Water Margin people

Chapter 1236 Li Ruoshui

Tokyo outer city.

"Quick, the enemy is at Puli Water Gate to the west, hurry up and support!"

Wang Zhen yelled and mobilized soldiers and horses to support Puli Shuimen. Their main army was guarding the city gate. Shuimen did not pay too much attention, and there were no enemies outside the city. They did not expect that the siege would come like this. urgent.

At this time, Ruan Xiaoer rushed directly to the water gate with a special warship. The three cannons on the bow of the ship continued to bombard the water gate. The fence of the water gate was reduced to pieces under the bombardment of the shells.

"Haha, you guys, kill them!"

Ruan Xiaoer shouted with a smile, these warships were specially built to attack cities on small rivers like this. The three cannons on the bow were also specially built, and they all fired explosive flowers. bomb.

The appearance of these ships is not conspicuous. At first glance, you might even think that they are merchant ships. This time, they arrived in Tokyo mixed in with the boarding queue.

The guard of Puli Water Gate yelled and wanted to command his soldiers to block the water gate, but a cannonball directly hit his side, and others were blown away.

The morale of the defenders instantly dropped, but these were the elites selected by Li Gang, and they still stood firm at their posts, throwing prepared rocks and debris into the river, trying to block the water gate.


With a loud roar, Cao Zheng, Sun Xin, and Mrs. Gu came to help everyone with axes.

At this time, the defenders' attention was all on the outside of the city. They didn't even think there were enemies inside the city. By the time they found out, those people had already arrived in front of them.

There were not many defenders at Puli Water Gate, and under the attack from these two sides, the defenders were quickly killed.

Ruan Xiaoer and his army have already taken control of Shuimen, and Ruan Xiaowu and Wang Dingliu have also arrived with subsequent ships.

Lin Chong disembarked with his army, and without stopping for a moment, he led his troops and horses towards the new Caos in the south.

The Song Dynasty had been operating the northern part of Tokyo for more than 150 years. The defenses on the city gates were very complete, but all the defenses were aimed at the outside of the city, and they were unprepared for the inside.


Hua Rong and Pang Wanchun led the army to the city wall from Puli Water Gate, and they advanced from the city wall with their crossbowmen.

The sound of bowstrings continued, and the Song Dynasty defenders on the city wall were shot and killed one after another.

With the combined efforts of the two armies, Xin Caomen was also captured.

With a water gate and a city gate, the army outside the city could no longer hide and rushed directly to Tokyo, preparing to enter the city.

"Lin Shangshu, I will go to the Imperial Ancestral Temple to protect His Majesty!"

Hua Rong and Pang Wanchun raised their hands to Lin Chong and led their troops to fight towards the inner city. Now that Sun Lei had too few troops around him, they were worried.

"We're going too!"

Fu Sheng and Shi Xiu also led the army towards the inner city.

"Wait for me!"

Li Kui was so anxious that he was not responsible for the destruction of the city. He kicked one of the defenders in front of him off the city.

"Are you all trash? I didn't even rush to your city gate before it was broken!"

Li Kui became angry when he looked at the defenders. These people couldn't help but beat them, which was far worse than the feudal lord.

"Don't be obsessed with fighting, quickly control the city gate and wipe out the defenders!"

Lin Chong shouted to everyone that this is a critical moment, and only by controlling Tokyo as soon as possible can Liangshan's interests be maximized.

"Kill with me!"

Tang Bin, Yang Zhi, Qin Ming, Li Yan, Shi Jin, Hao Siwen, Ma Yi, Ma Jin, Teng Kan and others all led their troops to kill each gate. Tokyo has been broken, and it is only a matter of time before it is occupied. Ancestral Temple.

The shouts of killing continued to be heard from the outer city, and everyone present turned pale. They knew that the city was broken and Tokyo was over.

"Don't panic, everyone. My Majesty, the Emperor of Qi, is a man of unparalleled kindness and kindness. Now the army is entering the city not to kill, but to overthrow the tyranny of the Song Dynasty. Please wait where you are and don't cause any misunderstanding!"

Xiao Jiasui saw that the people were in a panic and seemed ready to run away. In order to prevent chaos, he loudly comforted them.

The roads around the Imperial Ancestral Temple have been guarded by soldiers, but there are too few soldiers. If the people really disperse in a hurry, they will definitely not be able to stop them.

The people who had just been in turmoil gradually calmed down. Although the Qi State has been demonized in Tokyo, the people did not know everything. The Qi State expelled foreign enemies, taxed lightly, upheld justice, and never violated the common people... Among the people, the Qi State It has a very good reputation.

"Li Liushou, what should we do now?"

Zhong Shidao gathered a group of generals and were about to take advantage of the commotion of the people to take action. However, they did not expect that the enemy calmed the people with just a few words and did not give them a chance at all.

"I wonder what's going on outside the city!"

Li Gang was also at his wits' end. Originally, the people's riot was the best time, but at this time, the people actually chose to trust Qi State. How could the enemy break the city and the people not be afraid?

"You two, are you tired of standing?"

Sun Lei looked at Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan who were captured by him. They had some strength at first, but now they were shaking like chaff and their whole bodies were limp. If he hadn't been carrying them, they would have been like a pile of mud.

Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan were already frightened. Although it was still the middle of winter, they were sweating profusely and their dragon robes were soaked with sweat.

As soon as Sun Lei let go, Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan collapsed to the ground, sitting on the ground gasping for air.

"Don't even think about escaping, you can't escape like this!"

Sun Lei looked at the two people on the ground and smiled and said, these two father and son are considered trash, and they are considered the best among the kings of subjugation. They were kidnapped by the Jin people and sent to the north. They were kept and humiliated in captivity and they did not dare to resist or commit suicide. Such a person Sun Lei is Not worried at all.

Everything Sun Lei did was at the top of the altar, and everyone below could see it clearly.

The common people saw Sun Lei standing proudly at the top with a calm smile on his face, like a tiger looking down on his territory.

Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan were like local dogs afraid of tigers, lying on the ground, shivering, not daring to take a breath.

This strong contrast made the people feel contemptuous. They felt ashamed that their emperor actually submitted to them like a local dog. Even if he was from an ordinary family, the head of the family should have some courage.

Li Gang felt angry when he saw this. He knew that Sun Lei did this on purpose, and Sun Lei was the same way. The more he could improve his status, the Zhao family was no longer in the hearts of the people in Tokyo.

Li Gang touched the soft sword on his waist. He wanted to rush forward and subdue Sun Lei. As long as Sun Lei was captured, Tokyo would be safe, the Song Dynasty would also be safe, and even Qi could be recovered.

But Li Gang didn't dare to act rashly. He heard that Sun Lei was very skilled in martial arts. Now that the two emperors were by Sun Lei's side, Sun Lei would definitely be able to take action first. When the time came, he would have no choice but to throw in a trap, so he could only endure it. He only needed to take action once. Opportunity.

"General Zhong, wait for others to look at me and act accordingly."

Li Gang whispered to Master Zhongdao beside him.

Zhong Shidao glanced at Li Gang and understood what Li Gang meant. He nodded slightly to show that he knew that the only chance to make a comeback now was to capture Sun Lei, but the prerequisite was to ensure the safety of the two emperors.

"Traitor, how dare you do this to me, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty!"

An official was furious when he saw Sun Lei humiliating the two emperors. He took two steps forward and pointed at Sun Lei and shouted angrily.

"Finally, someone with some backbone is here. I thought the scholars raised by Zhao Song were all weaklings!"

Sun Lei looked at the official and said with a smile.

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