiu urged Sun Li, who had been silent.

Sun Li didn't even look at Gao Qiu, and the soldiers guarding him didn't receive Sun Li's order and didn't respond, just letting the musicians play.

"Drive them away quickly!"

Kaifeng Prefecture Yin Nie Chang yelled, and there were some Kaifeng Prefecture government officials present.

The government officials headed towards the musician, but suddenly a large number of strong men appeared around the musician, each holding an axe, and directly controlled the government officials.

"Axe Gang!"

Li Gangrang recognized those people. They were the Ax Gang who had been tracking them for a long time. Unexpectedly, these people appeared.


There was a burst of fireworks high in the sky.

Everyone turned around quickly. The explosion came from the Taimiao Palace.

The music continued, and Sun Lei appeared above the Taimiao Palace.

"Sun Lei!"

Li Gang shouted out loud.

"Sun Lei!"

Hearing this name, everyone became uneasy. No one expected that this rebel leader would dare to appear here in broad daylight.

"Sun Lei!"

Song Jiang and Lu Junyi, who were standing in the formation of military commanders, both had ferocious expressions on their faces, as if they were seeing life-or-death enemies.


Sun Lei pulled a paraglider and glided down amidst everyone's astonished eyes and grand music, aiming directly above the official altar.

"No, escort!"

Zhong Shidao roared, he saw that Sun Lei's target was none other than the Supreme Emperor and the Emperor.

But it was too late. When Sun Lei reached the altar, he released his paraglider and jumped onto the altar, right between Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan.

Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan were so frightened that their faces turned pale. Sun Lei was a rebel leader who would kill without batting an eye. They were so frightened that their legs were weak, but they still subconsciously wanted to run away.

"You two still want to leave?"

Sun Lei directly put his hands on the shoulders of Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan.

"Let go, Your Majesty!"

Li Gang was about to go to the altar, but Sun Lei had already captured Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan, which made him dare not act rashly.

Shi Qian also arrived at the altar. He climbed directly onto the flagpole and replaced the flag of the Song Dynasty with the flag of the Monkey King.

"Sun Li, hurry up and surround the altar!"

Gao Qiu shouted to Sun Li.

"Sun Li, do it!"

Sun Lei looked at Sun Li with a smile and ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Sun Li saluted Sun Lei, waved his hand, and ordered the soldiers to rush to the altar and control the nobles, ministers, and vassal kings.

"You...what are you doing?"

Gao Qiu looked at Sun Li in horror. He didn't know what Sun Li was doing.

"You don't understand this? You are indeed an idiot!"

Sun Li looked at Gao Qiu speechlessly. Everything had been made clear, but Gao Qiu still didn't understand the situation.

"You...are you from Sun Lei?"

Gao Qiu finally reacted and looked at Sun Li with a horrified look. He couldn't believe that the Third Lieutenant of the Song Dynasty was actually Sun Lei's undercover agent.

"Everyone, if you don't want to die, don't act rashly!"

Sun Li looked at the officials and said, now is a good time for him to make meritorious deeds, and he must not make any mistakes.

"Sun Li, the imperial court treats you well, how dare you betray the imperial court?"

Nie Chang glared at Sun Lidao.

"Hmph, if it hadn't been for His Majesty's arrangement, how could I have been promoted so quickly?"

Sun Li said with a smile that he did not rebel on the spot, but was from Liangshan from the beginning to the end.

"Sun Li, you traitor!"

All the officials were filled with righteous indignation and wanted to step forward and tear Sun Li to pieces.

"You are a bunch of dog officials, you are corrupt, pervert the law, oppress good people, and don't know how to obey the destiny."

Sun Li pushed back unceremoniously.

The people watching the ceremony were stunned. They originally wanted to watch a royal sacrifice, but they didn't expect that it turned out to be normal. In the end, the rumored Sun Lei actually fell from the sky. Everyone felt that their brains were not enough.

Li Gang looked at everything, and finally looked at the outer city. The defenders near the city wall should be able to come to support, and Sun Lei would not be able to escape by then.

But at this moment, an explosion sounded at Puli Water Gate in the outer city.

"not good!"

Zhong Shidao's expression changed drastically. The explosion meant that something had happened to Puri Minato.

"Li Gang, stop looking! It's naturally been arranged for me to come here. You don't think I'm really here alone."

Sun Lei looked at Li Gang with a smile.

"You are preparing to attack Tokyo!"

Li Gang gritted his teeth and looked at Sun Lei. He had thought about countless possibilities and various brutal battles to defend the city. He had even prepared to die on the city wall.

But what he saw in front of him shattered all his plans. Sun Lei suddenly appeared and directly controlled the entire top management of Tokyo, giving him no chance of fighting.

"Attack Tokyo? Isn't Tokyo already in my hands?"

Sun Lei exerted force with both hands, and Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan immediately grimaced in pain. Aren't the two people in front of them Tokyo?

Sun Lei couldn't help but think of the shame of Jingkang. At that time, Zhao Ji, Zhao Huan, the royal family, concubines and maids were captured, and then the Northern Song Dynasty was destroyed. It seemed no different from now.

Zhao Zixi and Zhao Zicheng were shocked at this time. They came to Tokyo this time just to fight for the interests of Taizu's lineage. They didn't expect that it would turn out like this. They came to Tokyo and fell into a trap.

"Sun Lei, don't think you are guaranteed victory. This is Tokyo, the Imperial City, you can't escape!"

An old scholar pointed at Sun Lei and yelled, that was a righteous speech.

"You can't even protect yourself, but you still have the strength to say this?"

Sun Lei glanced at the old Confucian with disdain. He didn't want to imitate Zhuge Liang and quarrel with other Confucian scholars, and he wasn't in that mood either.

"You sour people, be honest, Grandpa's ax doesn't have eyes!"

Cao Zheng directly took over Li Kui's work, rushed forward with a group of people, and put the ax directly on the necks of those old scholars.

The Confucian scholars were so frightened that their faces turned pale and they could not speak a word. Many of them even collapsed on the ground.

"What a waste! There are so many Confucian scholars but not one Fang Xiaoru!"

Sun Lei looked at the frightened gentry and Confucian scholars and said disdainfully, although Fang Xiaoru was pedantic, he still had integrity, but these Tokyo literati in front of him had no integrity. They really had the true inheritance of the Confucius family.

Sun Lei still remembered that the destruction of Tokyo city had a lot to do with this group of literati. These people surrendered quickly when they saw the Jin people, and they betrayed Zhao Ji, Zhao Huan, and a group of royal family members without hesitation. Otherwise, how could they have The Tokyo royal family was swept away in one fell swoop. (End of chapter)

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