Water Margin people

Chapter 1238 Immortal Magic

Guo Jing also saw Song Jiang, and the two just exchanged glances before Guo Jing understood what Song Jiang meant.

"The Immortal Master has arrived and all evils have dispersed!"

Guo Jing roared, and the believers around him also roared.

As the lotus platform was carried out, Guo Jing jumped onto the lotus platform, holding Fuchen in his hand, and glared at Sun Lei on the altar.

"You are so bold and evil, you dare to do evil, I will destroy you!"

Guo Jing pointed at Sun Lei and shouted, a talisman appeared in his hand, and he threw it at Sun Lei. The talisman immediately burned.

However, Guo Jing was too far away from the altar, and the talisman burned out shortly after flying.

"I didn't expect you, a monster like you, to have some skills! Look at this immortal master's banner!"

Guo Jing pretended to be a ghost again and cast a spell on the lotus platform. The two believers below him raised two flagpoles, and the flags above them spread out loudly. They turned out to be a Daoist flag and a Buddhist flag.

Guo Jing felt that the northwest wind suddenly became stronger, and he was overjoyed. God was helping him. He was now occupying the northwest position, and taking advantage of the wind would greatly increase his power.

The common people were horrified when they saw this change. They had already turned to Sun Lei and the Qi State, but Guo Jing's sudden appearance made them shaken again. The immortal seemed to have some magic power.

"Sun Lei, you monster has not yet shown its true form!"

Song Jiang also jumped out at this time, pointed at Sun Lei and shouted, as if Sun Lei was a monster.

Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan, who were still slumped on the ground and shivering, cheered up at this time, especially Zhao Ji. He was the Daojun Emperor, and he believed in these the most.

"National Master, save me!"

Zhao Huan shouted to Guo Jing that he was going to make Guo Jing a national advisor today.

"The opportunity has come!"

Seeing the chaos, Li Gang jumped onto the altar, drew out the soft sword from his waist and killed Sun Lei.

"Have you finally taken action?"

Sun Lei chuckled, and he stepped forward suddenly, smashing the wooden planks of the altar to pieces. Then he kicked the altar, and the broken wooden planks flew directly towards Li Gang.

Li Gang didn't expect Sun Lei to be so good. You must know that this is a royal sacrifice. The wood of this altar is made of the best. It is not easy to split it with an ax, let alone one's feet.

Looking at the flying wooden boards, Li Gang swung his sword to block them, but the soft sword in his hand could not block the wooden boards at all, and he was beaten back by the wooden boards.


Zhong Shidao also led his people to rush upward at this time. Although they were bare-handed, they were still large in number. Sun Lei could not stop them no matter how powerful they were when they swarmed forward.

"elder brother!"

Shi Qian threw a hang glider from the top of the Taimiao Temple. After changing the flag, he returned to the top of the Taimiao Temple.

"You two, let me show you around Tokyo!"

Sun Lei took off the rope from his waist and tied it directly to the waists of Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan. He jumped up to grab the hang glider and tied the rope up.

At this moment, the northwest wind became stronger. Under the strong wind, the huge hang glider flew directly into the sky like a kite.

Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan didn't even react before they felt a huge force pulling them upward into the sky.

"Haha, my magic is pretty good too!"

Sun Lei looked at the people below and laughed.

"His Majesty!"

Li Gang and Taoist Master Zhong were dumbfounded. They never expected that Sun Lei would leave in this way, and even take the two emperors with him.

But no matter how anxious they were, they could only watch Sun Lei in the air and worry, and they couldn't do anything about Sun Lei in the air. The people were no longer calm at this time. One person knelt down and worshiped, and another person could fly, and even took two people to fly together. What is this if not a god?

"Sun Lei, don't run away!"

Lu Junyi was forced to retreat to the corner of the altar by Sun Li at this time. Seeing that Sun Lei was about to fly away, he roared angrily.

"go to hell!"

Sun Li shouted loudly and stabbed out the spear in his hand again.

Lu Junyi jumped away to avoid it, but at this time he noticed the small flag flag in the corner of the altar. Isn't that flagpole just a stick?

Lu Junyi quickly pushed it to the flag streamer. He stretched out his hand and pulled up the flag streamer. He pulled off the flag and got a stick in his hand.

With the stick, Lu Junyi's whole aura was different. Although the flagpole was not so easy to use, he was Lu Junyi, the Jade Unicorn of Hebei who was the best at both guns and sticks. It was enough to have the stick in his hand.

"It's almost time. I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. I'm going to the front of the battle!"

Sun Lei smiled and shouted to Li Gang, Zhong Shidao and others before controlling the hang glider and leaving.

"No! I fell into the trap again!"

Li Gang's face changed drastically when he heard Sun Lei's words. It turned out that everything Sun Lei did just now was a deception. Taking the two emperors away was Sun Lei's ultimate goal. Sun Lei wanted to use the emperor to disintegrate the army outside Tokyo.

"Yang Keshi and Han Shizhong are now in charge of the army!"

Zhong Shidao also realized Sun Lei's purpose. Sun Lei wanted to control Tokyo as soon as possible. It was not enough to control the high-ranking officials and the royal family. There were 500,000 troops outside the city, and more than 100,000 vassal kings' troops. These There are enough people to cause big trouble to Sun Lei, but if Sun Lei brings the emperor to the front of the battle, everything will be over.

"Go to the army quickly!"

Li Gang roared, they must escape while the chaos is still present.

"How dare you pretend to be a fool like you!"

Xu Ning's voice sounded. He stepped on several kneeling people and flew directly to the lotus platform. He stabbed the golden gun in his hand directly towards Guo Jing who was still "casting a spell".

"Teacher Xu..."

Guo Jing looked at Xu Ning in surprise. He recognized the person at a glance, the teacher who had caught him in the military camp to beat him with a military stick.

"Magical body protection, invulnerable!"

The believers below were all yelling as Xu Ning stabbed Guo Jing with his golden spear. Guo Jing was wearing a robe embroidered with Tai Chi diagrams. Guo Jing often said that this was a magic weapon that made him invulnerable.

"Magical body protection, invulnerable!"

Guo Jing stood on his horse and spread his hands, really trying to block the golden spear with his flesh and blood body.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Xu Ning snorted coldly. Even when death was imminent, this magician still had to pretend. Xu Ning had no idea of ​​mercy. Now he must kill all these unstable factors in the city.

The golden spear came out of the body, and blood flowed from the wound, dyeing the lotus stand red and dripping to the ground.

The kneeling believers all had their eyes wide open, unable to believe that the immortal master they believed in was actually stabbed to death by a single gunshot. At this moment their worldview was overturned, some went crazy, some cried bitterly, and some did not believe it.

"Stubborn! Kill!"

When Xu Ning saw someone rushing toward him crazily, he knew there was nothing to say to these cultists, so he gave the order directly.

The soldiers and ax gangs lurking around them all swarmed forward and killed the crazy believers on the spot.

The blood and death calmed everyone down. Immortal masters were no match for swords and axes. To resist would be to seek death.

The scene was brought under control again, and the people gathered and retreated, away from the altar.

Those nobles and officials who were still preparing to escape into the crowd were stunned for a moment, because the swordsmen had already surrounded the altar, and they would definitely be attacked with swords and axes when they went down.

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